No, he can't die now, why must it be him, a loud cry and voices consoling them were heard in the jong ko family, the weeping continues, shang Yi, the elderly brother was in his room thinking of what may had happened to him.
Wong miyongs girlfriend walks into the room and taps his back to cheer him up, shang Yi asked, "what happened tomy brother" tyang Yi was amused by the question, and she replied " why asking me such question" shang Yi replied without saying a word
"Do u know Wong miyong is dead" Passers by conveiled the news around the clan of ty Dolla, vwlery soon more people tripping into jong ko house with different words of consolation.
"Get out"shang Yi shouted to everyone who came for consolation, he locked the door and said to his family, enough of the cry and weeping, we can't cry like babies for ever, we have to take arms, encourage ourselves, and avenge wing miyongs death.
"How" jong di asked, and Shang Yi answered saying, we'll have to investigate all that happened to him that night, we may find traces of what caused his death,
"halla gu Macon talla shi" jong ko said, he shouted let's go to the doctor, he knows what happened to my son.