Chereads / This immortality? Cannot be cultivated anymore! / Chapter 132 - Chapter 110 Assessment Settlement (Begging for Subscriptions and Support)_1

Chapter 132 - Chapter 110 Assessment Settlement (Begging for Subscriptions and Support)_1


In the blink of an eye, another two days had passed.

By now, the examination period had ended.

The eliminated students had already returned to the starting point in advance.

Guided by the huge voice that resounded across the entire island, those who hadn't been eliminated began to return one after another, ready for the total score settlement.

The remaining exotic beasts were left on the island, as Martial Pole Academy planned to let them breed and thrive there.

Zhao Chengzuo had deep pockets, having leased the entire island outright, clearly intending to continue using it for something in the future.

Even if not for assessments, it could later serve as a prime location for the students to hone their skills...

At that time, these exotic beasts would still play a significant role.

This is the end of Part One, download Chereads app to continue:


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