Chereads / Mecha Battle: Why Do You Use Body to Destroy Stars? / Chapter 191 - Chapter 137: Finally Willing to Show Your Full Strength, Aren’t You_1

Chapter 191 - Chapter 137: Finally Willing to Show Your Full Strength, Aren’t You_1

The divine prodigy Ying Tian had arranged arrays in advance that not only had spatial imprisonment effects but also possessed multiple attack methods.

They could create hundreds of high-powered attacks in a short period of time, each with a force exceeding 600,000!

Such high-frequency, high-output traps were enough to easily dismantle the defense modules of other civilization's mecha pilots, lowering their Armor Value.

Forcing them to choose retreat, so as to avoid death right there.


How could such an efficient and powerful output environment fail to break through the defenses of this red and white Mecha?!

The pilot of this Mecha even taunted them for being too weak!

Two Fire Plunderer civilization mecha pilots felt shocked and enraged in their hearts.

"Excellent defense!"

Unlike the surprise of the two Fire Plunderer mecha pilots,

This is the end of Part One, download Chereads app to continue:


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