Chereads / Eri's Daily Studies / Chapter 32 - A Longgg day!

Chapter 32 - A Longgg day!

| Today, we will shift angles for a little while. Let's see the average day of a 'certain teacher'. A teacher that Eri see's every day. *Eheh-Eh--Ehr!*

| Before school ~ At a crummy and small apartment...

(((Phone alarm ~ *2001 Space Ode* )))

''Urrh, ere-urck.'' She groaned as she woke.

''Aha! Where am I?!? *Looks around* Uh? Just a.. dream?'' She realized.

((Papers ruffle))

She panicked, ''-My paper notes! They're ripped... -almost fully in half! *Groans* In a twist of fate... I must have been so absent-minded, that I drifted off right in the middle of writing... ''

''Better get my day started, don't want to be laaa----Ate!!! ((Crash))'' She mumbled, as she stepped off her bed, tripping on a binder.

| Minutes later, she realized-

({(Stomach snarls)})

''Whoa~ Just a fraction>of>a>second! Did I ever get to have dinner, last night..... {Stomach cries out} Now that I think back on it, I don't think I ever did...

Righhht, I happened upon a article on something and forgot..... Darnnn... ''

| Eri specified; What you just read, the human who dozes off while she writes notes, lives in a chaotic apartment, and forgets her dinnertime-

She is Miss. Farah, Class 1-A's own quirky teacher. *Eheh-Ehheh--Ehr!*

| Later ~ Outside...

((Bicycle bell))


Frantically, she thought, 'I have no choice left, -Again, -but to pick up-a--couple-deli---sandwiches, and-economize-enough-yen for-other--needs!'

/ Her funds = 1347 Yen¥

In a flash, she decided, 'What looks good and healthy! *Spots* Aha-ha! A egg, and lettuce, --with ham sandwich. -My favorite.

-Maybe they have my cheese and-tomato ----*Pauses in shock* ((Painfully sighs))'

| F.FW>>

((Leaves store))

She dourly thought, '''It seems, they did not have both my favorite foods.. in stock again, today..... If there is actually a god up above, who controls my daily fate, And can hear me. -Hear this!

--You are a {Bleep!}'''

| Later ~ In the school hallways~

While speedwalking, she grumbled, '''-Don't be late. --Please, don't be late!'''

Nearby club girls, asked each-other, ''We need to place the poster, where it's sure to be noticed by lots of eyes.'' ''Yeah, but I don't think this spot works.''

((Footsteps turn))

Pryingly, Miss. Farah said, ''You two, is something up?''

Club girl replied, ''Um-hrm. We're not sure of a good spot for this club poster... ''

Advisedly, Miss. Farah said, ''A comment, if I can~ This poster is_ quite.. 'artistically expressive...' Maybe ifff_ you inch it closer to-that--pillar-*trails off*''

| Later at 8:02 AM.....

Calmly and impatiently, Yori asked, ''The bell rang a couple minutes ago, where is she?''

\\Awkward door sliding\\

*Uneasy binder shuffling*

With a cough, Miss. Farah calmly said, ''Forgive my lateness my dear students, I couldn't resist.. Um... ^Giving assistance^ to some other nice club girls. *Enheh-enh-hehh!*

-Now, why don't we get started on my lessons-for--today?''

| ///Everyone drops their heads in dismay...

| Late evening ~ After school closes...

Listlessly, Miss. Farah spoke with a yawn, ''I just need to buy my dinner for tonight, from the store. -Then, it's just a straight bike ride to home.''

((Door jingle))

| On her way to the check-out...

With surprise, she thought loudly, ' This magazine article---- It's a-magazine--on_ 'Japan's Puzzling Ways of Entertainment!' It seriously exists?!?

Conflicted, she thought, 'Blasts! Ergh..... If I yearn to purchase it... I won't have any-ample--funds-to walk out of here_ --with dinner-in-my--hands..... ''

| After that!

((Leaves store))

Cheerlessly, she thought, 'I guess tonight... My whole dinner will be_ this 'Tasty! Grain Protein Bar'... ''

◾ ◾ ◾

That evening, she expressed, ''It isn't tasty! -Not tasty even 1.%.!!''

| The end!

  1. Parody of the famous ''2001 Space Odyssey Theme'' ~Search it up, and anyone can hear it. 🥸
  2. In other American words, she has only 9 dollars$ on her... 😰