"Sinful Goddess Tilda, who governs death and sin..."
"All those who are judge and jury, Saiyakula..."
As Melissa chanted, a fog rose on the blood-rained streets, and a substantial gate emerged, behind which appeared a figure clad in a white robe...
On the other hand, Saiyakula's descent was different, as clouds summoning the Gate of Demons tore apart, revealing a colossal golden pupil that cast its gaze upon the earth...
When the gate swung open, the Sinful Goddess Tilda embraced Melissa; the golden pupil looked towards Vivianne, a formidable power and will flowing into her body, the two deities had descended.
Anatole watched the scene, his face darkening, his plans disrupted, which was vexing to anyone. Now that a powerful foe was before him, they must join forces...
"Tilda! Saiyakula!"