Chereads / Fate: Zero to Hero / Chapter 168 - Dragon Mark

Chapter 168 - Dragon Mark

Abigail was many things, a child, a foreigner class servant, one of Chaldea servant and a little sister type to her Master Ritsuka Fujimaru, she was also a vessel for an elder god and with it cane purks, like going to dreams of people, so whay does she do, she goes to the dream of her one and only Master Ritsuka Fujimaru.

Abigail pulled out key and opend. "I can't wait to see the epic battles in his dream".

What then she heard made her question, everything as she entered a room that is red as she saw her master naked going on with another woman, as the word's the woman spoke made her go nope

Draco had never felt this amount of pleasure before she wonder if he really was Christian like he said. Aww~❤️~Awww~❤️~Aaawwww~❤️~Keep going~❤️~keepppp goingghh~❤️~don't stop~💜

Abigail Quickly left Ritsuka dream, Locked the door erased her Memory and went to Mash dream, and the she regret more because there mash was having a Wet dream about Ritsuka, she then moved to Kadoc dream which bless her sould was a normal dream, or will a romantic date with Kadoc and Anastasia

Back with Draco and Ritsuka, as Ritsuka just covered her with a blanket, as Draco looked at her being covered by the crimson blanket, as she looked at him

Ritsuka just looked at her. "Thank you for saying all of that to me Draco"

Draco looked up at Ritsuka, her eyes reflecting both gratitude and vulnerability. She shifted slightly under the blanket, her body still tingling from their earlier encounter.

"You know," Draco began softly, her voice carrying a mixture of weariness and contentment, "I never thought I'd find someone who could… understand me, let alone share this kind of moment with me."

Ritsuka nodded, sitting beside her on the bed. "It's not every day you get to connect with someone like this," he replied, his tone gentle. "But I'm glad we did."

Draco chuckled lightly, her tail twitching beneath the blanket. "You really are something else, Ritsuka. Most people would run from a beast like me, but you…" She trailed off, searching for the right words. "You accepted me, even with all my flaws and the darkness within me."

Ritsuka leaned closer, brushing a strand of hair away from her face. "I see you for who you are, Draco. Not just as a Beast or a powerful entity, but as someone who's been through a lot and deserves to be seen and loved."

Draco's eyes softened, a rare tenderness showing in her gaze. "Thank you, Ritsuka," she whispered. "For everything."

There was a comfortable silence between them, the kind that spoke of mutual understanding and shared emotions without the need for words. Draco felt a warmth in her chest, a feeling she hadn't experienced in what seemed like an eternity.

As she rested her head against Ritsuka's shoulder, she sighed contentedly. "So… what now?" she asked, a hint of playfulness returning to her voice.

Ritsuka smiled, wrapping an arm around her. "Well, that depends. We're in a dream, after all. We could do anything, really."

Draco smirked, the familiar mischievous glint returning to her eyes. "Anything, you say? Well, in that case…" She paused, thinking. "How about we just… stay like this for a while? No battles, no conflicts, just… us."

Ritsuka squeezed her shoulder gently. "That sounds perfect."

They sat there in peaceful silence, the world around them shifting from the fiery red of Draco's domain to something softer, a serene landscape with rolling hills and a gentle breeze. It was a place where they could simply exist, without the weight of their responsibilities or the constant threat of danger.

Draco looked out at the landscape, her heart feeling lighter than it had in centuries. "This… this is nice," she admitted, almost shyly.

Ritsuka chuckled. "Yeah, it is."

As they continued to enjoy the tranquility of the moment, Draco's thoughts drifted to the future. She knew that once this dream ended, they would both have to return to their respective roles in the real world. But for now, she was content to just be with Ritsuka, in this peaceful, dreamlike state.

"Ritsuka," Draco murmured, her eyes half-closed as she relaxed against him. "Promise me… that you'll always be there, even when things get tough."

Ritsuka looked down at her, his expression serious yet warm. "I promise, Draco. You'll never be alone."

