The Kael Elf Kingdom, known as the "Light of Civilization" on the Northern Continent, is one of the three major Elf Kingdoms.
It is the kingdom with the largest land area, the strongest military might, and the most splendid culture and magic research on the entire Northern Continent.
On the surface, the Kael Elves seem to be the "beacon of civilization," guiding other intelligent beings and kingdoms to strive forward.
Until the fall of the Nesserite Empire, over half of the people in the north still believed this to be true.
However, Matthew knew all too well that the Kael Elves were but vampires draped in the cloak of civilization.
They sucked the resources from all races and kingdoms across the Northern Continent, allowing their own noble classes to live in extreme luxury and corruption.
Of course, unlike actual vampires, the Kael Elf Kingdom's disguise was exceptionally good.