Chapter 41 - To the Orphanage

"So... What am I supposed to do?" Aiko was confused.

Why wouldn't he?

His brain didn't work, he couldn't comprehend what he was about to do,

With his own sister.

"Ah, you put your thing down here." Lisa pointed towards her lower body, as she laid down and spread her legs.

"I know that!! But-" Aiko flustered

"Let's not include any buts here shall we~" Lisa became impatient.

Her cheeks were red, as she breathed heavily.

Even though Aiko hadn't put it in, her back was already a little arched.

Just the thought of her brother finally embracing her, could make her feel good!

Sfx: push

Aiko laid on top of Lisa, as he tried adjusting his thing

"Nnh...!" Lisa flustered.

And as Aiko rubbed his thing onto her lower half, it only got harder and harder~

"mmh!" She moaned

and just as he was about to put it in-


He stopped.

"... WHAT?"

"I'm sorry Lisa. But doing this, with my own sister, it's just... TOO MUCH FOR ME!"

Sfx: tear

Tears began building onto Aiko's eyes, as they slowly fell onto Lisa's cheeks.

At this moment, Lisa would have stopped her play,

Only if she hadn't been corrupted by Aimi.

But as of now, she was instead, even more angry. That why wouldn't her brother embrace her smooth, soft and untouched body?

"You have done it with me so many times!"

"That was when I was asleep!" Aiko sobbed.



"Ow..." Lisa smacked Aiko on the face, though it wasn't to make him obey,

But rather make him listen to what Lisa had to say.

"Remember when we were 9, and it was my birthday?"

"... I do" he said as tears kept running out of his eyes, as he was on top of Lisa.

"I was so excited, my mother had prepared the cake. But then, our father came home drunk. That day-" Lisa tried recalling,

But just as she was about to finish

"He slapped our mother out of pure rage, and then locked us in the room... isn't it?" Aiko guessed what she was about to say.

"Y-yes, and I could hear mom screaming and begging for mercy. But it wasn't for herself, rather, it was so that he doesn't hurt us, her children. I was trapped in the dark room, afraid and crying of what was happening." She said as her voice began breaking a little

"But then, a hand reached from behind, I knew it was you. I thought you had come to embrace me, but-"

"You hadn't." She said.

"I-..." Aiko was about to say something

But she interrupted him

"Instead, you grabbed my shoulder to assure me that you're here, and you unlocked the door and rushed to the hall, where and mom and dad were!"

"That day, I couldn't understand why you did that. But all I could see after a few hours was that the cake was on the floor, mixed with blood as our father laid unconscious next to it. You licked the cake and told me 'its still tasty', and those words struck me till date."

And as she took a deep breath in, holding Aiko's hand onto her chest, she said.

"Until, now. You didn't attack our father because of what he did to mom, but you did so because the cake was ruined, which was for me, isn't it?"

"And ever since that day, you ran away from our home. Father still lived and never accepted you as his own son, which was why I had so much trouble finding such brother of mine, who could to such measures to JUST defend me." She added.

"B-but I..." Aiko tried pulling his hands away from Lisa's chest,

Sfx: pull

But the grip remained firm.

"So what brother? Now that I am here, I went through so much trouble to just find you so that we become together and now, you don't want to accept me? I prefer death over this!"

"If you frame it like that-"

"Frame like what? Truth is, I am still that spoiled little sister of yours, waiting for you to embrace me. And be attached, to only me and me! So please...-"

"I get it." Aiko nodded.

Sfx: move

"So then, I should get the condoms, right?"

Sfx: grab

"Nnnah!" She grabbed his erect member,

Sfx: push!



Lisa had put his thing immediately as he was about to reach for condoms-


Aiko, though he have had sex with his sister in his sleep before, was still inexperienced when he was awake.

Sfx: thrust

He couldn't help but keep thrusting as he scolded Lisa for not using a condom!

"I thought! It's my first time when you are awake! So ahh! I-..mmmh! Wanted to feel it...hah..ahn! Ah, better!"

"But- what if you..ugh..hff... Get p-pregnant?" He shaked

As the two kept humping and moaning, Lisa took a second to answer the question as she said with a gentle yet confident voice

"Hmm, good idea!~"




Chapter 41: To the Orphanage




At Aimi's Bedroom

"nnnhhaaa!" Ryou stretched his hands, as he took a second nap.

Thought the the day was still young, as it was just afternoon, Ryou hasn't slept last night quite well.


"Goddamn, just how horny are you?!" Ryou said annoyingly.

Sfx: slop, stroke

Slop Slop, stroke!

