Chereads / Howls and Growls / Chapter 3 - the shift

Chapter 3 - the shift

Stiles didn't know what to do he believed it was just the nightmare but as the night grew closer he couldn't itty so he found hisself at his little brothers school an hour earlier with liam at his side the puppy didn't want to stay home will he was in town... stiles past the parking lot waiting for the bell to ring...

When it finally rang he ran to the side walk and watch all the kid pour out of the two door building.. before a head full of brown and baby blue eyes met his and he could see his brother looking around before walk to him..

" where's dad or mom." He ask..

" dad is at work and your mom will be home late..." he had said as he lead his brother to the car his father gotten him it was a black jeep almost like his mother but not...

He told carl to buckle up at he was about to start the car when a woman appeared and knock on his window rolling it down he look at her...

" who are you?" She asks..

" I'm stiles grimes...Carl's older brother why." He ask.

She look to carl for a answer and when he said that he was indeed his older brother she frown and left....

When they got home he sent carl to doo. His homework as he made them a snack. He set the grill cheese on the table and look over his little brother home work before the door open and lori walk over she smile when she saw them and walk to carl...

" get your home work done..." she ask..

" look over it now to make sure it right lori" stiles answer and once he had the smaller boy fix a problem he let the boy free and look to lori..

" dad said me and liam could go out to a party we where invited to ... we wont be home until late see you in the morning lori.."

With that the two. Walk to their shared room and look for anything they would need once grabbing it then they head to Stiles jeep and head to the spot they pick out.....

when they arrives stiles could already feel the pull he look down at his phone to see the time was almost 12 it was 11:58 , looking to Liam he wave before heading to the roll of bushes they decided stiles would shift behind.

sitting on the ground and waiting we grunt in pain as the shot up his spine and the popping and snapping Bones forcibly elongate and change their shape, sometimes moving so drastically that they rupture a person's skin. From beginning to end, the transformation can take several minutes, and the end result stile stood as a wolf, 10 feet in length, has russet brown fur, dark intelligent eyes, and is very swift....

walking out from the bushes stiles look to liam who was beside a tree sitting down, when both boys eyes meet.

stiles watch the pup get up and walk toward him.

stiles was taller then the other wolf Liam shift to his humanoid wolf and they went for a run.

it was about four in the morning when the two got back to the house stiles was different his body filled out and was more feminine he had curves, his eyes match his fathers know... bright baby blue. his hair was a russet brown color and had fleckes of black in it. he was know 5'5 know and he walk to the shower and got in he wipe the mud and grass way and once he was out he dress in a shirt and got in bed.


Stiles hated this place. He looked around the never ending vast white room. He had no desire to ever be here again but still would end up here on occasion. Every few dreams or so it would happen. Most of the time Stiles would end up running and running as he tried to find a way out, even though he knew there wasn't one. Now though, with everything that happened, Stiles wasn't in the mood for this crap. With a huff he sat down on the floor. He gasped, startled when his butt hit the surface. It didn't feel like tile. Long fingered hands dropped to his sides and ran over the rough texture.

It felt like wood.

Stiles knew before he even looked down that he was sitting on the Nameton.


"That's no way to greet an old friend."

The young man looked up and saw a deathly pale version of himself looking back at him with a smirk. But it wasn't him. Stiles knew exactly who it was. Or what.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Stiles growled. "We locked your voided ass up!" The Nogistune nodded and looked down at the Go board between them and set down a white stone.

"Funny thing about the end of the world," it said looking back at Stiles. " humans need to loot and scavenge. Open things you shouldn't."

Stiles glared at the creature wearing his face. It watched him back expectantly. With a huff Stiles placed a black stone on the board. There was nothing else to do.

"So what, you're here for revenge?"

The Nogitsune huffed and placed another stone.

"I'm over 1000 years old, Stiles. I'd like to think I'm above petty things like revenge. No. I'm here to visit the only human to ever best me."

Stiles shook his head and put down another stone.

"So in addition to the world ending you're gonna add some chaos to it?"

