Achromo was now growing older and older and he had began to get better at swordsmanship and was growing in his minds as well. He had now reached the age of ripe 12 and his father had been training with him everyday, working as his mentor all the time.
There were changes in his psychology and his philosophy. It was for the batter, or at least that's what his parents though. He had now been visiting the town more often than he was and had developed friends that were actually close to him; if they weren't the first friends he had made anyway.
He had developed love for his Lord and started learning and getting involved in his religion more and more. He had now developed a strong sense of justice. He had already known about the difference between good and bad but what improved was the judgement choices; for he did not judge anymore. It was useless to in his opinion and that was the one adopted by the philosophers of old times. It was not so common in this time now.
It was a warm evening when the father and the son stood face to face gazing at each other with something of confidence in their eyes. Rey had called Achromo at an unusual time to train at and all of the questions that he wanted to ask were reflected on his puzzled face.
"How about we learn about something new today?" his father finally replied.
Achromo replied with a nod of dedication.
"I don't think you are ready for this," he said gazing deep into the eyes that stared at the face of Rey, the eyes made completely of dedication. "Doesn't matter, you'll have to master it someday, so we will start now."
"What is it?" he asked
"We will learn about Mana." came the reply.
There was about half a minute of silence kept between them before he broke it off and started with his lesson.
Mana was a type of energy. It was developed by each and every being that live; or sometimes who have been dead. Every being had it from the moment they are born but the hard part was to master the way to amplify it and use it.
It was a hard thing to do, even for adults. If this was learned by someone, it could be used in many ways useful to the user. Thus the highest of the orders of knights had a deep mastery over this. This mastery will allow the user in battles, survival situations, and in reasonably any situations one can want. It was a powerful thing to have and the thought that each and every thing starts out with this capability was quite terrifying to think about.
But boundless is only God and Infinity, thus there are two parts to learn in order to use this mana and both of these had their limits. These two things were: Mana Nature and Mana Flow.
Mana came from the Core of the being. The core is the center of any being and that is the place that this Mana is stored. Because of this, Mana can naturally only be generated in the core of a being. This core is thus what makes the being itself, and it is the source of life for the being.
The mana of every being has limited amounts of natures it can follow. This is naturally one by birth and is mostly destined to stay one. No being has ever been seen to master two of these natures at once. Only rarely had they been seen to develop more than one nature: and this rarity means no more than 100 out of many billions of humans have developed this quality.
But then a question rises- what exactly is this nature of mana?
The Nature Of The Mana decides the element or the type of nature that the mana will hold. It will decide what the mana will be in nature and the way it is. This is, as stated, only one to the being. This nature is to be developed by the being, and unlike the mana is not bestowed at earth. This nature may be genetically provided, or it may be developed in a way the user wants it to be. The prior is more common and thus most of the time the element passed down has some sort of effect on the nature of the mana.
Then there is the second part- The Flow OF The Mana.
The flow of the mana is something unlike the nature. It was the value that decided how the mana would be amplified and used, and also many more factors that the flow of the mana is required for. The flow of the mana decides how strong the mana use will be or how weak it is. Weather it's fragile or if it's a juggernaut. All of this is decided by the flow of the mana.
This is unlike the nature of mana; it is developed by birth, just like mana itself, but it is quite the challenge to master the flow itself. Without this flow, mana would not matter at all. The one who does not know the flow of the mana; does not know the nature of it as well.
Let's get deeper into this topic of mana flow.
It is the concept that creates the way to use mana itself. It allows the user to attack with the mana, or to defend with it, to wound with mana; or to heal by it, to provide, or to take away. All of these are governed by the mana flow itself.
Mana, as stated, is only created at the core of a being. The mana is then ought to be transported to other parts of the body to be used, naturally. This is also an example of flow of flow, but this is not the sole concept of flow itself, there is much more to it. Going further, the flow transports this mana to other part of the body to allow the release of it or for the maintenance of it. This is the Direction of the Flow.
For example, mana can be transported to the fists of the user to enhance their power and then accordingly use the nature of them to power them up even more. This can cause devastating blows and charge if used in proper ways.
This first part of flow is nothing that is special. It is used the same way by every person, only some can make a unique direction for their mana flow. This is thus not a much diverse thing, nor is it special because it is developed by birth.
Now, the second part of the flow, the Quality of the Flow.
The quality of the flow is the most important. This comes to a person when they master the flow itself. When flow is mastered, it gains a quality and that is not something like the direction. It can be unique to users. In fact, it is what makes the user themselves. It is what gives specialty to a person.
It states the quality of how the flow is supposed to be used. It usually is defined as to dictate the mana. This can be a hard concept to grab, but the only thing to know about it is that it makes the mana unique and the way that it can be utilized.
Here is an example to understand it better,
A being that is given the nature of fire, which is common, they can turn this affinity to something unique by giving it a quality. One such case was Pyrological nature of mana gaining a quality was that the individual was able to bend this heat to an great extent enough to put magma from within the ground to his use. This gave his mana a new identity, they named it Volcano.
There is now much more to be learned about this mana but this has to be done by experience, for word, teachers or books are not enough to gain that knowledge.
Most of this Achromo knew as he had read many books on this subject, and a surprising amount of them were owned by his father in his room. It could defiantly be called a source of his knowledge.
Achromo had already been practicing the way of mana and he had learned much of it. It was not nearly enough to be called good, but it was something. He had not made much progress, neither did he unlock his nature but he had not given up.
He eagerly displayed his skills his father but he was not surprised at all by it. He was still a null element but it was still very impressive for his age.
"I've been practicing, you see." Achromo said.
"I know." replied his father.