"Mmh! Just focus over here~" Aimi used her hands to stroke Ryou's thing, as she used her fingers to pleasure her ownself~

[Ryou's Perspective]

Jeez. I can't really understand her at all!

"Aimi, why did you talk to the air? You claimed Lisa was... Abducting me?"

Sfx: Stroke stroke... Stop?

As Aimi was about to put it in her mouth, she stopped to answer my question as she said in an annoyed tone

"Do you really have to talk about everything when I'm doing this?!"

She seemed mad.

"Uhh sorry I guess?"

"Looks like you still desire to be disciplined, don't you?" Her eyes glowed.


Sfx: giggle

"Fufu~" She giggled

"Looks like, you're still scared of me aren't you?~" She added.

Is she loosening up?

"Ah, am I not supposed to?"

I would kind off miss her being dominant though...

"No, never. You're my toy and it'll remain like that. Don't ever think you'll get the chance to even interact with anybody else than me, you're mine and mine alone."

Yup, she's still wicked as ever.

"Fine... Could I atleast know why you asked Lisa to... Do that with Aiko? You didn't give a proper explanation-"

"Right when I'm about to suck it?!"

I really want to know it!

Let's think like Aimi, she wants to pleasure me right? If so, a greater pleasure would be-

"I have a better idea, use your chests!"

Did it work?

She's smiling, like she does when

She's thinking of a billion possibilities

"Hmm..." She says as she smiled.

Sfx: pull

She pulled her chest together, as she leaned forward to engulf my erect member into the between of her chest

Sfx: thust


"So, what were we talking?" She had her mouth free it seems


"I think it feels too good for you to talk~" she said as she countinued her work.

"Ah- n-NO! I-I CAN TALK! So, tell me!"

"Fufu~ okay, you know that 'love' and 'the feelings of attachment' especially when one has only the other and no-one else, can make them go crazy for the other?"

"Ahn! Aah! Example, you, right?"

"On spot~ Aiko needs to be held back, back when Lisa spied through the call, I noticed something~"

"What was it?" I said as I tried my best to contain my moans.

"Hah ah! AHH!" It seems I failed.

"It was that, she interrupted the call in between!"

She stopped for a moment, and countinued bobbing her chest up and down

"But through a faint background, I calculated that Aiko's team must have meant abducting you. And the only person who's close with me and not suspicious is,"

"Is?" I was confused.


"And so, you-"

"I made sure that if Lisa tried to catch you, I'll kidnap her and inform Aiko. He would try rescuing her little weak sister and would fall into my trap. I'll get two free days from there."

"Two free days? What do you mean?"

"Leave that, you won't get it~"

What did she mean? What does she mean by two people as two days?

Is this a code? I don't get it.


"Ahh- Ahhn Aimi, I'm going come-"

"It's fine. Do it, on my chest, do it!" She said it encouragingly!

and as I was at my peak, ready to let it out all out within a moment, I-


"Haah..." I moaned.

"Mmh.." it seems she was satisfied,

For now.


"Huh?" Aimi looked at her phone, as she recieved another notification.

*Your debt has been increased by 5%

But, she wasn't surprised at all! Instead, she gave out a smirk and said

"Fufu~ I know it. See you soon, Huang~"

She turned around and said

"Ryou! Today, we will visit our orphanage!"




At the kitchen

A few hours had passed, Aimi prepared their afternoon snack in the kitchen as from the bedroom, Ryou shouted

"Hey! Why are we going to your Orphanage?"


"It's going to be a long trip again! Are you sure you'd have enough money?"

Sfx: chop chop slice

She was preparing food, cutting vegetables here and there, she turned at the bedroom and shouted back

"You treat it like its a long trip, hehe!" She was happy.

"Huh? It isn't a long trip? Where is your orphanage?" Ryou was confused.

"It's so close and nearby, why would you assume I'll go to Narita twice?~"

"Huh?! It's not In Narita?!" Ryou was confused.

"Haha! Why would it be there?" Aimi was confused, but she thought it was so cute of Ryou to be confused aswell.

"Ah- your school, it's there in Narita. And wasn't your parents-"

"Yes dummy! But think of it, if my orphanage wasn't in Tokyo, how on earth would your father adopt me?" She giggled.

"Oh! That makes sense~ but why are we going there?" Ryou still didn't quite get it.

"It's to constantly switch positions. Aiko is down and engaged with his sister in a perverse act, this will give us enough time to plan. But if I stay here and plan, he could easily ask the others if I had went out or no, which could be a blunder~" Aimi explained.

"Ah, but wouldn't he ask the landlady, Carla?"

"Yes, she's in my control. But I know he wouldn't ask Carla, for this reason only."

