Chereads / The Human Emperor Breeder / Chapter 16 - Chapter 16

Chapter 16 - Chapter 16

I looked across the room and saw Ares glaring at me and I gulped but then I heard Eloise whisper to me

" Now I would just let you do the job of ridiculousing yourself and he would be pressured into divorcing you and then I would be his wife this will teach you not to mess with a human".

I smiled and then played along with her and said in a high vioce

" Yes lady marrying is right I would like to perform a song for the people present"

After saying that I started moving closer to the piano while advancing to it I caught Ares gaze at the other side of the room and he gave me a questioning look and I just smiled at him .

As I reached the piano I delicately placed my fingers on the keys and started playing a soft tune then after a while I switched the tune to a more faster and difficult one and I heard gasps from the crowd around me and I looked at Eloise face which had a total look of fury on it andthen she stormed out an I looked that of Ares which had a look of amazement .

After I completed my performance I stood up and the crowd clapped for me and I then the ball music continued and then Ares approached me and I stared apprehending what he was going to say if he was going to scold me or if he was going to get angry at me for drawing too much attention to myself so I just stood there and when he finally got there he extended his hands and said" can I have this dance "

Personally I wasn't a very big fan of dancing but with the crowd around us staring at me I reluctantly took his hand and we headed to the dance floor and then the music started playing and as we danced I noticed no one else on the dance floor.

" I never knew you knew how to play the piano" Ares suddenly said as we danced

" There are so many things that you don't know about me"

" But still I didn't know fairies educated their kids in the art of music"

" Ha,"I laughed and then continued"we fairies treasure our cultures and traditions and dancing, singing and many others are being taught to us just as basic knowledge and I was given a more strict study plan than my siblings as I was worthless in the art of magic so at least I was thought on how to make that perfect fairy wife "

" If you knew all those things like etiquette music dancing and all why bother learning about the etiquette of the humans"

" I was raised to be a perfect wife not a princess nor even an Empress and besides I enjoy learning new things,so I continued with the study plan".

After that statement we just stayed quite till the dance finished and we bowed to each other and then I excused myself to the garden I needed some fresh air and then while sitting on one of the benches gazing on to the starry sky I saw a little figure being hit and then i saw a geouo of people sorrounding her and couldn't stand it anymore i stood up and walked up to them

" What is going on here " I demanded as I reached their side "

Seeing me they all bowed then one of the maids walked up to me and bowed to me

" Your magesty this girl here was caught eating food from the kitchen meant for the guest and so we decided to beat her up to punish her "

Looking at the maid on the floor I saw how much she was beaten the girl who was approximately just 16 or 15 was nearly breathing and I then turned to them with an angry glare

" Can't you all see that you guys where about to kill her and that is a dark much punishable crime than stealing food "

" Please forgive us your magesty" they all said falling on their knees

Looking at them I sighed and then looked at the girl one more time

" Take her to the empress palace and then your salary would be detained for a year this is your punishment " I proclaimed with the much authoritative vioce I had

" Thank you your magesty for sparing our lives" they said then started lifting the girl out to the empress palace for treatment.

Sighing I thought of how I couldn't have even have a moment for peace . Deciding to take a look at the roses before going back into the palace i saw a familiar person standing in the mist of the roses it was the crown prince of the barbarian kingdom prince kier and looking closer on the ground was the two princesses .

Moving closer I started to hear bits of their conversation

" Brother please " the slightly tall girl said " we don't want to get married to a man who already have a wife and a kid , please reconsider" she begged

Then prince kier gave her a tight slap which was strong enough to send her to the floor

" Sister" cried the shorter girl as she hurried to her

Kier then moved to both of them and then grabbed a chunk of the girl he slapped hair and pulled it hard " listen to me Bidellia you are going to marry Ares whether you like it or not and if he is not satisfied with you Muella is also going to marry him that's you people role as princess and as women so stick to it " he then scoffed and walked away

I slowly and quietly slipped away and returned to the ballroom this may be my chance to gain power politically for I and emerald .

When I arrived the ballroom I walked up to Ares and then bowed to him

" Your magesty please I would like to have a word with you "

He looked at me skeptically and the he nodded offering his hand which I graceful took and we exited the ballroom

" So what do you want to talk about " he asked dismissively

" Firstly I would like that the two princesses of the barbarian kingdom come live with me till the day they depart".

" Why do you want that "

" I just want to perform my duties as empress " I answered calmly

" What else".

" I would like two things to be part of the meeting with the council to discuss the truce and also I want to be given a weekly allowance".

" Is that all "

" Yes "

Ares started thinking then he grinned " I would accept all your requests " I sighed In relief then he continued" but I want one thing from you too" he said

I looked at him skeptically then said" What do you want "

" I would want to see you dance and sing for me when this political things get over"

Thinking about it it was quite easy for me to dance and sing so his request was easy to fulfill" yes I agree to all your condition "


Returning to the empress palace was like a dream come true for me this evening was a nightmare for me and going back home to where my loved ones where was quite revealing as I reached the front door the two gaurds open the door for me and I entered the first thing I saw was how grand and beautiful the empress palace was .

It had big gold chandeliers hanging on the ceiling , marble floors and the walls were painted white .

" Oh dehlia your back " said Ila as she approached me with emerald in her arms. I quickly took her into my arms and then hugged her .

" After helping me change and putting emerald to sleep Ila and I decende the stairs and then headed to the drawing room where everyone was gathered even the maid that was beaten .

After seeing me Sally stood up and hugged me something that was inappropriate for a maid and her master but I didn't care I missed her a lot.

" So let's first start by all reintroducing ourselves again so as to get more squinted with each other I ordered .

" I am Sally Justin and an apothecary I deal with poisons and medicine and I am from the second largest empire Hessede and the daughter of a count and 19 year old"

I am Celestia and I am a baker and also " she paused as we all looked at her she then looked at Ila before she nodded then she continued " a witch".

We all gasped and looked at her and then she continued

" I am sorry for hidding the truth about our identities but we wanted to be accepted so we hid it".

" We would understand if you want both of us any more--- "

" What do you mean that so cool " I said and they both looked at me with cinfused faces

"It was said that witches where all destroyed since long ago so seeing not one but two was a dream come true for me "

" I agree with deglia " sard Sally

" And me too said the maid"

"Alright finish to introduce yourself to us so we an discuss our plans for the future " I said

Celestia smiled then continued" I am Celestia a witch of destruction and shape shifting and also a kitchen witch and a baker but also an assassin but when we are in the midst of people please call me Candace and I am 20year old"

" I am ilariah but you can call me Ila , an inventor and I witch who controls matter invisibility and illusion and I am 18 year old"

" That's so cool" I said " this is the new addition to our group a maid um can you introduce yourself " I asked

" I am Lunaera a designer I can draw and create anything with my hands be it dresses jewelry you name it and I am a 18 year old dragon "

The room fell silent as we all looked at her

" That's impossible dragon where all destroyed since ---"

" I know, but I am a living proof so "

" Enough , it's my turn to introduce myself I am the fairy kingdom first princess and the empire of saplin empress, Dehlia Asterlayna Logan I am soon to turn 16 and the mother of the first princess of saplin emerald Margaret Logan and " I grinned " and the new Savior of the continent because I am a divine being called a Guardian".