When Robert opened his eyes, the already awake members of the squad were bustling around him. Rubbing his splitting head, the mage tried to understand where he was and what was happening. Just moments ago, he had been hanging on stakes, with blood being drawn from him hourly to feed a vampire... The memory made him shudder. Horror and panic returned, making him tremble.
- Hey, u, calm down. Everything's fine now. While you were sleeping, we sorted everything out.
- W-what? - Robert said hesitantly, shielding his eyes from the bright sun as he tried to recognize the speaker. It seemed like a familiar face, but how many years had it been since he had seen anyone? He could be mistaken.
- Gods, I hate healing. Good morning, Sleeping Beauty. I'm telling you, while you were resting, I, along with Klein and Isabella, killed everyone. So relax and wake up. Whatever you saw, it was a dream. Probably a nasty one.
- A dream... All of it – was a dream? - Robert said thoughtfully. Having somewhat regained his composure, he began to analyze where this vision had started, where he was now, and who these people around him were. - A dream spanning decades...
- Sounds horrible. Here, drink this, - the girl handed the mage a bottle, and he took a sip. Instantly, his head cleared, and he felt alert, finally recognizing his comrades around him.
- What is this wonderful potion? - the mage asked, puzzled.
- Medical alcohol.
- Amazing, - Robert said with satisfaction, taking another swig from the bottle.
- Hey! Leave some! I still need to treat wounds.
Rising, the mage finally took a good look around. They were in a field; on one side, there was a forest, and on the other, the ruins of some ancient building. Glen was cursing and trying to light a fire, while Vasily sat nearby, plucking a bird he had shot. Anya was fussing with bandages, potions, and herbs, while Klein and Isabella lay on the ground, still unconscious. Klein was almost unharmed, but Isabella's wounds didn't look like they could be easily healed. Lia sat next to the dwarf and the archer, staring in fascination at the sparks Glen was striking from his flint. Robert got up and walked over to her on unsteady legs. The elf looked at the mage, and he collapsed to his knees, hugging her. The girl screamed in surprise, trying to pull away, but the man held her tightly.
- I'm so... I'm so happy you're alive... That you're all alive...
- Uh... Thanks? - the sorceress replied hesitantly. Robert finally let go of her, moving back a bit but still holding Lia by the shoulders. He looked at her with concern and asked:
- Are you okay? Is everything alright? I remember you suffered the most from the whispers and illusions... Are you alright?
- Yes, quite. Just dizzy, my head hurts, and I can't cast spells.
- Well, neither can I. So what, - Glen interrupted rudely. - I'm not crying about it. Oh, these sorcerers... Sensitive as little kids.
- Shut up, Glen, - the squad leader said unexpectedly harshly, surprising the dwarf. - You never could cast spells; you wouldn't understand. But you, Lia, how are you? Is this permanent? Do you know how to reverse it? Hang in there, we'll definitely help you!
- No, everything's fine. I'm just very, very tired and haven't recovered yet. I can't concentrate at all. But once I rest, everything will be great, hehe! If it were permanent, I'd probably hang myself. Finally, Robert exhaled calmly, although the last phrase worried him greatly. But Lia was okay, and he was glad.
- No, I understand, what you don't have any care about these two, - Anya addressed the leader, pointing to Klein and Isabella, - but you could at least ask. They also did something to save you. Helped me a bit.
- Hey, don't be like that! - Lia stood up for Robert. - He just woke up and isn't fully here yet.
The man tiredly rubbed his face. "What am I doing? And why?" he thought absently and said:
- Yes, you're right. How are they?
- Oh wow, I'm glad you asked on your own, without any help; it was so unexpected and pleasant! I've only been trying to save them for the past two days. Klein will be fine; he just needs to sleep now. Isabella... Well, she's alive. For now. That's all I can do. If Klein wakes up, he can heal her with a miracle, but I've used up all my ingredients and potions and can only rely on her regeneration. For your information, most of my ingredients are for poisons! I'm not a doctor!
- Yes, I know, Anya. Thank you. You've done well.
- And you – haven't, - Glen said suddenly, standing up. - The dream reminded me of my true purpose. Why I'm here. I almost forgot about my honor... And I waited a long time for you to wake up. So now I challenge you to a duel! To the death!
- Again?
- Yes, again! What excuse will you come up with this time!?
- None.
- What?
- Attack.
- H-hey! - Lia protested wearily, staring at the men. - Stop! Fighting to the death? Haven't you woken up yet? Hey, stop them!
Meanwhile, Robert drew his sword, and a delighted Glen grabbed his axe and shield.
- Finally, you're talking like a man, you worm!
- Yeah, yeah, - the mage responded wearily and indifferently. - Start already, let's finish quickly. I'm tired.
And Glen began. He activated the runes on his legs, propelling himself several meters into the air. Robert pointed at him with his ring and sent a [Stone Projectile] flying, but the dwarf just deflected it with his shield. When the berserker landed, a magical shockwave spread out, knocking his opponent down. The dwarf jumped at the fallen Robert and raised his axe to strike. And strike he did. Plunging the blade an inch from the mage's head, Glen threw his shield aside in fury and started beating the man with his bare hands.
- Stop! What are you doing!? - Lia screamed. - Stop, Glen!
