Chereads / Mecha Battle: Why Do You Use Body to Destroy Stars? / Chapter 95 - Chapter 87 The Era of Giant Mechas, You Are the Future!_2

Chapter 95 - Chapter 87 The Era of Giant Mechas, You Are the Future!_2

"Mine is on the cheek, a forced tattoo."

"Let's not talk about it, mine's in the armpit..."

One big shot after another started chatting, awkwardly bragging.

Jiang Chen felt a bit overwhelmed and hurried to check the Abyss Rune information.

Indeed, in addition to the initial options of [Personal Data], [Mecha Attributes], [Abyss Rune Repository], and [Age-Old Shadow],

a new option had emerged: [Civilization Authority].

Upon clicking, a wealth of information appeared before his eyes.

[Civilization: Planet Blue Star]

[Authority: One]

[Hope Bearer: Jiang Chen]

[Civilization Potential: 1]

[Civilization Traits: Deep Diver, Group Diver.]


[Deep Diver: The upper limit of descending into the abyss is raised, the higher the Civilization Potential, the deeper the descent levels.]


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