Chapter 3 - Chapter 2 [EDITED]

I landed on the cove floor. Echo had wanted me to go on my first hunt all by myself with no help. As impeccable as my aim is, I don't think that is safe for me. Sephra had her doubts but eventually agreed to it, much to my disappointment. Sephra had gone off to look for something, she didn't tell anyone where or why, but all she said was that it was important.

I looked to the sky, it was a nice sunny day, which made me purr in delight. The sun feels good on my back. I murmur a practice of the song Echo had taught multiple times, each time was louder than the last as I built up confidence.

No dragon that was small enough for me to take on got attracted by my song. When I saw a big dragon approaching, I'd just stop singing, and wait for a while for the dragon to be out of distance while leaving and continue singing. It was very annoying to have to stop every few minutes.

That's when it finally came, a Terrible Terror.

The small green dragon came fluttering down and landed some ways away. I spat at it with gooey amber, directly making it snap out of its stupor and try to fly away. I let it... for a little while, before I hardened the amber which made it start to fall and finally land on its head. It died as soon as it collided with the earth. That meant I didn't really "kill" him, I mean, I spat amber at his neck but I didn't really kill him, right? 

The sun was making me sleepy. I mean, I caught something. Sephra and Echo wouldn't mind if I took a little nap...

-⃞   -⃞   -⃞   -⃞   -⃞   -⃞   -⃞   -⃞   -⃞   -⃞   -⃞   -⃞   -⃞   -⃞   -⃞   -⃞   -⃞   -⃞   -⃞   -⃞   -⃞   -⃞   -⃞   -⃞   -⃞   -⃞   -⃞   -⃞   -⃞  

The slight nudge on my wing made me open a closed eye. It was Graff.

I yawned, sitting up on my haunches, "Graff...? What are you doing here?"

"Echo told me to bring you back to the den!"

"Ah, that makes sense..." I muttered. Graff stood there, blinking. "Shouldn't we get going?"

"Ohhh! Right, come on!" He spread his small wings and started to fly away. I paused, hopping over to the Terror from earlier, picked it up, and started to follow, it was weird how Garff was better at flying at him. He may be younger (somehow) but STILL.

He took the short time it took to get home to think about what he'd do in the future. Would he meet the riders with Garff? Would he get himself a Rider? Will he just relax and seclude himself from others?

Garff landed perfectly at the entrance of the cave while I barely managed to land on my feet. Sephra sat more upright, she looked a bit sad. I assume she didn't find whatever she was going after.

"You're back, Zero, Garff. I need to talk with you."

"Huh?" I perked up, what was happening? Was something wrong? "Echo has decided to let both of you stay in your own cave connected to this one, much to my displeasure. He wants you both to be tough, to learn to live like your own dragons early. Of course, he still will interact with you, and so will I. He loves you both even if he doesn't want to admit it. I already set up a nest for you, and I trust that you both will be able to do this. You can take your catch with you, after all, you deserve it."

"Oh... Ok." I and Garff said at the same time. We both nuzzled Sephra, I'd miss her. Even if she would still visit us, and of course, we'd do the same, I'd miss her warmth and the love that seemed to emanate from her. She pointed down a tunnel with her tail, nudging us toward it.

We walked, only for a short while, to reveal a big cave with a small nest that seemed to be able to fit two hatchlings. Garff hopped over to it, flopping down and then curling up. I shuffled towards it and curled up beside him.

"Could you sing a song for me? The riders sang songs for me, it helped me calm down...Plus, you're a wayyyy better singer than me."

"Really? I'm not that good! Now...How about my favourite song that I... uh... Made up?"

"Ooh! Yes please!"

I took a deep breath. I had many favourites, but this one was the first one I remembered.

"There will come a soldier

Who carries a mighty sword

He will tear your city down, oh lei-oh lai-oh Lord

Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh Lord

He will tear your city down, oh lei-oh lai-oh Lord

'There will come a poet'

Whose weapon is His word

He will slay you with His tongue, oh lei-oh lai-oh Lord

Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh Lord

He will slay you with His tongue, oh lei-oh lai-oh Lord

There will come a ruler

Whose brow is laid in thorn

Smeared with oil like David's boy, oh lei-oh lai-oh Lord

Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh Lord

Smeared with oil like David's boy, oh lei-oh lai-oh Lord

Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh Lord

He will tear your city down, oh lei-oh lai... oh, oh.

I peeked my head up, Graff was fast asleep. I softly purred as I put my head down to sleep.


The next morning, I woke up pretty early. I yawned, stretching out my body as I stood. I wasn't hungry, thirsty or wanting to practice so early. Garff was still asleep so I couldn't even play with him.

I could sculpt. If I try hard enough I could probably match the consistency of my amber to clay pretty well. Well, I hope. 

I spat out a glob of amber, grabbed it, and started to will it to be like clay. I was starting to get a headache but then it finally started feeling like the familiar touch of clay.

I started to sculpt to my heart's content. It ended up looking like me, or the plushie my sister gave to me before this whole thing happened, but pink and slightly see-through. I made it solid, but not fully solid. I made it like a Squishy, it was soft and cool. I'm already getting attached to it.

I fell onto my back, still hugging the toy which I had now dubbed "Subby". I could tell things were going to go just fine.