- How! Dare! You! Bastard! - the dwarf roared in Robert's face, ignoring the elf, punching with each word. After a string of choice dwarvish curses, the berserker stopped, sitting on the unmoving Robert's chest. Catching his breath, Glen got up, gathered his gear, and resumed working on the fire, muttering to himself. Lia ran to Robert, who, lifting himself up despite the pain, asked:
- Why... didn't you finish me off?.. Glen's face twisted in disgust as he replied:
- I need a fight to restore my honor. What honor is there in killing a scum who refused to fight and only surrendered!? No, I'll wait for a proper, fair fight. However long it takes.
- I see, - Robert said, not arguing or justifying himself, allowing Lia to wipe the blood off his battered face. - So I'll have to live a little longer...
The next morning, Klein woke up. Helping Anya, he began healing Isabella. Another day passed, and she woke up too. The werewolf's regeneration, Anya's potions and first aid, and Klein's healing miracles literally pulled the girl back from the brink. Finally, the adventurers gathered around the campfire in the same field. Healed by Klein, Robert spoke:
- I'm happy we made it through this trial. It was the toughest dungeon we've ever been in. And we made it. More importantly, we suffered no losses. Everyone did well. Especially Anya, Isabella, and Klein. Thank you. If it weren't for you, we all would have died. I don't know how to repay you. Thank you. And thanks to Lia, who dealt the finishing blow. You're a great sorceress. After everyone drank to the saviors, the leader continued his speech:
- And you know... I've been analyzing what happened in my dream a lot lately...
- Forget about it, Rob, - Klein said. - It was just a dream. Whatever happened in it, it was a distorted reality created by the vampire.
- Klein's right, - Vasily confirmed. – Dreams are just dreams. No matter how terrible they are... But they're not real.
- I know, - Robert said. - It really was a twisted reality created by a monster. But the actions and decisions I made... were mine. And I made a choice unworthy of a squad leader. Because of it, in my vision, you all died. And I can't forgive myself for that.
- Oh God, Rob, enough already, - Klein rolled his eyes. - It was a dream. And we're in reality. Everything's fine. No matter what happened there.
- Not this time. Because I... understand that if something similar happened in reality, I would make the same choice again. And once again, I would put everyone at risk. So I want to make an announcement. This is our last adventure. I have to leave the squad to avoid risking all of you. So when we return home, we'll go our separate ways. I'm sorry, and I sincerely wish you all good luck.
- I see, - the paladin replied calmly. - And what will you do?
- Don't know. Perhaps I'll create a new squad, find companions, and continue killing monsters. Still, this is the little I can do...
- Oh, good, then I'm going with you! - Lia chirped cheerfully. - I'll follow you everywhere so you won't even think about running away and not telling me about all the fun stuff! Besides, my dad loves stories that include you. How could I deprive him of that joy?
- You thought you could escape from me, little man? - Glen growled menacingly, glaring at the mage. - You insulted me with that pathetic excuse for a fight where you just gave in, and now you want to run away without giving me a true battle? Ha! I'll go wherever you go. Until one of us dies. Well, until you die, that is.
- I'll join too, - Vasily added simply. - I'm just a simple village guy, I don't know much about the world, only how to shoot. So I need someone I know and trust to tell me what to do. And that's you.
- Hey, what's going on? - Robert exclaimed in surprise.
- Don't you get it? - Klein asked. - We're not just here by chance. Everyone here has gathered around you, Rob. You're our leader. You always know what to do and when to do it, you're always composed and calm, you choose the best options, and you care about the group members more than yourself. We couldn't find a better commander. We all chose you.
- But I… I told you, I made a choice that literally killed you all! And I could make it again! How can I deserve your trust after that?
- Well, I haven't seen you make that choice yet, as everything has been fine, and I hope it stays that way.
- But you don't understand, I'm not an ideal leader at all! - the mage continued, and Anya responded, rolling her eyes:
- Who is perfect in this world? Well, except for me. And maybe my mom. But don't tell her that.
- Funny, but Anya is right, - the paladin continued. - You're talking about the chance that we might find a leader better than you. But that's just a chance, and a very, very illusory one. We already have -you, and we have no reason to doubt you. Understand, Rob, you are the heart of this squad. I could leave. Anya could leave. Lia or Glen could leave, and nothing would change. The rest would keep gathering and continue. But if you leave, it's all over. The squad will fall apart. So, where you go, we go.
- I… - Robert was deeply moved, looking at the other members of his team expressing their agreement with Klein. - I'm grateful to you. And I'll do my best to make sure everything goes well...
- Well then, - Glen concluded, - bottoms up?
- Bottoms up.
After downing the remaining alcohol, the dwarf grimaced and said:
- God, what donkey piss. As soon as we get to town, I'm getting plastered.
- Well, you'd know best about the taste, - Lia giggled.
- What? I don't get it.
- Well, I haven't tasted what you're talking about, so I can't judge, hehe.
- You pointy-eared!..
Robert sat with a cup of the finest disgusting watered-down alcohol, watching his comrades bicker, and he felt at peace. "No", he decided, "I won't let you die. I'll protect you. At any cost. I won't betray you again, you won't die because of me".