Ninx had done what was asked of him ,a thick fog filled the street ,and a spell of silence had been cast over the building in front of the group .
Louise looked at Zack and smiled , "I think this is going to be a lot of fun ."
" Ok everyone remember I want the one in charge alive, so he can sign everything over to us , kill all the rest .
Tonight we will rid the world of this scum, and put ourselves in a position where we can build an army, enjoy yourself Louise my dear, don't hold back embrace your instincts and trust your senses, remember that you are a predator, and tonight you will hunt .
Nyla I will say the same to you ,don't hold back kill them all, I can sense how wicked they are ,and there's nothing this scum will not do ,to get what they want, they would kill their own family for power, so let's show them what power really is.
Ninx you know what to do" said Zack.
The group approached the door, and smashed through it and entered the building, there were four men on the ground floor with guns .
The door had suddenly exploded inwards ,and moving to fast for a human to perceive, the four super natural creatures of the night, two vampires and two dark elves ran inside, before the four men could comprehend that the door had just been obliterated in front of them ,they had their throats torn out and were dead on the marble floor .
Quickly the group took off in different directions, and the four spread out through the building .
Dark elves were much stronger than humans.
A dark elf had similar strength and speed to that of a noble vampire.
Nyla and Ninx were Expert assassins, and masters of shadows ,elite warriors of the Dark Legion , this made them both death to all the humans, they were to come across as they made their way through the building.
Louise was running around the building going through rooms ,killing anyone that crossed her path her fangs had grown long, and her thick lips were drawn back ,exposing her long fangs even more , eyes were shining blood red ,her hands had become like claws .
Louise was filled with blood lust and rage,the rage was related to the kind of humans that were in this building.
Zack was right when he said that they were scum ,the same type of people that had tortured her and hurt her for no reason ,she had done nothing ,she was simply unlucky and had been ten minutes later ,she would have had a different fate, as it is she had walked right into her kidnappers and torturer, and Louise's fate was sealed, and she became a vampire ,now she could take her revenge ,on the same sort of scum that did horrible things to her, and these people were capable of the same evil .
Louise killed all of them on site ,some she put her hand through their chest to pull out their heart ,others she tore out their throats with her claws, and some of her victims died with her fangs in their throat, but all fell before her. Louise was laughing hysterically ,as she continued to massacre the wicked.
Nyla was pure shadow, she moved fast and undetected, Nyla was a master assassin, and all the humans she found fell victim to her ,without ever knowing she was there. Nyla left a blood bath behind her, and she continued on going room to room.
Ninx teleported Zack and himself, into the same room in the building as the crime lord.
Appearing out of nowhere in the large luxurious room filled with antiques .
Ninx and Zack appeared in front of man a rather squat, broad ,middle-aged bald man who was sitting at a grand piano.
Ninx moved swiftly, and the three men that had been seated around the room ,were now all dead, there heads had all been removed from their bodies.
Ninx cleaned his sword on the clothes of one of his victims, and walked slowly over to the side of his lord.
Zack who had not moved ,he had not even blinked, the whole time he was standing and looking at the man .
The man was terrified he had never seen anything like this before, a nightmare had come to life in front of his very eyes , he could not move .
Two men just appeared, and one moved to fast to see ,and my men had all been killed ,and the man in front of me has not moved ,he had not even blinked ,no these two were not men ,they were demons the man thought to himself .
Zack smiled revealing his sharp fangs, Zack's eyes shining bright blue with power stared into the soul of the man in front of him, and the man's mind was under the control of the Vampire King, what Zack was doing was more than hypnotizing or suggestion, this was controlling the mind of the person, no knowledge could be hidden, and the person would be a puppet, their mind and body under the control of somebody other than their self, and when the controlling consciousness decided to sever the connection ,the puppet would immediately die.
Zack opened a briefcase and took out some documents and a pen, then sat down next to the man .
Donald Rigs had been a crime boss a man of power, he had billions in hidden accounts,and assets and large amounts of cash .
Zack had hit the jackpot ,using the control over the crime boss, Zack had him transfer all of his money from his hidden accounts,into Zack's own accounts that he had set up recently, then he made the man sign the contracts, signing over all of his assets, he then made a crime boss upload all this information, and send it to the relevant parties making it all legal .
Zack now owned all of the assets,that only a short time ago were his .
Zack removed his connection from Donald Rigs.
Suddenly the eyes of Donald Rigs rolled back in his head, and then he fell forward dead .
" Ninx things could not have worked out better, we shall sell off some of the assets, but we shall keep this place, it will be a useful asset in the future, a base we can use when we are in London .
Ninx if you would be so kind and cleanse the place of all traces of the scum, that were the previous owners, I would appreciate it very much" said Zack
" It would be my pleasure my King " said Ninx.
Ninx summoned power to himself, and then spoke the words of power in the Dark Tongue, Tergeo Purus and a glowing golden light swept through the building, and removed all trace of blood, bodies and traces of evil from the building, the entire building had been cleansed and purified.
The group moved into the building of the former crime boss , and made plans to recover the ring of the king .
Zack left instructions with the legal firm he had employed, to take care of matters relating to the sale of assets ,the ones he had decided to sell ,he had employed a group of humans ,to run the companies that he had decided to keep ,he had made sure to take security measures and ensure loyalty.
Zack had used his vampire influence, and a single drop of his blood, to ensure the loyalty he required .
Every thing was taken care of ,and the group would begin their quest to recover the ring ,but first they would return to the Dark City ,and Louise would train and weapons and armor would be crafted for her.
Zack had been very specific about the Armor and Weapons for Louise, they would have to be of the highest standard and quality,just like his own sword and armor ,the armor and weapons of Louise would be imbued with magic .
Zack did not really understand, why or even when he started to have feelings toward Louise, and that didn't matter to him he would make sure she had the best possible protection, she had become important to him, seeing her smile or when she was blushing warmed him ,something Zack had not felt in along time.
Zack had kept his feelings to himself ,he had not said anything to Louise, as he was not sure how she would react, would she return his feelings or would things become difficult and strained between them, because she didn't feel the same way as him he didn't know .
Zack had the knowledge and memories of hundreds of relationships, he had experienced over the many lifetimes he had lived ,as well as the experiences of his time as the vampire king ,and yet he still didn't understand women , Zack thought to himself that maybe he never would , and he laughed to himself .
Ninx gathered power ,and opened a portal to the Dark City of the Dark Elves, the group stepped through the portal and left London behind.