Chereads / Checkmate For the First Time / Chapter 10 - Chapter 10 : A game of Stalemates

Chapter 10 - Chapter 10 : A game of Stalemates

The fifth match of the Tournament was about to begin. The audiences were as energetic as before. The classes who were facing in the fifth match were Class 1D and Class 1B. The situation of Class 1D was critical as they were in last place with negative 4 points whereas Class 1B were in a rank high, on third place with 3 points. This match held a significant value for both the classes.

It was about time. Rina begun announcing the names of the participants.

" From Class 1D , we have Yamamoto Sumire with 38 votes and from class 1B , we have Masahiko Kaito with 45 votes. Let's give our players a huge round of applause. " The auditorium erupted in claps and shouts as the players walked onto the stage. Both the players were looking confident in their abilities.

Kenzo, as usual was sitting beside Ken.

" Man, if Kaito wins today, our class will come in second place. " Ken said while looking in the direction of the stage.

" Yeah, by winning 1B will have 8 points. " Kenzo sighed, a sign that he wasn't that much interested in watching his own class climb up ranks.

" Kenzo, You should show a little enthusiasm for our class " He nudged him playfully, his eyes bright with anticipation.

Kenzo shrugged, leaning back in his chair, clearly unbothered. "It's just a game, Ken. Doesn't change much for me, win or lose."

Ken shook his head, a grin still on his face. "Maybe, but this match could be the turning point for 1B. If Kaito pulls through, second place is ours. We're this close, man!"

Kenzo glanced back at the stage, watching Sumire and Kaito settle into their seats at the chessboard. Both players were calm and composed, but their eyes betrayed the fire within. It was clear they knew the stakes of this match, and neither intended to go easy on the other.

The crowd's excitement grew as Rina announced that the match would begin. Kenzo watched as the first moves were made, a standard opening from both players. Despite his disinterest in the rankings, he could sense the tension building. Every piece moved with purpose, and every strategy felt like it could tip the scales for either side.

For Class 1D, this was their last chance. They couldn't afford another loss. Sumire had the weight of her entire class resting on her shoulders, while Kaito played for the opportunity to push 1B to second place.

Ken sighed beside him, eyes focused on the board. "C'mon, Kaito. Just one good game."

Kenzo glanced at him, still unmoved. "We'll see. It's still early."

The match between Yamamoto Sumire and Masahiko Kaito began with a quiet intensity, and the audience's anticipation mirrored the seriousness of the players at the board. Sumire, representing Class 1D, sat confidently, her eyes scanning the chessboard before her. Across from her, Kaito from Class 1B remained calm, his face expressionless, though his focus was razor-sharp. The stakes were high for both, but perhaps none more so than for Sumire, who was playing to lift her class from last place.

Sumire opened with **1. e4**, a classical and aggressive start. Kenzo, watching from the stands, immediately noted her intentions. _She wants control of the center, classic. She's pushing early for an open game._ Kaito, ever the conservative player, responded with **1... e5**, a solid response. _He won't engage her in a reckless attack. He's aiming to keep the balance, at least for now._

As the game progressed into the Ruy-Lopez:

**2. Nf3 Nc6**

**3. Bb5 a6**

**4. Ba4 Nf6**

**5. O-O Be7**

Kenzo's mind began working. He could see the positions and predict the standard lines ahead of them. Sumire's next move would dictate the tone of the match. And sure enough, with **6. d4**, she broke the symmetry and launched her first offensive, challenging Kaito to either defend or cede control of the center.

_Kaito will take the pawn, I would. It's the only way to avoid locking down the game. He needs to keep his options open if Sumire overextends._ And just as Kenzo expected, Kaito captured with **6... exd4**, opening the center. Sumire quickly recaptured with **7. Nxd4**, keeping her knight active.

_That knight is aggressive, but it's also vulnerable,_ Kenzo thought. _Kaito needs to push her bishop back, keep her from building too much control._

Kaito played **7... b5**, forcing Sumire's bishop to retreat to **8. Bb3**. He followed up with **8... O-O**, ensuring his king's safety. _Good. He's castled early. He's not going to risk any surprises._ Sumire, however, was pressing for more than just safety. With **9. Nc3**, she developed her knight, readying herself for a broader attack.

