Chapter 31 - Aimi's Day

"So...let us begin." Aimi said, gently.

"Wait..what?" Lisa said terrifyingly,

The scene got intense.

"Oh my~ I'm just going to-" Aimi pull out her phone, and slip her thumbs to


Sfx: leap



Lisa jumped out of the sofa, to snatch Aimi's phone, before it was too late. But suddenly-


"You must'nt move further." Carla said, looking down on Lisa.

"oh wow~ I could defend myself pretty easily, to be fair.~" Aimi giggled as she almost hit the button.

"PLEASE!! I'LL.. I'LL DO ANYTHING! SPARE ME!" Lisa begged of Aimi.

"Hmm, Aunty, please don't block our faces." Aimi suggested Carla to move.

"Got it." Carla moved aside.

"So, how about you..." Aimi ordered Lisa.

After a moment, as Aimi finished talking, Lisa said, with a desperate voice.

"Ah, got it..."

Chapter 31: Aimi's Day




At Aimi's Bedroom

Sfx: walk walk


"Ahh, I fell on the bed!" Aimi moaned.

"I'm so tired, Aunty Carla and that girl really took my time..!"

Aimi laid down on the bed, she stared at the ceiling as she thought

[Aimi's Perspective]

Everything, so far, is going clear and smooth.

But now, what Carla told me. It's honestly very smart of them.

I stick out my hand in the air, as I say

"Ah, Huang doesn't exist. It's Harold's accomplice. And right now...~"

My eyes widen as I hardly stare into the fan


Turns out, having Nina work as my spy while she's a cashier near the fast food corner worked. She keeps a check on all information and exports into Carla, and then, every other night I inform her to inform me of any suspicious activities.

Which has frankly, worked so far.

"Fufu~" I giggle.

I wonder why are they trying so hard, to get hold on Ryou first?

Don't they think, it's a waste of time to do that?

"Haah...they probably believe Ryou will betray me and contact them, but the thing is, he's brainwashed to the point, he won't even leave me alone aswell~ fufu~" My face blushens to what I say!!

Sfx: knock thud move!

"Ah, I hear some noise coming from 'my special room'. It's probably him." I get excited.

"Ah, my hands...why am I so wet?"


Am I excited?




In Aimi's Special Room

"Oh god... Just what did she mix with my food..." Ryou sighed..

"WHY CANT I SLEEP!!" Ryou cried, as his hands were still tied.

And suddenly, a gentle voice came as the lady herself walked in~

"It looks like I can't sleep either~" Aimi walks in.

"Oh no..." Ryou is scared, does he have to, satisfy Aimi... When he's insomniac?!

"I should free you, isn't it?" Aimi walks upto Ryou, and frees his hands.

Sfx: free untie

"Oh feels...good!" Ryou sighs as he stretches out his hands.

Sfx: grab

"Now, let's move to our second love-nest" Aimi grabs Ryou's hands, and walks him to her bedroom.

"Ah...okay.." Ryou says in submission.



"AAGH!" Ryou falls down on the floor...

"Day by day, you're somehow getting weaker, yet you look the same...~" Aimi said gently, as she picked him up.

"I don't" Ryou was confused, and embarrassed.

Aimi smiled at this, and said

"Don't worry love, aren't I the lead at our relationship? Shouldn't I bear the responsibilities of strength and all the labour?" She said calmly.

"'re right..." Ryou doesn't even try defending himself on this one.

"You just need to surrender, and do allll enjooooy!" Aimi said cutely.

Sfx: pick

"How are you so strong-"

"Don't worry about that~"

And with that, they reached Aimi's bedroom.

Sfx: throw

"Gh!" Ryou grunts, as he gets thrown on the bed by Aimi.

Aimi leans on all fours, over Ryou, as her black wavy hair covers both their faces, isolating them from the entire world.

"Let us begin~" She couldn't hold her excitement.

[Ryou's Perspective]

Sfx: tremble

Oh god. What is this woman about to do?

I know, it's her usual but still, I would like to try sleeping first!

Sfx: touch

She started tracing lines of my chest muscles with her fingers, making her first move.

"I should do something too-" I thought of taking back the initiative and suddenly-

"GAH-" She pinned my hands upwards, above my head while still on the bed.

"There's absolutely no need for you to even more a single muscle right now, fufu~" Aimi said with a shaky voice, it seems she couldn't contain herself as the 'Aimi' everybody knew.

And soon, her mask fell of, as she giggled.

"mhm~" She started unbuttoning my shirt, as she laid her hands on my abdomen.

"Stick out your tongue." She commanded, as if she was using a toy, not a person.

"Yesh.." I stuck out my tongue, while attempting to still make words out of my mouth.

Sfx: touch

"Gsh.." I moan, as our tongues meet, at the tip.

Sfx: hand slip

Her hands pull down my pants, while the other pin down my hands. Her mouth seems to be working onto the kiss.

"Mmf-" She begins her muffled moans, as we intensely drive into a kiss.