Draco smiled, her heart swelling with emotions she hadn't allowed herself to feel in a long time. "Thank you… my master."

Draco narrowed her eyes, still pointing at Ritsuka, a mix of accusation and begrudging admiration in her voice. "You're a fucking pervert. No one has ever made me feel the way you did, not even in my wildest dreams."

Ritsuka leaned back slightly, a smirk playing on his lips. "Do you know how many girlfriends I have?"

Draco paused, considering his question. "Nine… Oh, I see," she replied, her tone shifting from surprise to understanding. "That explains a lot."

She crossed her arms, a teasing glint in her eyes as she continued. "So, you've got a lot of practice then. No wonder you're so… skilled."

Ritsuka chuckled, shrugging. "I wouldn't say it's all about practice. It's more about connection. Each of them is special to me in their own way, just like you are."

Draco blinked at his words, a slight blush creeping onto her cheeks despite herself. "You're such a smooth talker," she muttered, though there was no malice in her voice.

Ritsuka leaned in closer, his gaze softening. "It's the truth, Draco. I don't just see you as a powerful Beast or an ancient entity. I see you for who you are, and I care about you."

Draco's tough exterior cracked just a little as she looked away, her blush deepening. "You're making it hard for me to stay mad at you, you know."

Ritsuka grinned, reaching out to gently touch her shoulder. "Then don't be mad. Just… be here with me, in this moment."

Draco sighed, finally letting her guard down as she nodded. "Alright, fine. But don't think I'm going soft on you."

"I wouldn't dream of it," Ritsuka replied, his tone light.

Draco smiled, albeit reluctantly, and let out a small laugh. "You really are something else, Ritsuka Fujimaru."

"And so are you, Draco," Ritsuka responded, his voice sincere.

Ritsuka hugged Draco from behind, his arms wrapping around her as he asked, "So, um… how did we, you know… this is a dream, right?"

Draco gave him a small smile, turning her head slightly to look at him. "Think of this like a wet dream… No, wait, we made this into a wet dream." She then fully turned around to face him, her expression softening. "Also, sorry I made you my mate."

Ritsuka blinked in confusion before his eyes widened in horror. He finally noticed the dragon-like mark on his neck, glowing faintly. Panic set in as he looked at her. "What did you dooooo?" he exclaimed, his voice filled with shock.

Draco tried to suppress a laugh at his reaction. "Relax, Ritsuka. It's just a mark… a sign that we're connected now. It's not going to hurt you."

Ritsuka, still staring at the mark in disbelief, groaned. "But… but…"

Draco placed a hand on his cheek, gently calming him down. "It's a symbol of our bond. Besides, you did say I was your type, didn't you?"

Ritsuka sighed, resigning himself to the situation. "Yeah, but I didn't think it would come with a permanent mark!"

Draco chuckled softly, pulling him closer. "Well, now you're stuck with me. But don't worry, it's not as bad as it sounds."

Ritsuka gave her a wary look but couldn't help the small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "I guess I'll just have to get used to it."

Draco leaned in, her voice teasing as she whispered, "Oh, you will, Ritsuka. You will."

Ritsuka then looked at her. "So I gess I should tell you about my type".

Draco nodded, her curiosity piqued despite already having an idea of what Ritsuka's type might be. "Sure, go ahead. I want to know," she said.

Ritsuka met her gaze, a small smile forming on his lips. "My type? Well, I'm attracted to beautiful women who are either strong enough to kill me or skilled enough to kill me. They need to be powerful and capable. Ophelia, though… she's the exception."

Draco chuckled softly, a knowing look in her eyes. "So, you like women who are not just beautiful, but also dangerous. That explains a lot."

Ritsuka nodded. "Yeah, I guess I have a thing for women who can handle themselves and aren't afraid to show their strength. But it's not just about their power; it's about their confidence and the way they carry themselves. Ophelia might not fit the same mold, but she's special in her own way."

Draco smiled warmly, understanding his words. "Well, I'm glad to know I meet your criteria," she teased lightly.

Ritsuka chuckled, pulling her closer. "You more than meet it, Draco."

