Chereads / Mecha Battle: Why Do You Use Body to Destroy Stars? / Chapter 128 - Chapter 102: May the Flames of Passion Burn Eternally_1

Chapter 128 - Chapter 102: May the Flames of Passion Burn Eternally_1

The towering Mecha, standing over ten thousand meters tall, must have been at least an 8th Rank Mecha.

Even now, though utterly destroyed and eroded by time, the rugged outer armor was not something that these alien beasts could damage.

It became a natural shelter forcing the alien beast tide to surge through a narrow gap, where they couldn't fully exploit their numerical advantage.

Jiang Chen stood at the forefront of the gap, rapidly clearing these abyss monsters.

Even if he couldn't completely block all the alien beasts, he significantly reduced the pressure on Planet Blue Star's defense line.

This allowed Planet Blue Star's mecha pilots time to catch their breath, to withdraw from combat, and to replenish their lost energy through supply items, or to reload their weapons with ammunition.

The crumbling situation was swiftly stabilized.

"The mighty mecha pilot from olden days, even in his fall, still shelters the descendants of civilization…"

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