"Wait, so he knows Carla is your spy?"

"Fufu~" Aimi giggled at how dumb Ryou was.

She added

"Lisa knows Carla is my accomplice, and since Lisa and Aiko are engaged in an act, Lisa would obviously spill the beans to Aiko."

"Wait, didn't you just commit a huge blunder?!"

"Nope, I didn't! Even if he knows Carla is under me, what can he do? He's going to be held down by his sister now."

"So, in short-"

"I have taken a huge gamble, I know~"




At the terrace

"Harold, what is your biggest desire?" Mai asked as she turned around.

"Huh? To avenge, I guess." Harold was quick.

"Aha! You're pretty quick, though you could have said curiosity, you chose the word 'to avenge'. You are still attached to Edrick, aren't you?" Mai giggled.

"Well, they did work together for a long time!" Lee exclaimed.

"Ah, Lee, what about you? You're biggest desire?"

"Me? I guess, knowing finance?" Lee shrugged.

"I see, which is what has helped so far, in betraying Michael, isn't it?"

Suddenly, Harold and Lee were caught off-guard. She took a step back as they were ready to point there guns and resort to violence at any given seconds though they waited said

"AH- I...yes, but it is necessary to solve this case." Harold admitted.

"Harold! Why are you admitting it?!'

Sfx: breath

Mai took a deep breath, as she said

"My desire is to be a mother. I've been raised by numerous people and that has motivated me to be one of them."

"Similarly, Michael has offered alot of money to bring Ryou to him, I would use that money to build an orphanage. And be a mother, for once and all." She added.

Harold smirked

"So you don't intent to-"

"I don't care about having to kill Ryou, all I need is, to bring towards Michael. And once I get that money, I couldn't care less about any of you." Mai said.

"Ah, I see." Harold took a breath of relief.

"Perhaps I expected our goals to be more contradicting than what it is right now, not to compliance obviously, I am pretty happy with what the results are here." Lee said.

As Harold stepped forward, and Mai took one step further-

"Say, you work for the both of us. Your cause to be a mother, is noble. If Michael provides you hundred, we shall provide a hundered. If he does a million, we shall copy."

He put his hand forward, as the sun rose red in the evening

"Extra help, is always appreciated."

The sun was red, as the horizon became vague and the sky whad filled with white clouds, the redness blush of the sun still being visible, making Silhouette shadows of the two, exchanged a handshake.

"A deal it is then!" Lee was happy with he had just saw.




At the orphanage

"So it was a reunion of the children who have been adopted from here, huh?" Ryou realised why Aimi wanted to go.

"That's still not real reason, I know." Ryou added.

"Fufu~ you're always on spot, my future husband.~" She blushed as she said this.

"Would call me this in the front of your other friends too?!"

"Other friends?" She said as she looked at me blank in the eye

"Uh...yeah? You must have friends, right?"

"So you mean, I'll DARE to give my precious time to someone other than Ryou? I'd that what you're saying?"

"N-no! Definitely not!"

"Listen to me here. I have absolutely except for you. You're the only one I have ever interacted with ever since I came to the mansion. My first kiss, my virginity, my body and myself, all of it have been taken by you."

"O-okay... That was unexpected, but sure!" Ryou started sweating profusely.




And so, the two entered the orphanage.

It was a large entrance, greeted by a medium sized-hall

"Waaaa" Ryou was in gasps

"Nostalgic." Is all what Aimi said.

In the side, there were numerous rooms that had contained children.

"Am I too early?" Aimi checked her watch.

"Why am I even here-" Ryou sighed.


"..hey" A girl on a wheelchair said.

"Oh, hi!" Ryou greeted her

"Perhaps, I found someone to adopt me!"

"HUH?!" Ryou blushed profusely.

"I'll cut off this dead weight off your torso if you don't run from here with your little wheelchair." Aimi stared in the face of the wheel-chair girl.

"WHA- WHO'S THIS?!" She panicked!

"UWAA- OKAY BYE!" She ran away, from her wheelchair!

"Hmph!" Ryou sighed, can't he even greet someone?

"I should probably break my legs too, an average wheelchair wouldn't cost me much-" Aimi squeezed her legs, ready to break it-





"We are here!" A few group of people had arrived, they all had a mark on their hands drawn by a pen it seemed.

"Ah, hi." Aimi just waved off her hands, but didn't seem she was interested.

"Hello, Aimi! It's been a long time since we have met, haven't we?" A girl said, as she tried to go for a hug

Sfx: push

"No, I'm sorry-" Aimi rejected the hug

"No! I totally understand!" The girl bowed countinously.

