"...huh? It won't open-" Aiko panicked.
Is Aimi, my crush, actually a murderer?
No no no no, this can't be.....!
And in turn of events, panicked Aiko begins
He starts violently knocking the door.
Oh no, was he caught?
Chapter 20: The Talk
At the corridor
"Yeah, I'm sorry miss Carla. Shouldn't have banged her door." Aiko apologised, and bowed 3 times.
"Idiot! Dummy! Insolvent! Criminal!" Carla's lashings countinued.
"I'm sorry...landlord.." He hid his face.
"Well, what's the need for you to break into a young girls place?" Carla was concerned.
"It's not breaking-"
"Shut up."
"Agh.. fine, I'll tell you everything." Was Aiko about to reveal everything, that he learnt from Harold about.... ....Aimi?
At Aimi's "Special" Room
Lustful Aimi, which had collapsed on the floor along with Ryou, climbed on top of him. Her area between thighs touching with Ryou's crotch.
As she looked down on him, she spoke.
"Inexperienced, isn't it?"
"it's not that-"
"Don't worry, I'll teach you~"
As she raised her hands,
[Ryou's Perspective]
There, another slap.
She must have thought I'm probably trying to kill her, but wait, if I remember correctly.
She blushed!
When we fell, she blushed. Is she trying to hide this?
"What was this for-"
I tried to put my arms together, to stop this.
She mistook it for me hiding my face.
"AGH.. ..HYA!" She pinned my hands above my head, on the floor.
"Let's...teach you, my way" She pulled on my leash, bring my face to her lips.
She held onto me, by my tongue, which was entangled with hers, as we engaged in an intense kiss.
Sfx: bite
Wait. What is she doing?
"MMF!" My scream gets muffled due to the kiss.
"SHAWP- BISHINGH MFYH- TONGUH~" (Stop biting my tongue~) I managed to utter these words.
AGH! She countinued to bite on my tongue, sucking on the blood that came afterwards.
"tashes...likhh..iron~" She muffled from her mouth.
It seems she had no plans of breaking the kiss.
She started taking off my pants, as my hands were tied. I couldn't help but to just look at my body being used, like a toy, once again.
As she countinued kissing on me, occasionally biting my tongue and sucking blood out of it, along with pulling on the leash, making sure I get choked. (To bring up more saliva.)
She begun her work on my pants, it seems she was experienced with my clothing more than I was with hers.
"So... What's this, mm?" She finally broke the kiss, and pointed at my erect member.
It seems she wanted me to answer.
My body could do nothing but to remain silent, and prepare for another slap.
Tear fell out of the corner of my eye, it seems I was indicating her I truly didn't enjoy this.
"Ahn!" As she noticed my tear, her eyes widened for a second, and her expression went dull, but she quickly regained back to normal..- no, more like she forced herself to back to the dominant look of hers again?
Was she concerned? Is this Aimi?
Is she forcing herself?
She raised her hands again, I closed my eyes, it seems another slap was coming and-
"Don't worry, I'll be quick ~" What?
She placed her hands on my cheek, no my leash, or anything, just my cheek.
It reminded me of back when I was with Miko.
Somehow, that gesture of hers made me comfortable again, and she leaned onto me, pressing her bare body intensely against me.
While doing so, she started stroking my thing roughly, and as fast as she could. She occasionally went super slow and then fast again.
All I could do, is to close my eyes, and get slapped. I was supposed to keep looking at how she uses me.
"AHN! NO, YOU'RE TOO FAST!" I moaned, but it was of no help.
"Sit here." She commanded me in a cold, and ruthless voice.
"Normally, I would hate the idea of you using another hole that isn't a part of me. But if you do it while visualising me, I'm more than happy~" she giggled at what she said, and brought on a onahole.
"wait....no no no.. please don't.. please don't dirty me with, another sex toy...I beg you.. anything but that-"
She slapped me again, and stuffed her finger down my throat, my gag reflexes kept gagging, but it was of no help against the devil I was dealing with.
And finally, she stuffed my thing into the onahole, and began stroking it up and down.
With each stroke, she would get angrier. She check on my expressions.
"AGH! HGG! GAH! AHN!"I kept moaning against the onahole, surrendered completely to the pleasure. And already melted into the domination present onto me.
"You're liking this... Aren't you?" She was at the peak of her jealousy and anger. It seems the thought of getting pleasured by anything else than her frustrated and furiated her.
She was so angry, that beyond the point of slapping and kicking to discipline.
I felt a liquid flowing on my thigh, oh yeah, she was on my thighs this entire time. She has become this wet by seeing my expressions?
"Agf....I-...don't...aghhh...know.." I was at the peak of my climax, and couldn't think of anything straight.
Just as I was about to come, she pulled it out.
"AGH!" my eyes closed tight, my face shrinked due to the climax. I opened a bit of my eye, to find nothing coming out of me.
I saw a face of an angry woman, who was at the verge of killing me. She held onto my leash, and started choking me patiently, one second by the other.
"Assure me, I'm better than a toy, right?"
"Yes..! You are! AGH- please- I might die!"
"I don't trust you." Chokes from the leash even more tightly.
She took hold of my erect member, and started guiding it inside her.
It stinged.
"3..." The tip touched her bottom.
"...2.." it went halfway in.
"....1" it was fully inside.
This beautiful girl infront of me, all young and long wavy lustrous hair, Aimi, hugged me tight, pressing chest against me. And moaned.
