Chiang Xiao actually didn't tell him that she didn't know how to properly dig some of the herbs; she just forcefully dug them out since she relied on the Black Soil in the Space and wasn't worried about the survival of the herbs she found.
Now, one thing that bothered Chiang Xiao was that she couldn't stay in the Space at night while accompanying Meng Xinian.
There was such a clean and tidy Bamboo Hut in the Space, with a bed and just the right temperature, yet she couldn't sleep there.
Well, she had to squeeze into a marching tent.
"Don't set it up under the tree, I'm afraid there might be snakes."
"Let's set up over there," Meng Xinian pointed to a patch of grass not far away, where the terrain was slightly flat, surrounded by gentle slopes.
"I don't know how to set up a tent," Chiang Xiao looked at him and blinked her eyes.
She just wanted to be lazy; setting up tents was indeed something she wasn't good at.