No matter what, the figure of Wang Yi, who, when Xu Yiqiu was being stoned by the whole world and chased around with scoldings, stood up alone to hang her paintings and buy them, was deeply etched in her mind.
And the look of deep sorrow and heavy concern in Wang Yi's eyes at that time also lingered persistently in her thoughts.
Chiang Xiao felt that if she really considered Wang Yi a good friend, then it was a favor she must help with.
Wang Yi's feelings for Chen Yin were not of the kind a young girl toys with, suffers for a while, and then casually moves on to find another romance.
Emotions in this era were far more solid and deep than those in the times to come.
Chen Yin was the lifelong calamity for Wang Yi.
Chiang Xiao still hoped she could lend her a helping hand.
No matter the outcome, having helped and tried was always better than just watching idly.