Draco looked at Ritsuka with a curious expression. "So what's with this 'able to kill you' part?"

Ritsuka sighed, burying his face in her chest for a moment, clearly a bit embarrassed. "Don't judge me, okay? I've travelled the world, trained under some of the best, and... well, I saw my master, Aozaki, kill people. She'd get covered in blood, all to protect me and my family. Let's just say it stirred something in me, alright?"

Draco gently patted his head, offering a reassuring smile. "So, you're into red flags, huh? Women who might have a bit of danger or darkness in them."

Ritsuka lifted his head slightly, meeting her eyes with a sheepish grin. "I guess you could say that. But it's more than just the danger—it's the strength, the resolve. It's knowing they can handle themselves, no matter what."

Draco chuckled softly, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Well, I suppose that makes you a bit of a thrill-seeker when it comes to love. But don't worry, I'll make sure to keep things interesting for you."

Draco looked at Ritsuka with a teasing grin. "You know, I'm surprised the Alien God hasn't shown up to ruin our fun."

As if summoned by her words, the scene shifted back to the dark void. They were both fully clothed again, and standing before them was the Alien God, still in the form of Olga, looking visibly angry—not at Ritsuka, but at Draco.

Draco crossed her arms and smirked. "What, mad that Ritsuka chose to fuck me first?"

The Alien God's response shocked them both. "Why, fucking yes."

Ritsuka blinked in surprise at the Alien God's bluntness. He had expected a lot of things, but not this. "Wait, seriously?" he asked, trying to wrap his head around the situation.

The Alien God, still in Olga's form, crossed her arms, her expression a mix of annoyance and frustration. "Of course I am. Do you think I just hang around in your dreams for no reason? I've been watching you, waiting for the right moment, and then she—" she pointed an accusatory finger at Draco, "—swoops in and takes what should have been mine!"

Draco chuckled, clearly enjoying the Alien God's irritation. "Well, maybe if you weren't so busy plotting and scheming, you would've had your chance."

The Alien God narrowed her eyes at Draco, her aura darkening as she stepped forward. "You think this is funny, don't you? Just because you've managed to bind him with your mark, don't think you've won."

Draco shrugged, her confidence unshaken. "Maybe I have, maybe I haven't. But the fact remains, Ritsuka chose me. And you're just mad you didn't get to him first."

Ritsuka, feeling the tension between the two, raised his hands in an attempt to diffuse the situation. "Hey, can we not turn this into a catfight? I didn't exactly plan for any of this."

The Alien God shifted her gaze to Ritsuka, her expression softening slightly. "You're right. This isn't your fault. But that doesn't change the fact that you're mine, Ritsuka. You always have been, ever since the day I laid my eyes on you."

Ritsuka felt a shiver run down his spine at the intensity in her voice. "Yours?" he repeated, unsure of how to respond.

The Alien God stepped closer, her tone almost pleading now. "Yes, mine. I've watched you grow, seen your strength, your resolve. I've seen you overcome impossible odds, and each time, I've wanted you more. You were destined to be my perfect vessel, my other half."

Draco rolled her eyes, clearly unimpressed. "You're obsessed. You think that just because you're a god, you're entitled to him? Newsflash: Ritsuka isn't some prize to be won."

The Alien God's anger flared again, but before she could retort, Ritsuka stepped between them, holding out his arms. "Enough. I didn't ask for any of this, and I'm not going to be caught in the middle of some cosmic tug-of-war."

Draco and the Alien God both looked at him, surprised by the firmness in his voice. He continued, "I'm not a pawn, and I'm not some toy for you two to fight over. If you want me, you'll have to respect my choices. That's non-negotiable."

Draco smirked, clearly liking this assertive side of Ritsuka. "Fair enough. But don't think you can get rid of me that easily."

The Alien God's expression softened, a mix of admiration and frustration in her eyes. "I respect your strength, Ritsuka. But know this: I'm not giving up on you. Not now, not ever."

