" Please follow me and we will begin your education and training " said Ninx.
Zack followed Ninx across the cave, at the back of the cave Ninx stopped, and placed his hand on the smooth stone wall , he said a single word in a language that to Zack seemed very familiar, although he could not understand it ,he knew that he knew this language in the past .
"That is dark speech is it not " said Zack.
"Yes my lord, oh I mean yes Zack, it is the dark speech, the language of night magic" said Ninx.
" Night magic I don't understand, what do you mean by night magic "said Zack.
Sun or day magic is considered light , and night or moon magic is considered black and dark .
The truth is that there is light in the night, and there is shadow in the day, it's a fine balance.
I was born a warlock, and was raised and trained as an assassin and bodyguard, I was of the elite of the realm.
I was your commander of the dark legion.
For over nineteen hundred years, I have severed and I will continue to serve until I die, so believe me Zack when I say what you are going to have to face, will not be an easy task.
You will face horrors before this is over, and you once again sit upon the throne, and restore balance between the worlds .
Enough of that for now, please follow me, and we will see just how much you remember " said Ninx.
The wall had opened up and revealed a staircase leading down .
Zack followed Ninx down the stairs that seamed to go on forever, after an hour the stairs came to an end.
Zack was astounded in front of him was a small city ,built out of a hard smooth stone, like marble only stronger than steel.
The ceiling of the cavern they were standing in, was at least one thousand meters above or more .
The cave he had come from was at the top of the mountain ,and inside the mountain was a city hidden from the world .
" Welcome Zack , to the city of Zendon ,the last of my people and the last of your loyal dark legion live here ,hidden from the world's, through the use of magic and deception.
Here you can train, here will be your base ,and here is where we will grow your strength and power, we will grow your army. Zack when you are ready, you will take back all that is rightfully yours " said Ninx .
We will begin with training you in the fighting arts, and then move on to your control and use of magic .
For now it's time for you to feed, and get some clothes that fit you " said Ninx.
For the first time Zack became aware, that he had indeed grown big in stature, he had gained muscle and height, and his once baggy clothes now appeared to small for him.
" yes Ninx I think that would be great " said Zack .
Ninx lead him into the center of the city, and into the tallest building, where he was given a bath and a fresh change of clothes.
Standing In front of a mirror he looked at himself, for the first time since becoming a vampire, and he was shocked.
He was handsome,no he was beyond handsome he was beautiful.
He was 6 foot four inches tall,and he had the body of a warrior or an athlete.
His hair was as black as night.
His skin was perfect it was flawless, his complexion was a little paler than before, and his hazel eyes shined ,at the very center of his pupils was a small red ring .
He smiled and noticed his fangs,he laughed he could not help but find it funny , his miserable life where everything seemed to go wrong was gone, he had lost his job a couple of days ago, he had failed to turn up for work to many times, he had drunk himself to sleep most nights ,after his wife left him .
He had blamed himself right up until he died, when he stopped being a human and was reborn as a vampire ,his perspective of the whole situation was very different than before, he could see now that she was a manipulative little demon ,and if he saw her right now ,she would become his meal.
He would feed on her blood and not care ,he would laugh as her life drained away , he had changed and he would not be so forgiving.
I am Vincent Eldridge the King, I will crush all those that are my enemy, I am Zack I, am Vincent, I am the true King and I will not be stopped "he said .