[Ryou's Perspective]


Has she always been like that?

If I were to be Aimi, I would have cried my eyeballs out if I met my orphanage group!

It must have hurt to lose your parents isn't it?

"Well, look! Aimi is the same as ever! Haha!" Another man laughed off!

It seems they are all ignoring me.

"tsk.." Aimi looked at me, as if she was annoyed by all the people that were over here.

Her eyes could clearly indicate 'save me!'

If she didn't wish to meet these people in the first place, why would she even meet them?

And so, I barged in!

"Ahah! I'm not from the group, but hey! I'm Ryou!"

"Huh? Who's he?" He man wondered.

"He's quite tall-" a woman said

"And hot too!" Another girl had said.

"Where were you in the orphanage all along!!" Another woman said, as she was mad she didn't have a chance with me earlier on!

"..." Aimi remained silent throughout the conversation, it seems she just came here to listen.

But I am not here to just be an accomplice, am I?!

"Has Aimi always been like this? The lonely and cold cat type of girl?" I initiated the conversation.

"Ahah! I could tell you a thousand tales of her and it still wouldn't be over! Come, let us have a seat!" A woman said.

"NYAH! NO- DONT TELL HIM-" Aimi panicked.

What was so wrong with it?

"Oooh~ somebody's getting embarassed are they?~" She teased of Aimi!

And so, we sat down.

"Ryou! Sit with me! Over here!"

"I don't even know you haha-" I shurgged it off.

"I am Aoi! Now, could we pleaaaseeeee sit?"

Sfx: pull

Damn! She's pulling onto my arms!

"..." Aimi just stared at me, she didn't sit, she was just standing as she looked into my eyes with pure anger.

I could see why she would be angry, the only reason she isn't killing them on the spot is probably because she doesn't want me to see such gore.

"I-... Let's not do tha-" Aimi tried making me sit somewhere else.

"Why? No! Let him sit wherever he wants!" Another man suggests.

"Ah, fine. I'll just stand. Aimi, please sit here haha" I invite Aimi to sit with me.

To this, she blushes

"Nh- yes, ofcourse." As she adjusts her dress and sits elegantly across the seat.

In the end, I do end up sitting near Aimi, ofcourse.

"Uwaaa-" our knees are touching!

Do they not notice it?

Well, how could they we are sitting and our legs are obviously hidden by the table.

"So! Aimi, came to this orphanage when she was around 12." She began the tale.

Aimi would only blush further and get much more embarassed with each line she said.

"Please don't tell him much!"

"AAAA-" I muffle my scream, they didn't hear it but-


"As a kid, Aimi always indulged in whatever there was present in the orphanage. From sports to cooking or studies, she excelled in mostly everything! Except for..." It looks like the embarassing feat of Aimi had begun!

Sfx: squeeze

Aimi leaned onto my ears, as she squeezed my thighs.

"Ahh! Aimi!" I whisper to her.

She whispered back with a cold gaze

"If you listen to anything she says and change your opinion towards me after this, I'll make sure you are sucked so dry back in my place, that you won't be able to feel your thing."


"Except for... new technology! Try it, Mr Ryou, you will find out that Aimi knows absolutely nothing about tech and all!" She laughed as she said this.

Sfx: squeeze


Shit! Her squeezing is only getting harder!

Though she is quite sweating alot, she is still staring at me.

"Don't dare listen to it." She said in a serious tone, but I can't help but not take it seriously at all!

What do I do?

I do find this cutesy troubled side of her to be very cute!

"Oh and, did we forget? Aimi is also afraid of dogs!"

"HUH?! So someone like Aimi is afraid of...DOGS?!"


A cold killer who could kill anybody is afraid of ...

Cute puppies?!

Well I guess she's a cat person then, haha!

"To come think of it... There was something that always troubled Aimi. She was almost occupied doing something daily, wanna know about it?" The girl invited me to know.

As Aimi looked into my eyes, daring me to not ask it,

I couldn't help but satisfy my curiosity!

"Yes, I'd like to know it."

"Okay then, she..."




At an unknown Room

Sfx: laugh, clap, drink

There was a CCTV footage being played.

"AHAHAHAH!" Michael laughed maniacally as he called out his hands together.

"This is amazing! Ryou and Aimi, they are together! This is a confirmation that whenever Aimi comes to visit Huang, Ryou will be with her!" He clapped his hands together.

"Yes, ofcourse." A girl said.

"What do you think of it, Mai?" Michael said.

"Owning the orphanage she was in, was a good decision am I correct?" Michael asked.

To which, Mai didn't reply anything.

Instead, she took a deep breath, as she said



"Well, I have something to tell you..."
