Chereads / Mecha Battle: Why Do You Use Body to Destroy Stars? / Chapter 119 - Chapter 98: Receiving Civilization Feedback, Unlocking Permissions!_1

Chapter 119 - Chapter 98: Receiving Civilization Feedback, Unlocking Permissions!_1

A 1st Rank mecha achieving the strength of a 3rd Rank was due to the multiplicative calculations of an entire set of supercharged modules and the mecha pilot's talent, which resulted in a qualitative leap.

However, just a few days ago on Planet Blue Star, Supercharge Modules were an incredibly rare existence.

Even an SSS-class 8th Rank mecha pilot would at most have a single main mecha equipped with one Supercharge Module.

This suppressed the upper limit of all mecha pilots on Planet Blue Star.

Not to mention surpassing two ranks.

Even the Symbol of the Alliance could at most possess the strength to surpass one rank. Coupled with traits and other bonuses, they could manage to slay a 9th Rank while being an 8th Rank.

If it came to the strength of a 10th Rank, they would be instantly killed upon encounter.

Therefore, though it was a battle between two sets of "1st Rank mecha,"

the watching 8th Rank mecha pilots still found their hearts racing and were left speechless.

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