Chereads / Fate: Zero to Hero / Chapter 135 - how did this happened

Chapter 135 - how did this happened

Ereshkigal stood before them, radiating an aura of power and authority that was unmistakably different from her usual presence. Her appearance had changed subtly, her eyes glowing with a more intense, otherworldly light, and her normally gentle demeanor replaced by a more commanding and assertive one.

Ereshkigal herself seemed somewhat taken aback by the reaction she was receiving. She looked at Ritsuka and the group with a mixture of concern and confusion. "I know it's unexpected, but please, calm down. I haven't turned into an enemy, I promise."

Ritsuka was still in shock, trying to process what he was seeing. "But... Beast? How did this happen?"

Da Vinci's voice crackled through the communicator, attempting to explain the situation. "We believe it's due to the unique nature of this Lostbelt and the residual energy from the Grail and the sun. It's somehow triggered a latent aspect within Ereshkigal, aligning her with the concept of a 'Beast'—but not in the traditional sense of an enemy Beast. Think of it as an alternative expression of her divine authority, influenced by the peculiarities of this place."

Mash looked at Ereshkigal with wide eyes. "So, you're not a threat to us?"

Ereshkigal nodded reassuringly. "No, I'm still on your side. This form might be different, but my allegiance hasn't changed. I'm here to help protect you and achieve our goals. The title of 'Beast' here doesn't carry the same connotations as it usually would. It's more of a... classification based on the circumstances of this Lostbelt."

Ophelia, still somewhat stunned, managed to find her voice. "So, you haven't become like the other Beasts we've faced? You're not going to try and destroy humanity or anything?"

Ereshkigal shook her head firmly. "Absolutely not. My role as a Beast in this context is more about embodying a certain aspect of divinity and the underworld. I'm still the goddess of the underworld, but this form is just a reflection of the unique energies here."

Ritsuka took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing thoughts. "Okay, so you're still with us. That's... a relief. But we'll need to be careful. This Lostbelt keeps throwing surprises at us."

Arthur, Morgan, and Artemis stood by, observing the exchange. Morgan, now in her Caster form, spoke up. "We'll need to adapt our strategies accordingly. This Lostbelt is unlike anything we've encountered before, and the rules are different. But we're all here to support you, Ritsuka. Together, we can handle whatever comes our way."

Ritsuka nodded, feeling a renewed sense of determination. "Right. We'll figure this out together. Let's stay on our guard and be ready for anything. With all of you by my side, I know we can overcome whatever challenges lie ahead."

Ereskigal then looked at Ritsuka. Can we make the contract.

Ritsuka nodded his head, as they touched eachother hand, as the contract was made, as then Ereskigal kissed Ritsuka, as Ritsuka was blushing even after 7 girl friends this still happens to him, Mash looked at her and wanted to rip Ereskigal head of for doing this, she was ok with Ophelia and the other girls because they were part of the harem, Morgan looking at this wanted to fire her Np as Ereskigal.

As then Ereskigal started to have spirited origins for her Beats class, as she changed, her hair became a bit longer, as she had blue Ribbon that tied the side of her hair, her Black outfit turned into a white outfit, her both arms were covered by a white gloves at it was fully covered, except in her left arm as it looked like it was covered by another silver one, her one Black lagging was replaced with Blue and on her othee leg it now had a white legging, her outifr gave a summer swimsuit vibe.

Ereskigal then looked at Mash. I am guessing you wanna rip my head of

Ritsuka spoke trying to control his shadow. Her and Maria alter, also I am pretty sure BB is lapping in my head at this even do she should also be mad sense she is also one my girlfriend's

Ereshkigal chuckled softly, her new appearance giving her an ethereal, yet playful aura. "I can understand their feelings. It's not every day someone kisses their boyfriend out of the blue, especially when there are... circumstances."

Mash, though clearly still irritated, took a deep breath and tried to compose herself. "It's not just that. We all have a special bond with Senpai, and seeing someone else... it's just unexpected."

Morgan crossed her arms, her expression unreadable. "Unexpected, yes. But we must remain focused on the task at hand. Whatever personal dynamics exist, they shouldn't interfere with our mission."

Ereshkigal nodded, looking sincerely at Mash and the others. "I apologize if I've caused any discomfort. My actions weren't meant to create tension. We're all here to support Ritsuka and each other, after all."

Ritsuka, still a bit flustered, nodded in agreement. "Right. We're a team, and we need to work together. Whatever happened just now... let's set it aside and focus on what we need to do."

BB's voice chimed in through their communication system, clearly amused. "Oh, Ritsuka, you're always so earnest. Don't worry, darling, I'm not mad. Just... entertained. But keep in mind, I'm watching you!"

Ritsuka sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "Thanks, BB... I think."

Ophelia, trying to steer the conversation back to their mission, spoke up. "We need to keep moving and figure out the layout of this Lostbelt. With the appearance of these extra Servants and the strange nature of this place, there's a lot we still don't understand. We should head to the next city and gather more information."

Artemis nodded in agreement. "Good idea. The more we know, the better prepared we'll be. Let's not forget our primary objective here."

With the team momentarily putting their personal feelings aside, they continued their journey through the Lostbelt. As they moved, they couldn't help but notice the strange blend of cultures and the powerful presence of divine energy in the air. Each step forward brought them closer to uncovering the mysteries of this strange world—and whatever challenges awaited them.

