Zack and Ninx, had gone up to the rooftop of the apartment building, Zack looked out at the city before him ,and then turned to face his friend Ninx.
" Ninx let us begin, we need to insure that there are no demons of the shadow king here, we can't let anyone know what we are doing " said Zack.
" Please sit here, close your eyes and relax ,reach down deep inside yourself and touch the heart of your magic and power,let the power build , imagine that you're power is a ball, and as you pour your magic into the ball it grows larger , good very good my king, I can feel your power radiating from you , now push your power forward from your body, and let it merge with mine " said Ninx.
A ball of purple pulsating light, of powerful magic emerged from Zack's chest , it slowly crossed the distance between Zack and Ninx ,suddenly it began to merge with a blue ball of magic ,that had come from Ninx.
The two powers merged into one another, the power spread out over the entire roof top, and became a golden shimmer, that hung above them in the air,suddenly the golden shimmer spread across the sky, and soon the entire city was covered by the faint golden glow ,that was undetectable to human eyes , the power covered everything from rooftops down into the sewers, and the subway system of London, the power was searching for any trace of Demons in the city, after fifteen minutes the power returned to the roof top ,where Zack and Ninx sat waiting.
The power separated from each other , and returned to Zack and Ninx .
" There is a group of demons in the city , I can guide you to them my King " said Ninx.
" Thank you Ninx, you have done well ,please lead the way my friend, we have some Demons to deal with tonight " said Zack.
Standing up Zack accessed his storage dimension, and magically his armor appeared on his body, his sword at his side, his ring was always on his finger, Zack was ready to face the demons .
Ninx waved his hand ,and he was dressed in black armor his sword at his side, and a staff with a blue crystal at the top in his hand.
" Follow me my lord "said Ninx as he used his magic ,and turned into a large bat .
Zack wasted no time ,and sprouted his large black wings and leapt into the air, he followed Ninx out into the night sky ,flying over the city of London , it was a full moon, and that gave both Ninx and Zack, a boost in magical power and physical strength .
High up in the sky ,Zack followed Ninx as he flew towards Richmond, Ninx was following a magical trace line ,that only the caster of the spell could see ,straight to the location of the demons, there was no way that Ninx could tell if the demons were loyal to the shadow king, or were demons from a faction in hell, that didn't align themselves with the shadow king,the only thing that they could do ,was assume that they were servants of the shadow king ,and attack first and ask questions later thought Ninx.
Ninx sent his thoughts to Zack telepathically, the dark elves had the blood and magic of the vampire king within them, the vampire king had used his powers and blood to create the dark elves ,from the moon elves that were loyal to him long ago, the moon elves were more at home in the night, than their fair cousins that preferred the light of the sun ,over the moon and starlight of the night, all the creatures that came from the blood of the king ,could telepathically communicate with each other ,Zack heard the voice of Ninx in his head, telling him that he did not know if the demons were servants of the shadow king or not, he advised that they assume that the demons were the shadow king's minions, and to attack immediately, Ninx informed Zack that the demons were all in one room, inside a warehouse of some sort, there was a total of six demons , Ninx could not tell what kind of demons they would have to face,"I wish I could be more helpful my lord " thought Ninx.
"Thank you Ninx , you have done more than I could ask for , let's enter as shadow and attack without warning " thought Zack .
Ninx smiled to himself, as he realized that his king was very much like his old friend Vincent, although he thought that Zack was more adventurous and a little less guarded ,something that Ninx approved of in his friend and King.
Ninx stopped in the air and hovered above the warehouse ," the demons are inside on the second level " informed Ninx.
Zack turned into shadow ,and sank through the roof of the building, Ninx turned into shadow and followed Zack through the roof.
Unnoticed by the demons the Vampire King and the commander of the deadly dark legion had entered the room that the demons were gathered in , the demons were arguing over who would be staying behind, and missing out on hunting humans, after all demons existed to create havoc and carnage, hunting humans and feeding on their souls was bliss for a demon from hell ,the more innocent the sweeter it was for the demons .
" I will not stay behind this time Drugur I stayed here looking after a bunch of humans i am not allowed to eat, you can stay this time ,I'm hunting I'm hungry, and I want to eat some innocent souls " said the smallest of the demons, a black smoke like creature from the pits of hell ,a darkling demon named Gonfa.
Zack had heard enough, he did not care if these demons were loyal to the shadow king or not ,what he had heard was enough to make Zack determined to kill every single demon ,he would not permit them to live in the human world any longer.
Zack the King of Vampires activated the power of his armor and sword, he was so angry that he had even called the dragon from his armor, without realizing that he had done so, the dragon rushed from his armor and attacked the first demon in its path, the dragon grabbed the demons head in his mouth, and tore his head off his body .
Zack leapt from the shadows, and with his blood armor activated, glowing in a blood red light, and his sword covered in flames, slashed through the neck of an unsuspecting demon, who was dead before he even knew that there was a threat.
Ninx had appeared from out of the shadows behind a demon a plunged his sword through the heart of the demon , three demons had died in the sudden attack and only three remained, Zack moved faster than the demons could track, and cut the head off a large red demon ,the dragon tore apart a green demon, that was at the back and was about to run , Ninx slammed his staff on the ground ,and the crystal at the top of his staff shot forth a blue energy, that engulfed the last demon , the demon was alive and trapped, it could not move it could not summon its magic, the demon was helpless and at the mercy of Ninx , the dragon returned to the king's armor and disappeared until called upon .
"Ninx hold the demon, I have some questions for it "said Zack .
" What is your name demon "said Ninx.
" You will get no information from me elf "said the demon.
Zack Stepped in front of the demon and smiled , I don't need you to talk ,to answer my questions demon" said Zack .
In a movement to fast to see,Zack grabbed the demon by the neck with one hand ,and placed his other hand on the demons head , Zack using his power of blood and his power to manipulate souls, as the progenitor of Vampiers he had the power to consume a soul, and gain all the skills and knowledge of the soul , Zack sucked the soul of the demon straight out of its body, and into himself he discarded any memories that he could not use ,and gained the information skills and knowledge of the demon, he also acquired his power and magic this gave Zack a boost in strength .
" I have the information we need Ninx ,the demons were working for Lyndanim ,and the people that they had been collecting are to be sacrificed, so she can preform some dark magic to summon the chaos god of evil , she has truly lost her mind, if the chaos god of evil ever appeared on this plain of existence everything would die , she must be stopped , Ninx free the people captured ,and bring them with us ,put them to sleep for now, I have to think what to do with them "said Zack.
On the other side of London ,Louise was hunting evil people and saving their victims, she would offer them the chance to be a Vampire, to be strong and have the revenge they deserved.