Chiang Xiao quickly nodded her head, then blinked her large eyes, staring at him with anticipation.
It was like she was saying, yes, yes, it's really hard to say, but I don't know what to do, do you think you could help me again, and also not ask me about it?
For some reason, Meng Xinian felt that her look was incredibly cute.
He couldn't help but cradle her face again, leaned in, and planted a heavy kiss on her lips, sighed, and said, "What am I going to do with you?"
Chiang Xiao bit her lower lip, looking pitifully at him once more.
She asked in a tiny voice, "Can you think of a way?"
"Think of what way?" he asked, amused yet exasperated, pulling her to her feet to first check on Zhao Xin and Dai Gang's condition.