Waving the maid away, Archbishop Brandon said, "You suspect Great Prince Charles?"
"Well, if it's not him, then it's Third Prince Andrew. Only they would go to all lengths to steal the factory materials. I suspect their target is not just the materials but also the magic potion formula!"
The importance of the magic potion formula far exceeded the materials themselves. Without the materials, you could slowly collect them, but without the formula, no matter how much material you had, you couldn't produce a magic potion. Of all the magic potion formulas the Church of the Three Goddesses held, Marvin knew only one, the Infatuation Flower; he hadn't gotten his hands on the others yet. But he had other formulas in his possession, all exceedingly important.
"This matter is no small thing...."
Archbishop Brandon made a decision: "Come, let's go see the Pope!"