The carriage rattled along the familiar dusty path towards Ivamis, the sun's rays painting the horizon a brilliant shade of pink and orange. Ren's advice echoed in her mind – a few days with Nia might be the fresh perspective she needed to untangle the knots of her heart.
Three days later, the carriage drew to a halt outside the grand palace gates of Ivamis. Relief washed over Kazi as she climbed down, her legs wobbly from the long journey. A young vampire maid led Kazi through the corridors.
"Queen Nia's chambers, milady," the maid announced, gesturing towards a large oak door.
Kazi nodded her thanks and pushed open the door, bracing herself for whatever news awaited her. Inside, Nia lay propped up against a plush headboard, a book resting idly on her lap. Her once vibrant face was now dull.
"Nia!" Kazi exclaimed, rushing to her side. "What is wrong? Are you alright?"
Nia let out a weak laugh, a hand fluttering to her considerably large belly. "Wrong, Kazi? My dear sister, I have not been more right in my life. Just... indisposed."
"Indisposed? But how? What happened?" Kazi's brows furrowed in concern as she glanced around the chamber. Nia chuckled again, "The last months of pregnancy, my dear. Eight months gone already, and Kiyoshi insists on me staying in bed until this little one decides to grace us with its presence."
"Oh, thank heavens! For a moment there, I thought..." Kazi trailed off, unsure how to continue.
"Thought what?" Nia teased, her gaze fixing on Kazi. "That a rogue vampire had snuck into the palace and attacked me?"
Kazi shot her sister a playful glare. "Something like that."
Nia patted her hand. "With Kiyoshi around, nothing of the sort could happen. He is practically abandoned his royal duties, spending all his time fussing over me these last few weeks."
"He is a good man, Nia. You are lucky." Kazi smiled, watching as Nia absentmindedly caressed her stomach.
Nia's smile widened. "And he says the same about me, little sister. Though, with him spoiling me rotten, I cannot say I disagree." She paused, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "But enough about Kiyoshi. How are things in Niameda? Have you enjoyed your return home?"
Kazi shifted uncomfortably in her seat. "Things are... fine, I suppose. The court misses you, of course. And everyone is eagerly awaiting the arrival of your little one. But..." Her voice trailed off, as she struggled to find the right words.
Nia studied her sister's face and smiled gently. "But what, dear sister? Speak your mind. You know you can always do that with me."
Taking a deep breath, Kazi met Nia's gaze. "Nia," she began, her voice barely a whisper, "I need to tell you something."
Nia's playful smile softened with concern as she squeezed Kazi's hand. "Whatever It is, you can tell me, Kazi."
Kazi closed her eyes for a moment, gathering her courage. "Nia," she confessed, her voice trembling, "I... I think I... harbour...feelings...for...Az..Azrael...I think I love him." The words tumbled out of her mouth in a rush, as if they had been building up inside her for far too long and simply had to be released.
Nia's eyes widened in surprise, then a slow smile spread across her face. "I knew it!" she exclaimed, squeezing Kazi's hand. "You stubborn girl, you spent all this time denying it!"
Kazi's face flushed, and she pulled her hand away to hide it behind her back. "N-Nia, I..." she stammered, feeling embarrassed and relieved all at once.
Nia leaned forward; her expression serious. "Kazi, dear sister, you need to know that I am not surprised. Not in the least. You see, I have known for some time now that Azrael was the one for you."
"Do not tease me, Nia, I am serious." Kazi protested; her voice still shaky.
"Oh, I know you are, sweetie," Nia assured her, reaching out to take her sister's hand again. "But alright, alright, I will stop. But seriously, Kazi, it is about time you admitted your feelings."
Kazi sighed, lifting her head to meet her sister's gaze. "But what am I supposed to do about them, Nia? I cannot just... abandon everything here in Niameda."
The thought of leaving her life as a General, her duty to her people, filled her with dread. The idea of marriage, any marriage, still sat heavy in her stomach like a stone. And Althea, with its rigid traditions and submissive women, was not a place she could ever truly call home.
Nia's smile softened. "No, of course not," she said. "But Kazi, what do you want? You harbour feelings for Azrael, yes, but you also love your life in Niameda. Have you discussed this with him? What are his thoughts?"
"I have not seen nor spoken to him since we left Althea," Kazi admitted, looking away. "Everything has been so... chaotic." She paused, her gaze drifting back to her sister.
Nia nodded in understanding. "Then perhaps you should," she suggested. "Communication, Kazi, it is key. You cannot expect to find a solution without talking to him."
"So... so you think there is a way? A way for us to be together without me having to... to give up everything?" Kazi asked, hope flickering in her eyes. Nia squeezed her hand reassuringly.
Nia chuckled. "There might be," she said, a mischievous look in her eyes. "Perhaps you could... hear him out. Maybe his father's proposal was not as rigid as you initially thought. Maybe, just maybe, there is room for negotiation."
Kazi's mind raced with possibilities. Maybe Nia was right. Maybe there was a way for her to be with Azrael without sacrificing her freedom or her duty to Niameda.
"You think... you think I should accept his proposal?" she asked, her voice barely a whisper.
"Yes! You, Kazi, are strong, brilliant, and fiercely independent. I have no doubt you can make any marriage proposal work on your terms, as long as you communicate openly and honestly with Azrael." Nia squeezed her hand reassuringly.
A wave of relief washed over Kazi. Nia was right. It was worth a try. Maybe, just maybe, there was a happily ever after waiting for her, one that did not require her to become a submissive wife trapped in a cage of tradition.
Hugging Nia tightly, Kazi whispered, "Thank you, Nia. You have helped me more than you know."
Nia returned the hug, her smile filled with warmth. "That is what sisters are for," she replied. "Now," she added, "go charm that prince and rewrite the rules of Althea's marriages, Niamedan warrior style!"
Kazi laughed, the sound warm and genuine. "You are right, I am strong and fiercely independent. Maybe I can do this." Taking a deep breath, she straightened her back and squared her shoulders. "Thank you, Nia. I will do my best to make this work, for both of us."