Adanna's sobs echoed through the garden. She felt as though her entire world had crumbled around her, the weight of the humiliation and shame almost too much to bear. She wanted nothing more than to crawl into a hole and disappear from the world, to escape the pain and the pity. She felt so much grief that she did not notice the figures that emerged from the ballroom, their footsteps silent on the soft earth.
"Adanna!" Kazi's concerned voice cut through the darkness. Adanna looked up, her eyes red and puffy. Kazi rushed to her side, worry etched on her face. She settled beside Adanna, her arm looping around her shoulders. "What happened?" she asked gently.
Soon Nia, Ife, Asha and Tanisi joined them, their faces a mix of worry and concern. Nia took a seat next to Adanna, carefully plucking a stray tear from her cheek. The silence stretched until Kazi finally broke it.
"Adanna," she said gently, "what happened in there?"
Adanna's lips trembled, but no words came out. She stared at her lap, a million thoughts swirling in her head. Nia gently squeezed her hand, and Adanna finally found the strength to speak. "He..." she whispered, "Sergeant Hawke... he asked me to dance." She paused, swallowing hard.
Her sisters frowned. "And?" Nia prompted gently.
Adanna took a deep breath. "He... he said things... about my weight... about my chances of finding a husband... he said marrying him would be the best I could hope for." She choked on the words, her eyes filling with fresh tears. "I felt so stupid and pathetic, like everyone was laughing at me. I could take it anymore."
A stunned silence followed. Then, Kazi's face filled with rage. Her hand turned into a fist, her knuckles whitening. "That bastard! He does not deserve you, Adanna. I swear, I will make him pay for what he has done."
A choked laugh escaped Adanna's lips. "Oh, Kazi," she said weakly, "do not worry about him. He is not worth it."
Nia squeezed Adanna's hand. "Adanna," she said firmly, "you are beautiful, inside and out. You are intelligent, strong, and kind. That man is a fool for not seeing that. You do not need him, or anyone else like him. You have a family who loves you, and friends who care about you. You are enough, just as you are."
Tanisi chimed in, "Nia is right! Men like him do not deserve you. There are plenty who will appreciate your kindness, humor, and strength." She squeezed Adanna's shoulder. "You are beautiful, and you will find someone who will see that and love you for it."
Ife rested her hand on Adanna's shoulder. "You are right," she said softly. "You deserve so much better than someone who would say such hurtful things. You are an amazing woman, and I promise you will find someone who appreciates you for who you are."
Asha smiled at Adanna, her eyes filled with warmth. Her silence spoke volumes of love and support. Adanna felt a warmth spread through her despite the lingering hurt. "Thank you," she whispered, "thank you for being my sisters."
A small smile played on Asha's lips. "And beside who cares what they gossip about, Adanna?" she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "It is just gossip. People will eventually forget these things."
Adanna knew Asha was right, but a part of her dreaded being the subject of whispered conversations for the next few weeks.
A vein throbbed in Adanna's temple as she scanned the headline: "Sergeant Hawke Rebuffed: Lady Adanna Makes Scene at her Late Lady Aminata's Ball." She gripped the paper tightly, feeling a mixture of anger and humiliation wash over her. "This is ridiculous," she muttered under her breath. "How could they say that?"
The drawing-room door creaked open, and Ife entered the room with a mischievous look in her eye. "Are you seriously still lost in the world of gossip and scandal?" she asked, gesturing to the newspaper in Adanna's hand. "I did not think you liked reading my dearest sister."
Adanna ignored the jab, her frustration growing. "Look at this!" she shoved the crumpled paper at Ife, who unfolded it with a raised eyebrow.
"Ah," she drawled, taking a moment to read the article. "So, Sergeant Hawke was not the charming prince you were hoping for, then?"
Adanna threw her hands up in exasperation. "Charming prince? Ife, he insulted my figure! He essentially labelled me a spinster due to my size! And all this newpaper speaks of is how I 'caused a scene'! Where is the condemnation of his rude, insensitive behavior?"
Ife leaned back on the plush couch, feigning surprise. "My word, Adanna," she said, her voice clear with false sincerity. "You do not mean to tell me the esteemed Sergeant Hawke lacks decorum? You wound me!"
"This is no laughing matter, Ife! They portray me as some hysterical shrew, while he walks away unscathed!" She paced the room, the crumpled newspaper clutched tightly in her hand. "They label me a spinster, as if my worth is solely determined by whether I am married!"
Ife watched her sister for a moment, a flicker of empathy replacing the teasing look in her eyes. "Very well, very well," she sighed, sitting up straight. "Enough with the theatrics. You are letting this get the better of you, Adanna. You are a fine, intelligent woman, and one day you will find someone worthy of your love. And as for the rest of it, you must learn to ignore the gossip and the rumors. They are only interested in sensationalism. The truth is often lost amidst the noise they create."
Adanna stopped pacing and glared at Ife. "Easy for you to say. You are not the one plastered across the front page as 'rejected'."
Ife snorted. "Oh, come now. They twist every tale they get their hands on. You know this. Besides, who cares what a bunch of gossip-mongers scribble? This will be forgotten in a week's time."
Adanna remained silent, unconvinced but unable to argue. Ife was right, but that did not make the sting of the article any less painful.
The drawing-room door creaked open once again, shattering the tense silence. This time, two curly hair princesses and their giggles ran in. It was Kyra and Nia, their faces flushed with the thrill of some mischievous game.
Ife sighed dramatically. "Here we go," she muttered, just as Kyra let out a delighted shriek. Asha chased her nieces around the room, laughing and pretending to chase them with a feather duster. Asha caught up to Kyra and scooped her up into her arms, playfully tickling her.
Adanna could not help but smile at the sight. "It must be a trial being outnumbered," she teased Ife, watching Asha plop a giggling Kyra onto the settee beside them.
"You can say that again," Ife replied, stretching out her legs. "It is almost noon and Kiyoshi and Nia are still sound asleep, while these two terrors have been up since the break of dawn."
Meanwhile, Asha had turned her attention to the still-giggling Kyra, telling her a story about a brave knight and a fierce dragon. Adanna watched as Kyra's wide eyes followed Asha's every word, completely entranced.
Just then, Asha turned towards Adanna, a mischievous look in her eyes. "So," she began, tilting her head playfully, "are you still on the hunt for a husband, dear sister?"
Adanna snorted, "Absolutely not!" she declared. "As Ife so wisely pointed out the other day," she added, glancing at her sister, "these things cannot be rushed. Besides, the right gentleman will come along when he is meant to."
Ife grinned. "Or," she drawled, "you could always forget about men altogether!"
Before Adanna could speak, Asha's eyelids began to droop. A yawn escaped her lips, and she began to lean heavily against the settee.
"See?" Adanna said, amusement dancing in her voice. "Looks like all that late-night carousing with your friends has finally caught up to you." Asha mumbled an incoherent agreement before slumping down onto the settee, fast asleep within minutes.
Ife turned to Adanna, a surprised laugh escaping her lips. "A miracle," she marveled. "Asleep that quickly? I must learn her secret."
Adanna chuckled. Just then, a discreet knock on the drawing-room door interrupted them.
"Enter," Adanna called out.
The door opened to reveal a young maid. "Lady Adanna," she announced, curtsying deeply. "Lady Nandini has arrived to call upon you."
Adanna exchanged a surprised glance with Ife. "Nandini?" she murmured, "Well, show her in, then."