The carriage rattled through the streets of Niameda and soon approached the port. When it came to a halt, Adanna peeked out the window, her breath catching in her throat.
A group of curious onlookers had gathered around a magnificent sight – a griffin with shimmering black feathers waited patiently on the dock, its massive wings folded. A blue crest adorned its chest, and a majestic golden carriage was attached to its back, ready to transport passengers through the sky.
"My word, it is a griffin!" Serena exclaimed, awe in her voice. "I have only ever read about them. They are even more magnificent in person."
The carriage door opened, and Serena and Adanna stepped out. They walked toward the group of onlookers, curiosity piqued. As they drew closer, the griffin turned its regal head, its golden eyes calmly assessing them.
"It is truly a magnificent creature," someone whispered.
Adanna and Serena exchanged glances, feeling a mixture of wonder and excitement. Then they noticed a handsome man with tanned skin, short brown hair, and a neatly trimmed beard standing beside the griffin. He wore a formal yet practical dark blue suit, his posture confident and dignified.
He looked at a portrait in his hands before addressing them. "Lady Adanna and Princess Serena, I presume?" he asked, a polite smile gracing his features. His gaze lingered on Adanna, causing her to feel uneasy.
"Indeed, that is us," Serena confirmed, her eyes darting between the griffin and the man. Adanna remained silent, her earlier excitement dampened by his lingering stare.
"I beg your pardon if the griffin startled you," the man continued, his smile widening. "I am Miguel, the Griffon Master for the De León family."
"A Griffon Master?" Serena echoed, her curiosity sparkling. "How fascinating! We have no griffins in Ivamis."
Miguel chuckled. "Aerionia is full of wonders, Princess." He paused, glancing at Adanna before returning his gaze to Serena.
"Please forgive my manners; it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Miguel," Serena said, curtsying politely.
Adanna, still uncomfortable, offered a small nod. "Indeed, it is an honor, Miguel." She marveled at the griffin's size and beauty.
Miguel gestured toward the golden carriage. "Please, follow me."
He ushered them to the carriage and opened the door. Adanna and Serena gathered their skirts and climbed inside.
The interior was just as beautiful, with blue velvet seats and stained glass windows depicting scenes of nature and animals. As Adanna settled into her seat, she noticed Miguel's earlier smile.
Was it her imagination, or was there something else in his gaze? Before she could ponder, Miguel climbed onto the griffin's back with surprising agility.
With a powerful beat of its wings, the griffin launched into the air. Adanna gasped, stunned by the sudden ascent. Below them, the cobblestone streets of Niameda faded into the distance, replaced by rolling countryside and towering oaks.
A pang of bittersweetness filled Adanna's heart. She was leaving all she knew behind, venturing into the unknown. A tear welled up in her eye, but Serena reached for her hand, offering a reassuring squeeze.
"Do not worry, Adanna," Serena said gently. "We shall be fine. We have each other."
Adanna met Serena's gaze, a grateful smile curving her lips. "Indeed," she agreed. "We shall."
The griffin flew above the clouds, providing breathtaking views of the vast countryside below. Adanna marveled at the sight of the mighty ocean in the distance, realizing how large and beautiful the world was.
The initial terror subsided, replaced by awe. Adanna reclined in her seat, exhilaration flowing through her veins. Aerionia awaited, and she was ready for the challenge.
Adanna's gaze remained fixed on the passing scenery as the griffin soared higher and faster. She felt a thrill of excitement course through her veins, a sense of freedom and adventure that she had never experienced before. As she continued to look out of the window, she saw a sight that made her gasp.
Dozens of griffins, each pulling a carriage filled with people, flew in formation across the sky. But what truly stole her breath was the sight in the distance – a massive, shimmering dome that covered a kingdom.
"Serena," Adanna whispered, her voice barely above a murmur. "Look."
Serena stirred from her sleep, drowsiness momentarily clouding her features before she followed Adanna's gaze. Her eyes widened in equal astonishment.
The griffin, mirroring the descent of the other carriages, began a gradual descent towards the kingdom. A nervous flutter settled in Adanna's stomach. This magnificent, dome-protected city was Aerionia.
As the griffin landed with a gentle thud, Miguel leaped off its back with practiced ease and opened the carriage door. Adanna and Serena, feeling a mix of fatigue and anticipation, stepped out.
