Wang Yi also surprised him, as she was running in third place.
He glanced at Wang Yi subconsciously once again and noticed that she was wearing a pair of sandals.
She had been called over by him on a whim and wasn't prepared, wearing her usual work attire and shoes.
Could she really run like this?
Wang Yi bit her lower lip, her face flushing red. It was clear that she was putting in a lot of effort to catch up to Xu Yiqiu.
Suddenly, she stumbled, almost falling to the ground.
Chen Yin's heart skipped a beat, and his pace slowed.
Wang Yi barely steadied herself and then desperately scrambled back to her feet.
But this was just a minor race to lighten the mood, nothing important. Was it necessary to go to such lengths?
Wang Yi gritted her teeth and persisted.
"Go for it!" Chiang Xiao had long since reached Meng Xinian's side and saw both Xu Yiqiu's predicament and Wang Yi's determination. She immediately cupped her hands around her mouth and yelled.