Kenzo's eyes flicked across the board. _She's trying to overwhelm him, but she's overextending._ He could see the subtle balance Kaito was maintaining. His opponent was building pressure, but Kaito wasn't reacting yet. _If Sumire gets impatient, she'll leave herself open._


### Midgame Momentum Shift

Sumire's next move came with aggression: **10. f4**, a clear indication that she was preparing to attack on the kingside. Kenzo frowned. _Too soon. She's opening up her own defenses without enough development. If Kaito finds the right counterplay, he can capitalize on this._

Kaito, however, stayed conservative, playing **10... d6**, shoring up his center and preparing to bring his dark-squared bishop into play. Kenzo's mind raced. _There's a better move here. Kaito could've gone for c5 instead, grabbing more space and choking her attack early._ But Kaito was still safe, for now.

Sumire, emboldened, traded knights with **11. Nxc6 bxc6**. Now, Kaito had doubled pawns on the c-file—a slight weakness, but one that could be mitigated if he played carefully. Sumire followed up with **12. Be3**, bringing her bishop into the fray, and Kaito responded with **12... Re8**, activating his rook.

The game was evenly poised, but Kenzo could sense that Kaito was under increasing pressure. Sumire wasn't holding back, especially when she brought her rook into play with **14. Rad1**, seizing control of the open file. Kenzo's mind analyzed the position. _She's gaining ground, but Kaito has the potential to counterattack. His queen's side is weak, but his pieces are well-coordinated._

When Kaito responded with **14... Qe7**, Kenzo nodded slightly. _Good. He's connecting his rooks and eyeing those weak pawns on Sumire's kingside._ Yet despite this solid defense, Sumire wasn't giving him time to settle. With **15. Bd4**, she was preparing for a central breakthrough.

Kenzo noticed the tension. _This is where the match will turn. Sumire's got the initiative, but if she pushes too hard, Kaito will punish her._

The game continued, and Kenzo's eyes never left the board, every move reflecting in his mind as he played through possible continuations. Sumire's next move came aggressively: **17. f5**. Kenzo's brows furrowed. _That's dangerous. She's creating weaknesses in her own structure. Kaito should retreat the bishop to h5 and play for a slow buildup._

And Kaito did just that: **17... Bh5**. Sumire pressed on with **18. f6**, looking to cut off Kaito's bishop and open lines to the king. Kenzo couldn't help but think she was overreaching. _She's committing too early. If Kaito plays g6, he'll slow down the attack and give himself time to regroup._

Sure enough, **18... g6** came from Kaito, a move Kenzo anticipated. Now Sumire had to reposition. She played **19. Qg5**, threatening Kaito's h6 pawn and setting up more kingside pressure. But Kenzo saw the deeper truth. _Kaito isn't in any real danger yet. He can simply play h6, force her queen to retreat, and build his counterattack._

And that's exactly what happened. **19... h6**, forcing Sumire's queen back to **20. Qf4**. Kenzo watched as Kaito began to consolidate his position, responding with **20... Ne5**, threatening Sumire's queen and preparing to strike in the center.

_Kaito is turning the game around,_ Kenzo thought. _Sumire's losing her momentum, and now Kaito's pieces are more active._ But Sumire wasn't finished yet. She played **22. Nd5**, bringing her knight into a dangerous position. Kaito responded with **22... Qd7**, neutralizing the threat.

Kenzo's mind raced through the possibilities. _Sumire is trying to maintain the initiative, but she's running out of time. If Kaito pushes her back now, he can take control._

As the game moved into the endgame, both players were running low on material. Kaito, after several exchanges, had managed to neutralize most of Sumire's attacking pieces, but Sumire still had a slight advantage in activity. Kenzo could feel the game coming to its conclusion.

