"Chiang Xiaoxiao, what about the pile of sand outside the door? Your tools for prying open the door? How did you give me water? Where is the bottle?"
He was so close to her, his voice so low, low enough that even Zhao Xin and Dai Gang sleeping beside them couldn't possibly hear.
But those few words struck like thunder, blasting Chiang Xiao's entire being into disarray!
She was completely dumbfounded, just staring blankly at Meng Xinian, unable to find her voice or know how to respond.
That pile of soil and stones, piled two meters high, had covered the entire door. Now, where was the soil? Where?
The tool for prying the door, a shovel! But now, where was the shovel? Where?
The bottle with which she watered him, where was it?
Where did that bottle come from!