"AHHH!" A very feminine, elegant yet hot, shrinking voice came from her mouth, and she leaned forward to kiss me again.
and then...
At Carla's room
Carla was looking through the drawers, searching for the kit of "emergency keys" she keeps for each room. It is so she can open the door when required, without using the key of the rented owner.
Beside her sat awkward Aiko.
"So, ...uh what is Aimi like?"
"After knowing what you told me..." For context, Aiko lied that Aimi and him are friends. And Aimi is depressed.
"Well, she's the perfect girl" She sighed.
"Ah yes she is..."
"It hasn't been much days ever since she has been here. More like...err, 2 days or 3? I don't remember. When she came, another lady came with her. Aimi and this lady were in maid dress, and to be frank, they were claiming to be sheltering after being abused by their master 'Ryou' who's a run-a-way suspect right now." Carla recalled.
"Tell me more."
"Aimi is so polite, she recently joined a university, I helped her with a scholarship. All in just one day? It is so crazy to even wonder. And yet this girl did it. She also a part-time job, if I remember?" She placed her hands on her cheek, as she re-called.
As she was looking through the keys, she found an old picture.
"This is out of context.. but err, is that the driver who got killed that day?" Aiko saw the picture.
"Shut up!" Carla was embarassed.
"Please, I would like to know."
"What would you know, young man? I cheated on my husband long ago, I regret it. It costed me my marriage, and my beautiful daughter. My husband earned money by working as a driver, I still sent my dear daughter bits and bits of money to help support her education.. Aimi, she was the angel who got my daughter in a good institution. I'm indebted to her. It is a shame my daughter and ex-husband died because of that pest 'Ryou', he even didn't leave Aimi, did he?" Tears fell out of her eye, as she re-called all of this.
"Your daughter's...name?" Aiko was curious.
"Isabella..." She sighed.
"Wait.. wait wait wait.."
This name? He recalled it. It was in the paper Harold gave!
He took Aimi's keys that Carla gave him, and rushed to the door.
"Aimi.... I know you're innocent, prove me right!"
At Aimi's room
*sfx: doorbell.
Aiko opened the door.
"Anybody in? I heard somebody falling!"
At Aimi's Special Room
[Ryou's Perspective]
And then....
Sfx: doorbell
Looks like somebody came in, right when she inserted it in?
Aimi's face was all red, as she had just gotten my thing in. She heard the noise, and was blank.
"Oh...my...fucking...god..." As my thing was still inside, she turned her head, and talked to herself.
This was the first time I heard her swear.
I think she was frustrated to her peak, first that jealousy and now this.
"You're not going to pleasure yourself, hm?" Aimi gave me a cold look, and adjusted her clothes. Deep inside, she was still frustrated as hell. And was angry to her peak.
[Aimi's Perspective]
Well, trouble never leaves me, does it?
I open the door.
"Ah, Aimi! You're safe, phew~" He spoke.
Ah, it's this bastard again.
"What do you want?" I speak, in a cold voice.
Wait- that was for Ryou.
"UM!" I hide my face.
"I'm so sorry!" I go back to the usual 'Aimi' they know...
"Ahah, no worries." Was she using the sex toy just now? Aiko thought to himself.
"I'll bring tea, wait here." I gave the invitation to this bastard to sit on a nice and comfy sofa, in a well cleaned bright room, while my love's thing was so erect back there. Fuck you, whatever your name is.
In the kitchen
So cramped, so small. Back in the mansion-
Flashbacks of everything
Aimi's hands go to her lips, fondling her cheek and blushing into everything she recalled.
"Mmmh...it was wonderful. I won someone I loved for my entire life, as much as I could recall."
Aimi opened the window to the kitchen, and looked outside, the evening sky.
All orange and settling,
"This reminds me...of my parents."
"I'm sure they would be proud after they know, I have still somebody to take care of! Papa, I'm not alone!" She giggled.
Slowly, her hands slipped in her panties, and in matter of seconds, she was into pleasuring herself.
"No matter how much I think of you... It's never enough...!"
Moans kept flooding, as she countinued to pleasure herself in the kitchen, thinking of Ryou.
[Aiko's Perspective]
Her room is so nice!
The hall, its so nice and clean.. it's missing a TV though...
"Nnh! Haah!" Wait....did I hear that right?
Is somebody moaning? Hold on.
I stood up, "Aimi?"
She didn't respond.
I went to the kitchen, the door was locked?
"This is the kitchen, right?"
The door was still locked, I tried knocking on the door to confirm my suspicions, but to my avail, nothing happened."
I decided to use voice this time.
"Is somebody inside?"
And soon.. I expected a voice to come... I was about to open it with the emergency key
And then.....
"Huh?! What happened?!" Aimi rushed infront of this door.
"Ah...ahah! I thought you locked yourself in the kitchen!"
I think this is the room, where she keeps her sex toys.
"Ah, no. Just don't enter this room, ever. Not even with this key." Aimi spoke, in a apologetic voice.
What was she hiding? Wait, she is innocent, right?
"Ah... ...because it's...the bathroom! A ladies place to wash... You know.." she blushed at her words. Her blush seemed fake, but enough for me to trust.
Ah, so it's the washroom, huh? Alright. I'm such a weirdo.
"Well, sit here..! Err, I have prepared the tea!"
"Well these days my college and part time take alot of work so haha-"
"And then- hm?"
I knew something is wrong.
"Could we talk...?"