Chereads / Mecha Battle: Why Do You Use Body to Destroy Stars? / Chapter 37 - Chapter 35: Seed of Civilization, Transcendence Bloodline_1

Chapter 37 - Chapter 35: Seed of Civilization, Transcendence Bloodline_1


The gentleman in the tailcoat originally planned to "teleport" to hurry on his way.

However, just as he pointed in a direction, he was grabbed by Jiang Chen and tucked into the crook of his arm.

Before he had a chance to speak, he felt a tremendous propulsive force.

The model Zero Mecha catapulted off, appearing to turn into a bolt of lightning, rapidly hopping across different rooftops, and in just a moment, they had reached Vanilla University several kilometers away.

When the Mecha landed back on the ground, the stone bricks of the road were crushed to pieces.

A retching sound followed.

The gentleman in the tailcoat nearly vomited out his stomach.

"When the gap in power is this great, relying solely on self-control is quite limited in effect,"

"Looking back, I could install a Bio-organic Force Field module on the Mecha, which would not only enable flight capabilities but also effectively prevent similar incidents..."

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