This time, it was quite different, her tongue moved even more aggresive than before, as she swirled it clockwise, before begginning to suck all of the saliva from my mouth. Breaking the kiss and leaving my mouth dry.

"Agahh..." My mouth went dry as I savoured for more of that kiss, she clearly did it on purpose.

Sfx: stroke

"Nnhhn ahh!" She began stroking my soft thing, as she occasionally dig her nails into it, attempting to draw out blood.

Her chest pressed against my body all over, as she said in a commanding voice

"Beg for me to kiss you." She said in a cold voice.

Well it seems, I can't defy her, can I?

"Ai-...Ahh, Aimi...I..-..please...k-...kishh..Mee!" I struggled making words as she stroked my thing with a fast pace.

Sfx: grab

Upon hearing these words, she squeezed my thing

"Ahh!" I moaned to it

The pleasure, was simply too much!

"Mmh.." she gently let out a voice, as she got into the kiss again.

She started lubricating my mouth with her saliva, moving her tongue as she painted the walls of my mouth with her saliva, occasionally biting onto my tongue, bleeding it out.

"Nnnff...." It seemed she couldn't wait any longer, she sat on top of me, and put my erect member inside her.

"Very short roleplay, it seems..." I tried to wiggle around my arms, but to my surprise, Aimi kept hold of them very tightly.

"I don't care..." She began humping onto me, as she sooner began to cry out in moans of pleasure.

"Nnh! Aaah! Master!"

It became clear she now uses 'master' while she uses my body for her liking, but why not my actual name?

"Ahn! Haah! Whaa!! Aahh! Master! So rough!!"

"Aimi! Aah! You're clearly the one on top! Ahh!!" I moaned back.




And so, the entire night went with Aimi using Ryou countinously.

At the Morning

It was around 6 am, and Aimi had woken up.

"Zzzz..." Ryou snored as he was still sleeping.

"Fufu~" She stroked his head, as she pulled out her phone and...

Started writing something?

[Aimi's Perspective]

I wrote

"And so, we did it 4 times yesterday, just last night!"

"Ah, it should be enough." I reached my thousand word mark with that finish sentence.

Sfx: close

I closed the journal app.

"Ah, my beautiful morning, here I come!" I stretch out my limbs, as I get out of my bed.

"He's still sleeping, waa~" I gasp as I find him...still lying in the bed.

"I could..right now, use him as much as I want.." my hands drive me crazy,

They began going on his back and suddenly-

"Mmf..Aimi...not again" he moaned while still sleeping

"Fufu~ seems like he is even dreaming of me using him~"

I leave the bedroom.

Sfx: mixer sounds

"Protein smoothie is essential, only then my body would remain as toned it is currently, isn't it?" I mark on my to-do list sticky note on my fridge.

As I make breakfast, I pull out my phone and open videos of him in my 'special' room, while I was away~

"Hidden cameras are truly a blessing!"

I joyfully eat my breakfast as I munch on my dear love being tied in the video~

At the laundry room, infront of the mirror

I stand naked infront of the mirror, both admiring and finding faults in my body.

"What's that white mark? Did I not bath properly?" I look concerned.

I can't let him find this out...wouldn't he consider me, lesser attractive?!

"Ah, it's his...liquid..." I blush as I see it's still dripping out me.

After a second bath

"These things aren't going to grow any more?!" I cup my chest, as I speak with cornern!

"But would...he like me?" I give a disappointed look.

At bedroom

I am dressed and ready, only task left is to

"Get you in your 'special' room, so others don't steal my dear toy~" I speak next to my love, while he's still sleepy

Sfx: pick

"Surprisingly, you're still heavy!" I say as I work hard to get him in his room!




At the street

"Hey!!!" Aimi waves

"..." The person begins walking faster

"Why are you... Ah, think you could escape?"

Sfx: run


Aimi ran at an insanely fast speed, that of an athelet!

Sfx: grab


"KYAAAA! I'M SORRY!" Lisa trembled in fear as she said.

"Don't worry, it's me!" Aimi assured Lisa.

"That's the problem!"

[Aimi's Perspective]

Right. Right.

Keep that fear in you.

"So, Lisa, you haven't forgotten about our contract, have you?"

"No no! I haven't!"

"Good, well, could you explain me why do you like your brother?"

"Uhmmm..I-...he's just..." Lisa blushed at my question.

That's right. Extract, squeeze he ksst but of information you can give me about Harold's accomplices. I need it all, to save my dear love.

"Well, to tell you the truth, as a kid, my family always had domestic violence at the house. It's the reason why Aiko even moved in the first place!" Lisa added, as her voice trembled.

I lifted her chin up and assured her

"Don't fear, there's no bigger fish than me in the current sea. Fufu~"

"Aiko would always come and hug me whenever the fight went on, he would pick me up and lock the both of us into a room, far from all the chaos!" Lisa said.

"Ah, I see. So you're a victim of bad parenting, aren't you?"