Sumire played **24. h3**, trying to secure her position. Kenzo noted her caution. _She knows Kaito is pressing. She's trying to prevent any final counterattack, but she's also running out of options._

Kaito, seeing the opening, brought his rook into the game with **24... Rab8**, threatening Sumire's queenside pawns. _Good move,_ Kenzo thought. _He's preparing for a breakthrough. If Sumire isn't careful, she'll lose her last chance to fight for a win._

Sumire retreated with **25. Rfe1**, reinforcing her position, but the writing was on the wall. Neither side had enough material left to break through. Kenzo could see that a draw was the most likely outcome.

As both players maneuvered their kings and remaining pawns around the board, Kenzo's thoughts became clear. _This is going to end in a stalemate. Neither Sumire nor Kaito has enough to force a win._

Sure enough, after a few more moves, the game reached a stalemate. The crowd burst into applause, but Kenzo remained quiet, reflecting on the game's progression. Both players had fought fiercely, but in the end, neither could claim victory.

_As I thought from the start, no one wanted to risk too much. But if Sumire had played a bit more cautiously, she might have taken it._ Kenzo sighed internally, standing up as the match came to a close. _Kaito was never going to lose, but he missed his chances too. In the end, they both played not to lose, instead of playing to win._

" Man, a stalemate " Ken said with a hint of frustration " We get 2 points for this and told we have.. Um.. 5 points and 2nd position. "

" It was a good game but Kaito failed to capitalize some of the opportunities " Kenzo stood up from his place, ken followed him out of the auditorium. As they continued talking though most of the talking was done by ken only. He ran ahead of kenzo because Kaito was standing near the entrance. His face looked tired from facing the pressure of the match with Sumire.

" Hey, man you did really nice back there. Thanks to you we are in second place. " Ken joined him with kenzo behind him.

Kaito turned toward Ken with a faint smile, though the exhaustion in his eyes was evident. "Thanks, Ken. It was tougher than I expected. Sumire played really well," he replied, running a hand through his hair.

Ken grinned, clearly excited. "You totally held your ground! I mean, a stalemate against a player like her? That's impressive!" He nudged Kaito playfully. "If you keep this up, we'll be champions in no time!"

Kenzo, who had been listening quietly, raised an eyebrow at Ken's exuberance. _Always the optimist,_ he thought. Kaito, on the other hand, seemed less enthusiastic.

"Yeah, but it's not just about holding my ground. I had a few chances to capitalize, and I didn't take them. That's what I'm frustrated about," Kaito admitted, shaking his head. "I could've pushed for a win if I hadn't played so conservatively."

Kenzo stepped forward, finally contributing to the conversation. "You played solid chess, Kaito. Sometimes, a draw is the best result you can hope for, especially when the pressure's on."

Kaito nodded, appreciative of Kenzo's perspective, even if it wasn't the praise he craved. "True, but I know I can do better. I need to be more aggressive in future matches."

"Next time, just remember: don't be afraid to go for it," Ken chimed in. "We believe in you!" He glanced at Kenzo, adding, "Right?"

Kenzo shrugged slightly. "It's just a matter of execution. Just avoid getting into positions where you're forced to play defensively."

Kaito smiled at his blunt and open words.

" Thanks for the advice , man. " He said

" Let's meet you at the next match between 1A and 1C. " Ken waved his hands at Kaito.

"Yeah " He nodded.

" See, that wasn't so hard " Ken teased him for being so reserved " You can make friends easily if you are willing to. "

Kenzo shot a sidelong glance at Ken, his expression a mix of annoyance and amusement. "I'm not trying to make friends, Ken. I'm just not into all that small talk. Besides, it's not like Kaito needs me to coddle him."

Ken laughed, shaking his head. "You know, not everyone is like you. Some people actually enjoy a bit of camaraderie. It helps lighten the mood, especially after a tough match."

"Yeah, well, I just don't see the point in pretending," Kenzo replied, keeping his tone neutral. _Why bother if it doesn't change anything?_

As they made their way down the corridor, the buzz of the tournament continued around them. Students were discussing strategies, celebrating victories, and commiserating losses. Ken was visibly energized by the excitement.