Ritsuka then looked at Kadoc. Hey Kadoc why don't you make a contract with Arthur.

Arthur looked at Kadoc. I think it is great idea, Ritsuka already has his main servant plush he is giving power to Morgan and Ereskigal.

Kadoc looked at Arthur and then at Anastasia. Sorry but I promised Anastasia over her that she will be my one and only servant, so yeah I am sticking to that.

Hearing that Ophelia was a bit confused. But you made a contract with Caster Anastasia as well.

Anastasia looked at Ophelia. The Caster versus of me is just me but not in an Avenger, and I allowed it.

Ritsuka just looked at Kadocm. now I can't tell if your being a simp, or scared of yoyr life wondering what will happen if you brake the promises you made to your yandere girlfriend. Ritsuka siad looking at Anastasia

Kadoc blushed slightly at Ritsuka's comment, though he tried to maintain his composure. "It's not about being scared. I made a promise to Anastasia, and I intend to keep it. It's about respect."

Anastasia, though clearly touched by Kadoc's words, maintained a serious expression. "It's true. The Caster version of me is a separate entity, and I've accepted that. Our bond is different from a Servant-Master contract."

Arthur, observing the exchange with an amused smile, chimed in. "I respect that, Kadoc. Promises and bonds are important. But remember, we have a job to do. If you ever change your mind, you know where to find me."

Ophelia, still processing the dynamics, nodded thoughtfully. "I get it now. It's about commitment and respect. But with all these powerful Servants around, we need to make sure we're all working together effectively."

Ritsuka, trying to lighten the mood, added, "Besides, we're a diverse group with our own strengths and weaknesses. It's good to have a variety of skills and perspectives. Let's make the most of it."

Artemis, having observed the conversation, nodded in agreement. "Indeed. We each have our roles to play. Let's focus on the mission and support each other as best we can."

With that, the group resumed their preparations, each member coming to terms with their roles and relationships. They knew that navigating the complexities of the Lostbelt would require not just strength but also unity and understanding.

Le lo then looked at the group. this is all fine and dandy but, how will Arthur get thr mana from.

Ritsuka looked at Arthur. Will that is kinda of a problem I already buy my win servant, Edmond, Sigurd, Tametomo, Brynhildr, Tenochtitlan, Krymhilde, Jack, BB, Odysseus and Muramasa living in my head snd getting the battery, Plus Mash, Ereskigal and Morgan.

Ophelia sighed looking at her boyfriend. Ritsuka your dum something Arthur let me make contract with you, I am also a master of Chaldea

Le Loi raised an eyebrow at the unfolding situation. "So, if Ophelia makes a contract with Arthur, that could solve the mana issue. But we need to make sure it doesn't interfere with her existing Servants."

Arthur looked at Ophelia with interest. "You're willing to take on another Servant? That would indeed provide me with the necessary mana. I appreciate your offer."

Ophelia nodded. "I'm confident in my ability to manage multiple contracts. Plus, it's crucial for our mission."

Ritsuka, though initially puzzled by Ophelia's decision, nodded in agreement. "If you're sure about this, Ophelia, then let's proceed. We need all the strength we can get for this Lostbelt."

Arthur extended his hand toward Ophelia. "Then let's form this contract and make the most of our combined strength."

As Ophelia and Arthur completed their contract, a surge of mana flowed into Arthur, visibly energizing him. He looked more determined and ready for the challenges ahead.

Ritsuka, taking in the scene, remarked, "With Arthur properly contracted now, our team is even stronger. Let's focus on navigating this Lostbelt and achieving our goals."

The group, now with their Servants and contracts in place, prepared to tackle the tasks that lay ahead in the enigmatic Chinese Lostbelt.

As then Ophelia fell down on the floor, it was like straight out of a comedy anime, as she just was on the floor.

Ritsuka eyes looked at her and was worried as he talked out her name. Ophelia.

Ophelia just lipted her head and looked at him. I am ok just didn't expect so much to be sucked out of me

Kadoc just looked at her wait an raise eyebrow. There is something called phrasing Ophelia

Ophelia just looked at him. You know what I meant, the your mind out of the garbage

Ritsuka sighed in relief, then couldn't help but chuckle at Kadoc's comment. "Kadoc, this isn't the time for jokes," he said, though a smile tugged at his lips.

Arthur knelt down beside Ophelia, offering her a hand. "Apologies for the sudden drain of mana. It seems I underestimated the amount needed for stabilization. Are you sure you're alright?"

Ophelia took Arthur's hand and pulled herself up, shaking her head with a small smile. "I'll be fine. It was just more intense than I expected." She glanced at Kadoc, smirking slightly. "And yes, I know what I said, and I stand by it."

Morgan, who had been watching the exchange with mild amusement, added, "It seems our group is full of colorful personalities. Let's hope that energy carries us through the challenges ahead."

Ereshkigal nodded in agreement. "Indeed. We have a lot ahead of us, and we'll need to stay focused."

Ritsuka, helping Ophelia steady herself, gave her a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "Alright, let's regroup and figure out our next move. We can't afford to be caught off guard again."

The group, with their spirits lifted by the brief moment of levity, readied themselves for the next

To be continued

Hope people like this Ch and give me power stones so yeah enjoy