"That's true. The only family member to ever love and care for me was him, Aiko." Lisa added.

"So... I couldn't control myself and...and one day, in his sleep, I kissed him! He didn't seem to notice any of it! I started going further and ended up losing my first time with an asleep Aiko..." Lisa's palms were nervously sweating.

"But, why would you record all those things?" I was confused.

"Well, I'm a bit of pervert. I thought it would be nice if I had a solid"

"To blackmail your own big brother infront of your parents and pressure him into marriage?"


"Maybe it is..." Lisa added, while blushing and yet sweating at the same time.

And by the time our conversation went over, we reached college.

"So Aimi...huh, Aimi?" Lisa wondered where Aimi had disappeared.

Sfx: using Taser gun


"Don't stare at me, if you do, you'll meet your end today." Aimi said ruthlessly.

"I'm sorry..!" A perverted student, who got smashed by Aimi, cried.

"Get out of my sight."

"Yes ma'am!" He ran away.

"Aimi! Where do you disappear- oh my god." Lisa gasped.

"Ah, don't worry, it was some pervert trying to stare at us, enjoying his view. You know? Only my boyf- I mean...uhh" Aimi went from confident to a nervous blush!

"Ah, it's okay. I get it."

We went to class.

At the class

"Can anybody answer this?" The professor asked.

"Ah, no hands raised..except for Aimi again, ofcourse."

"Are you the only one who studies?!" Professor gave Aimi the chance to answer again.

"Waa! Aimi is so intelligent!"

"She's a prodigy, I guess."

"She's beautiful too!"

The others admired Aimi.

After class

"Hey, Aimi, I think you're really cute and-"

"No thanks. I'm engaged to someone." Aimi rejected the proposal.

"Owww!" The boy was in tears.

At the street

"Ah, see you then, Lisa. Take care!"

"Where are you going, Aimi?"

"Ah, me? I'm going to train, to turn on my lover, even more!"

and so, Lisa started walking her way back home.

"Ah, so Aimi told me, she would get spied at this street. But only I am here. Would I be spied too?" Lisa mumbled to herself.

From the corner of a street, Aiko gasped straight.

"Doesn't that look like my...sister?"

On his bluetooth earpiece, Harold shouted

"Shut up stupid Aiko! Focus!"

"Oww..okay!" Aiko went back to spying.




At the gym

"Hey that girl trains so hard!" A man admired Aimi.

She was running at quite a high-speed on the treadmill.

The man joined the treadmill next to her

"You know, cardio after the workout is a good thing!"

"Yes I knew that. I'm taken." Aimi rejected another man.

After some time, as Aimi put her hands together upwards to fix her ponytail, while also wiping down her sweat

"Rejecting numerous men, is part of my daily life now."

She faced upwards and pointed her fingers at her chin as she thought

"Ahnn... When will I finally lock me and him into a room and stay together for the rest of our lives?"

To then, she giggled to herself as if she knew the answer.

"Well, I know it, the time's coming soon!"




At Ryou's Mansion

"So, who is this 'Ray' guy...?" Lee questioned.

"He's a recorded criminal, he has numerous crimes over his name. It's a surprise he got caught to the police." Harold said.

"Ah, I've heard of him now that you mention it. Wasn't he arrested as he was found, guilty of murdering a man he held while fighting numerous policemen?" Lee answered back.

"And you think it's true?"

"Not in the world would this be the correct reason!"

"Exactly! Think of it, why would a criminal who could never get caught by the police, suddenly put himself in such a blunderous position? And how can a single man ne responsible numerous kills?" Harold questioned.

"He also had connections...or more like, a deal with...this businessman named Michael?" Lee used his financial knowledge recall who Michael is.

"So in short words, Ray and Michael are connected. Also, Michael held a mourning of a week for his son's death, at his company."

"His son was...?"

"Somebody who knew Ryou, Yuuki, isn't it?" Harold guessed.

"Oh my god, Both Michael and Ray have lots of information! Whom do we contact first?"

"Let's take the gamble, on Ray first."

And so, they stood up from the bed.

"Who was that?" They saw a figure hide in shadows, as they went out of the door.

Sfx: ring

"They are going to meet Ray first." Someone said.




At the street

[Aimi's Perspective]

"I see. thanks."

Sfx: hang

I cut the call.

So it seems, they are coming for Ray first?

That makes me,

Visit Ray earlier than these two.




Meanwhile Harold and Lee

"Shit! We need to find the police station, his case, warrant and much more!" They both sighed at frustration!

Meanwhile, At the building

"So...Aiko is stalking me currently. Should I reveal everything to him?!" Lisa trembled in fear.




At Aimi

"I don't have to prepare anything..." She smiled.

"To meet a family member, especially your own brother, doesn't take much hardwork. Fufu~"

With a determined look, that clearly wrote 'anything to save my love!' she went on to take the gamble and,

"...So, Ray, I'm coming for you... La lala~"