The bustling scene that greeted them was unlike anything they had ever witnessed in Niameda. Ladies of various ethnicities, all dressed in beautiful, colorful gowns, exited from their carriages, their voices laced with accents that made Adanna's ears tingle with curiosity. She could not help but feel a pang of self-consciousness. Everyone seemed so different, so effortlessly beautiful.
Miguel, led them towards a checkpoint manned by guards in dressed in yellow armour. This man, tall and tanned with dark hair and piercing green eyes, seemed to be scrutinizing a portrait in his hand. He compared it to Serena, who was allowed to pass through with a nod after a brief inspection.
Adanna walked up to the checkpoint, her heart hammering in her chest. The man held her portrait up to the light, studying it with an intensity that made her skin crawl. He said something in rapid Spanish, a language that sounded completely foreign to her ears.
The silence stretched on, making the situation even more uncomfortable. Finally, the man turned to another soldier, his voice hushed. "Ella es hermosa, Dios mío," he muttered, a phrase Adanna could not decipher but hoped did not carry a negative connotation.
The soldier chuckled and nodded before returning to his post. The man with the green eyes then turned back to Adanna. "Welcome to Aerionia," he said with a warm smile before gesturing her to pass. Adanna offered a hesitant smile in return. She still had no idea what he had said, and the experience had left her feeling bewildered and slightly judged. Was this how things were going to be in Aerionia?
A woman, her face stern, ushered Adanna through another checkpoint, conducting a search of her belongings before waving her through. Reunited with Serena, Adanna tried to mask her unease.
"Are you all right?" Serena asked, her voice tinged with concern.
Adanna forced a smile. "Yes... I believe so."
Miguel reappeared, his smile unwavering. "Ladies," he said, "please follow me."
Adanna and Serena exchanged a wary glance before falling into step behind Miguel. They were led through a mechanical door that led into a huge grey chamber that was eventually filled with ladies. An unnerving silence hung heavy in the air, broken only by the nervous murmurs that erupted with the arrival of each new competitor.
Suddenly, a strange noise filled the chamber, followed by a mechanical whirring. Adanna looked above to see sections of the dome opening up, revealing the capital city of Aerionia. With a final gesture, Miguel ushered them forward, leading them out of the entrance hall and into the heart of Aerionia.
Adanna and Serena's eyes widened as they stepped out into the city. Aerionia was unlike anything else she had ever seen. The city's translucent crystal dome stretched high above, its surface shimmering. Sunlight shone through the dome, casting a soft glow over everything below. But the true wonders were not just in the sky; they were on the ground.
Griffins of all shapes and sizes soared through the air, their powerful wings beating against the sky. Some were sleek and black, while others were vibrate colours like white and pale purple.
They created a breathtaking sight, a constant reminder of the fantastical nature of this place.
The city itself was a stunning blend of rustic charm and extravagant luxury. Huge stone buildings, intricately carved, reached for the sky. Vibrant flowers flowed down their walls like living waterfalls, adding a pop of color to the scene. Cobblestone paths wound through lush green meadows, connecting quaint cottages and grand manor houses. Every building, no matter how large or small, showcased a harmonious mix of stone and natural elements.
The air was filled with the sounds of nature and city life. The gentle gurgling of streams, the cheerful chatter of Aeronians going about their daily routines, and the lively calls of merchants hawking their wares in bustling marketplaces created a group of sounds. The sweet scent of blooming flowers filled her nose, mingling deliciously with the faint tang of exotic spices.
Aerionia was alive; it was warm and vibrant. It was a place where nature and civilization lived side by side in perfect harmony. A place where the rustic charm of cobblestone streets and flower-covered cottages seamlessly blended with the grandeur of towering buildings and elegant carriages.
But as she took in this enchanting scene, a sense of unease crept over her. As she walked alongside Miguel, their footsteps echoing on the cobblestones, she couldn't help but notice the stares they were attracting. Every Aeronian they passed seemed to turn their heads, their eyes lingering on her just a moment too long. Their whispers, though spoken in a language she didn't understand, carried an undercurrent of discomfort that sent shivers down her spine.
"They are... staring," Adanna whispered to Serena, her voice tinged with nervousness.
Serena, oblivious to the subtle tension, turned towards her with a smile. "Are they not? It is all so dazzling, is it not?"
Adanna forced a smile in return, her heart sinking. The initial awe she had felt was quickly being replaced by a gnawing sense of doubt. Was this what she had signed up for? Weeks of discomfort and judgment, all for a chance to win a Duke's hand?