"C'mon, let's grab some food. I'm starving!" Ken declared, leading the way toward the cafeteria. "After a tense match like that, I need something to celebrate."

Kenzo followed, still lost in thought. The earlier match had stirred something in him. _Why do I care so much about their outcomes?_ He could appreciate the strategy and skill involved, but he felt a twinge of frustration. _What was the point of it all?_

As they entered the cafeteria, the atmosphere shifted slightly. The food counter was bustling, and students were already filling their plates. Kenzo grabbed a tray, but Ken seemed distracted by a group of students animatedly discussing the upcoming match.

They found a free table and sat down to eat their food. Ken was still bubbling with energy while Kenzo just listened to his chit-chats. As they finished the food and set aside the plates in the counter. Ken asked him " What do you think, who will win 1A Or 1C ? "

" It's hard to say without knowing who will be playing " Kenzo pointed the obvious making him frown in reply.

" Atleast take a guess " He sighed.

" Well, with the current momentum 1A has, I would say they have the upper hand "

As they made their way back to their classroom, Ken was still buzzing with excitement. "Man, can you imagine if we go up against 1A in the finals? That would be something."

Kenzo remained silent, his thoughts lingering on Kaito's performance. _It wasn't just about winning or losing, he mused. It's about understanding the game on a deeper level. That's what separates the great players from the good ones_.

Match No. 6 :- Class 1-A vs Class 1-C

In a highly anticipated chess match at Aika High, Class 1A's **Yoshito Inoue** faced off against Class 1C's **Kiyoshi Matsuda**. The atmosphere was charged with excitement as students gathered to witness this clash of young talent, both known for their strategic prowess and competitive spirit.

The game began with the **Sicilian Defense**, a popular choice that allowed both players to express their tactical creativity. Inoue initiated with 1.e4, immediately establishing control of the center, while Matsuda responded with 1...c5, aiming for dynamic counterplay. As the match progressed, Inoue played 2.Nf3, leading to a complex and rich position.

Matsuda executed a solid plan with 3...d6, but Inoue countered with aggressive pawn pushes and well-coordinated pieces, including a powerful knight maneuver to f5. This created pressure on Matsuda's position, forcing him into defensive mode.

Inoue's tactical vision came to the forefront as he unleashed a series of brilliant moves, culminating in a decisive queen sacrifice that left Matsuda reeling. Despite fighting valiantly to regain control, Matsuda fell victim to Inoue's relentless attacks. With precise calculation, Inoue maneuvered his remaining pieces with surgical precision, leading to a checkmate in just 28 moves.

This match's result put 1-A on top with 15 points, displaying the dominance they had over this tournament. Class 1-C remained on the third place with 1 points.

1-A is really different from the rest. No one is even thinking about competing against them.

Kenzo sighed as he set his bag down on his table. The day was eventful, but what fascinated him was the domination of 1-A. Though he didn't care about it, the way that class played all the three matches and won was different from the rest. It was as if they were making it clear that no other class can come near their skillsets.

" Hiroshi-Kun "

He was gazing at the sky from his balcony until a soft voice addressed him. He turned his left and saw Izumi who was leaning against her own balcony.

"Yeah " He responed

" Thanks for your help the other day "

" Oh, it's not a big deal "

" So, are you going to be participating in any of the match ?"

" I don't know, It's too exhausting to sit snd play for 40 minutes. "

She chuckled " Oh, But you should take a chance, you may be better at chess than you show. "

" No, I am just an average player. " He politely declined her assumption about his skills.

"There's one thing I Want to confirm" He said looking at her.

"Yes? "

"You haven't disclosed anything about me, right? "

" Yes, I haven't. " She said " But why do you ask?

" Just want to make sure I don't get any unwanted attention. "

" Don't worry. I will not disclose that to anyone. "

" Thanks for Understanding. "

Their conversation continued upto some time. Izumi headed back in her room after waving him off. Kenzo also went inside his room to rest himself.

The idea of participating in the tournament, suggested by both Izumi and Ken did not interest him.

I would want to keep myself under radars for now.