Ritsuka sighed, feeling the weight of the situation. "I figured as much. But if this is going to work, there needs to be some ground rules."

Draco and the Alien God exchanged glances, both curious and wary. "Ground rules?" Draco echoed.

Ritsuka nodded. "Yes. First off, no more fighting over me like I'm some kind of trophy. If you really care about me, then you'll respect my decisions and my boundaries. Second, no more manipulating me in my dreams. If you want to talk, we do it face to face, no tricks."

The Alien God frowned, but nodded in agreement. "Very well. I can abide by those terms."

Draco shrugged, her usual confident smile returning. "Fine by me. I've got nothing to hide."

Ritsuka looked between them, feeling slightly more in control of the situation. "Good. Now, can we please get out of this void? It's starting to give me a headache."

The void around them began to dissolve, replaced by a more neutral, calming environment. Ritsuka found himself back in a familiar space, one of the many rooms in Chaldea, with Draco and the Alien God still by his side.

The Alien God looked around, clearly unimpressed. "This is where you choose to retreat to?"

Ritsuka shrugged. "It's home. Or as close to it as I've got."

Draco looked around as well, her expression thoughtful. "You know, for a place built to save humanity, it's surprisingly cozy."

The Alien God crossed her arms, her earlier anger now replaced by a cool detachment. "Cozy or not, this doesn't change anything between us."

Ritsuka sighed. "I figured as much. But at least now we can talk like adults instead of… whatever that was."

Draco laughed, patting Ritsuka on the back. "You handled that pretty well, considering."

Ritsuka shook his head, still trying to process everything that had happened. "I'm not sure how I'm supposed to handle this, honestly. But I'm trying."

The Alien God's expression softened as she looked at Ritsuka. "That's all I can ask for."

Draco smirked, leaning in close to Ritsuka. "And as for you… I'm not done with you yet. Not by a long shot."

Ritsuka couldn't help but chuckle, despite the lingering tension. "Of course you're not."

The Alien God then looked at him. "But remeber your my and my alien".

Hearing that Draco got angry, as they Bot are ready to start a cosmic Cat fight, as for Ritsuka he just looked at the sky.

Ritsuka then spoke. "Abigail if your there get me out".

They both looked then saw gate, as he was grabbed there eyes wident, The Alien God and Draco stared in disbelief as Ritsuka was pulled through a shimmering gate that had appeared out of nowhere. Their attempts to grab him were futile; the gate was already closing, taking Ritsuka with it.

"Noooooooooooooooooooo!" they both cried out in unison, their voices echoing through the void.

The gate closed with a snap, leaving only a lingering sense of frustration and defeat. The void around them seemed to grow colder, and the tension between them was palpable.

Draco turned to the Alien God, her eyes blazing with anger. "You were so focused on claiming him that you didn't even notice Abigail was watching us!"

The Alien God's eyes narrowed, her frustration evident. "And you think this is my fault? You were just as eager to get involved."

Draco crossed her arms, her anger turning into a smirk. "Well, looks like we're both out of luck. For now, anyway."

The Alien God glared at her. "This isn't over. I'll find him again, and when I do, you won't be there to interfere."

Draco's smirk remained. "We'll see about that. I'm not backing down either."

With that, the Alien God's form flickered, her presence fading as she departed in search of Ritsuka. Draco watched her go, her expression a mix of determination and curiosity. She knew this wasn't the end, and she was ready for whatever came next.

Meanwhile, Ritsuka found himself back in his own dream, a sense of relief washing over him as he emerged from the gate. Abigail stood nearby, her eyes filled with concern.

"Master, are you alright?" she asked, her voice gentle.

Ritsuka took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just… let's avoid any more cosmic confrontations for a while, alright?"

Abigail nodded, her expression softening. "Of course, Master. I'll make sure we keep things calm from now on."

As Ritsuka looked around, he felt a mix of relief and apprehension. He knew that the tensions between the Alien God and Draco were far from over, but for now, he was safe. And that, at least for the moment, was enough.

To be continued

Hope people like this Ch and give me power stones