The clamping of the horse's feet got louder and louder as the rider strode through the forest. The wind blew into his face, causing his mask to stick to his jaw lines making them sharp and clear over the cover.
His eyes focused on what was ahead. Grey-coloured layman's robes flew against the direction of the wind. The horse, was a pure colour of black, as majestic as the rider himself.
The moon was full and adorned the night sky in a rather serene manner. The entire sight gave a hint of calmness. The mild moonlight shone into the man's deep eyes, creating a speck of glitter in them.
Wind rusted through the trees creating a ghostly hour. Every path through which the rider galloped, a cold, icy aura was left behind him.
As he proceeded forward, the trees started to thin down and one could see where the lining of the dwelling started and that of the forest ended.
Before he could enter into the dwelling, he stopped and pulled the reins of the horse. He got off with one swift move. His eyes trailed around until they settled on a tree with a round enough bark, to which he tied his horse.
Next to it, he stood completely still. There was not a symbol of weariness in his dark blue eyes, it was all coldness, the more one looked, the more one got lost in their depths.
Even though nothing about his attire was unusual, besides the majestic face, still covered in the mask and two sharp eyes peering above it, yet there was something about him that would make one believe that even the forest, in this moment of darkness and silence, worshipped his presence or probably found it unworthy of itself to have such a deity standing on its very own self.
Calling him a mere person seemed like disrespect, considering his Godly aura.
The man made a peculiar movement of his hands, which produced a black-purple light, summoning an individual.
"My Lord!", the individual quickly bowed.
The cold eyes stared at the individual.
The individual hesitated for a second and then spoke, "Our spies have reported. Prince Aslan's coronation ceremony is going to take place before the next full moon. It shall be done in the lifetime of the King, considering his poor health."
"The Princess.", the man with the mask said in his deep and penetrating voice, which seemed to make the trees shiver.
A nervous look crept upon the individual's face.
"M-My Lord! We have confirmed that the Princess is not in the palace. We have searched all the areas where you felt the pure-bloods aura get strong but we were unable to find her dwelling.", he said.
The man's eyes darkened. The instant his subordinate saw them, he knelt to the ground.
"M-My Lord, a probable place according to what you indicated might be Mozhao village. I didn't inform you because we ourselves weren't sure.", he stuttered.
Yes, that beautiful figure could sense a pure-blood's aura.
It's not something normal to be able to sense a pure-bloods aura unless... you're a Devil, not just a mere one, but the most strongest and powerful of all Devils to have ever existed.
Devil's hearts are nurtured by human blood, but there is a certain kind of Devil, the rarest ones, whose heart is nurtured by the blood of pure-bloods born once in a million years only.
Just as it was easy to get a human's blood for a Devil, it wasn't to get a pure-blood one.
And just as pure-bloods were born once in a million years, so were such Devils, who required their pure blood.
But Cypha wasn't one such Devil King. He was different, he wasn't rare, he was the only one of his kind.