Chereads / Mecha Battle: Why Do You Use Body to Destroy Stars? / Chapter 79 - Chapter 77: Master it Within Six Days! [Please Subscribe First!]_1

Chapter 79 - Chapter 77: Master it Within Six Days! [Please Subscribe First!]_1

"Abyss difficulty is where it truly begins..."

Jiang Chen, wearing his steam mecha, walked out of the tea house while still pondering the words of the Symbol of the Alliance.

This discussion had almost entirely refreshed his worldview; it was an overload of information.

According to the Symbol of the Alliance,

only by surpassing the Abyss difficulty could Planet Blue Star secure its ticket to entry.

Didn't that mean that Planet Blue Star didn't even qualify as a beginner?

Thinking about it, that seemed right.

Since the appearance of the abyss, Planet Blue Star had only experienced a mere twenty years of time.

For a civilization, this was indeed an incredibly brief period.

There's no such thing as not qualifying at all, perhaps that's an exaggeration.

But in terms of the abyss, among the many planets and civilizations, Planet Blue Star was merely at a rudimentary stage.

There was absolutely no question about that.

This is the end of Part One, download Chereads app to continue:


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