The Nogitsune laughed and shook its head.

"End of the world, Stiles. There's enough suffering, pain, and anarchy around the world that I'm sated for the first time in my existence and could probably stay that way for another century. No I'll be around but imagine my surprise to find you and your friends in this little predicament." The creature placed another stone on the board.

"Your gloating leaves something to be desired," Stiles grumbled as they continued their game. He ignored the steam that left his mouth as he spoke. It wasn't a stretch since he'd been ignoring the frigid air for a while.

"It's not gloating. This is genuine concern."

Stiles looked at him critically. It would do no good to show his emotions as the creature could read him like a book.

"Why would you have any concern for me when all you wanted to do was kill me," he nearly spat at the spirit. The Nogitsune smirked and gestured down to the board. Impatiently, Stiles placed another stone. He was so so close to flipping the damn thing over but he knew this was a tit for tat situation. As long as he played the game he would get answers. Truth be told though he'd rather do this crap with Hannibal Lector. At least with that guy he knew where he stood.

"That was to win a game. That's beside the point. No one has ever survived being possessed by me. Ever. That makes you special, Stiles. That keeps us connected. With that connection comes..." Another white stone was placed on the board. "...benefits."

Stiles narrowed his eyes and slowly placed a stone down.

"The dead... They are your prey." Another white stone down. Stiles gave the creature a disgusted look that only seemed to amuse the spirit.

"You're talking about those zombies? I'm supposed to eat them?"

Black stone.

"No. You are their destroyer. The world is about balance. And you will be the bringer of that balance."

"Stop with your riddles. Talk plainly, you stupid fox!"

White stone.

"Think of the dead as dust. You are the broom."

Black stone.

"Dust? DUST!" Stiles snapped. "Most of my friends are dead. Malia. Dead."

Black stone.


Black stone.


Black stone.


Black stone.


Black stone.


Black stone.

Black stone.

Black stone.

Black stone.

Finally, the memories of the dead overwhelmed the young man and it was too much. He flipped the board and got in the creature's face, glaring straight into the spirit's eyes.

"They're all gone. I watched them die then come back and kill others and this is all a game to you. A buffet!" The whole time the Nogitsune seemed impassive in the face of Stiles fury. The pair stared at each other.

"You never noticed did you?" The creature tilted its head a fraction to the side.

"Noticed what?" Stiles huffed as he sat back.

"The dead never went near you. They never noticed you. Didn't you ever wonder why?"

"I was surrounded by werewolves. It was pretty hard to get to me."

The Nogitsune smirked.

"You're a smart guy, Stiles. I'll let you figure it out. For now I'll leave you with this. A new riddle."

"Not this shit again!" Stiles ran a hand though his hair in frustration. Talking to this guy made him want to rip his hair out.

The spirit nodded in mock sympathy.

"Strength, speed, and determination. None of that matters. In the end It always wins. What is It?"


The spirit got to its feet and stared down at Stiles completely face blank.

"In the end It always wins." The Nogitsune stepped down from the Nameton and began walking away. "What is It?"

"What the hell are you...."

A loud boom shook the room almost making Stiles fall off the stump. The spirit continued to walk away. Dark mist began to fill the room with each step the Nogitsune took.

"Strength, speed, and determination. None of that matters. In the end It always wins. What is It?"

"Get back here!" Stiles stepped off the stump and almost slipped. He looked down and saw all the Go stones. They were arranged in the shape of wings.


Stiles' head shot up and his eyes widened.

"Liam? Liam!" he screamed

desperately. The creature spoke again and its voice was loud and clear above the chaos around them.

"Remember Stiles. We are connected and the dead are dust and you will sweep it all away. You will bring the balance." Another boom and the room shook with it. Still the spirit kept walking and room grew darker and darker.



"Strength, speed, and determination. None of that matters. In the end It always wins. What is It!?"

"TIME!" Stiles sat up screaming the answer. His eyes looked around the room wildly.

Dream over

It was the same dream only this time he knew the answer...