My day with Lucia was amazing if I say so for myself I have never had this so much fun with someone before, we truly had a great apart from her going on a shopping spree like tomorrow wasn't going to happen. Guess what all the clothes she bought I was the person carrying all of them and she was walking freely.
"Stone, why do I have to be the only one carrying all these clothes? I can't even see the way" my face blocked by the shopping bags.
"Because you are a gentleman and I'm a lady" she chuckled.
Why were ladies clothes so heavy, I didn't purchase anything yet I was the one suffering. Which world or universe was that normal if you don't mind me asking?
Afterwards we went to lunch I really have no idea what the hell I was thinking, maybe I blacked out for awhile again though it was kinda nice to treat her to lunch already we were having so much fun. So I decided to ask her what she wanted, and I say this behind her back it's a secret between me and you. Biggest mistake of my list, only if I ever had a father figure they would have told me never ever ask a woman... What she's feeling like eating, don't say I didn't warn you.
"You sure I can order anything I want?" Lucia's faced glued to the menu.
"Yeah sure, it's been a long day I'm sure you must be starving" I said with confidence, somebody kill me.
Lucia puts down her menu and looks at me with this intense look like I just made one hell of a mistake. She gives me a smirk.
The waitress came to take our orders, I seriously wouldn't be surprised if that poor girl suffered a meltdown, the way Lucia was ordering I was pretty sure even Willy Wonka's magical chocolate factory would quit right on the spot. Lucia must have order half the menu... Forgive me for my french but dang the girl can eat.
"What about you sir" the waitress asked.
"After all that are you sure there's enough food for me, too?" Lucia kicks me under the table, "ouch" I said.
The waitress gave me a smile and she went back to her job, I just hoped she'll managed all that Winnie the Pooh ordering.
Lucia and I waited for our food, I didn't order anything truthfully I was kinda scared. I was a chair away from Lucia the eating monster, I was a little bit afraid what she would do to me if I ordered anything... In my mind I couldn't help myself picture her on top of the table stuffing her face like she's possessed or something.
Our food, excuse me Lucia's food came and for a moment I think I saw her eyes glued to her food, like Pennywise the dancing clown staring at his next victim. Only difference was I'm pretty certain Lucia drooled.
"Aren't you going to order anything?" Lucia taking the first dish.
"Nope, because you are going to feed me" I said.
I'm starting to think maybe she read my mind or something because everything I was thinking about her, she actually acted it out and it was pretty funny.
"No, mine and mine alone" Lucia hovering over her food.
I have been told before that I have this kind of trait whenever I want something I show off puppy dog eyes, and it becomes hard for whoever that person is to say no. My mom said, Millie said it many people did, so I guess I wanted to see if it was true or they just said that because they loved me.
"Please!!!" I stared at her with my puppy eyes.
"Ugh fine" Lucia feeds me a slice of pie.
"Yay again" I jump up and down like a baby.
It was really nice if I'm being honest, half of the food order by Lucia most of it but not all I ate it too, how can I eat it all when Stone was in my presence. And I don't mean to gloat but Lucia came out of her chair and sat in my lap and fed me. Something tells me she enjoyed doing that.
After we were done eating and time to pay the bill, when I saw the check sheesh! Let's just say my mom is going to kill me and give birth to me all over again to reboot my life.
"Oh, is the baby all full now?" Lucia talking in a baby voice.
Oh my god I forgot about the clothes that I have to carry, to show how sneaky Stone was, you know what she did? She took all her shopping bags and placed them on the table. Stone smiled at me and walked away, leaving me to carry all of them on my own.
"You know you make a really cute baby" Lucia teased, while we walking.