Chereads / Mecha Battle: Why Do You Use Body to Destroy Stars? / Chapter 42 - Chapter 40 Breaking Through the Adult's Limiter_1

Chapter 42 - Chapter 40 Breaking Through the Adult's Limiter_1

Jiang Chen, when triggering his Talent, could absorb all attributes and modules of the mecha.

Naturally, the [Armor Value] and [Energy Value] were no exceptions.

The former was converted into [Life Force], which allowed Jiang Chen to endure more injuries without dying.

The latter was converted into [Stamina], greatly enhancing Jiang Chen's stamina limit, making it harder for him to feel fatigued.

However, these two attributes were not displayed in a numerical form.

In past battles, it was also difficult to truly reflect their impact.

Until now…

As a transcendent ability, the Seed of Flames didn't release flames with a fixed power.

The more stamina consumed, the stronger the flames became, and the burning duration was greatly extended.

At this moment, Jiang Chen directly used up most of his stamina, forcibly unleashing a fire power that twisted the very air.

When this ball of flame struck the black colossus.

In just one or two breaths' time.

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