Chereads / MY SEXY MAID / Chapter 10 - FEELINGS

Chapter 10 - FEELINGS

🧍‍♀️ *MY SEXY MAID* 👩‍❤️‍👨

💞 When love blossom 🪷

Story by Author Dammy

Please do not copy or repost 🙏


Karen and his father got to the kitchen and met the scene and he ran there then took Mia away from Alexander.

Alexander also stood up on the floor then he approach them and they all went back to the sitting room.

N.B. Mr Dawson is Mia and Karen's father.

What are you trying to do?" Mr Dawson asked.

"It is not what you are thinking sir, she was falling and tried to save her" Alexander said with fear.

"So this is why you said my daughter to come and work as your maid so you can mess her up"

"No Dad, you are getting things the wrong way he is a good guy, he was just trying to save me"

"Well if you say so, but make sure nothing happens to her" Mr. Dawson said to Alexander and he nodded.

Then they both went back to the kitchen to continue to prepare their food.

"Oh your father is so scary" Alexander said as they got to the kitchen and Mia laugh.

"You look like a man caught cheating by his wife"

"Well your father made me look like that" he said and they both look at each other and they continue what they are doing.

After an hour they were done and they went to serve it then they all eat and after they finish eating Alexander took Karen to his room and they talk about somethings and also they exchange contacts.

After a while they both came back and then Karen and Mr. Dawson bade them goodbye and left.

As they left Alexander went closer to Mia and held her hand.

"You look really beautiful today, I feel like eating you up right now" he said looking into her eyes.

"Flirty boss" she said hitting him a bit and she moved away from him.

Then she went to do her work.

Alexander was looking at her everywhere she goes.

Later he went into his room so he will not disturb her work.

He got to his room and call them at work to know how work is going.

After the call he slept off.


Mr. Dawson and Karen got back home and they went into the house.

"Wow i love him, i am happy i finally met my role model"

"Oh so he is your role model"

"Yes, he is a very good, nice, humble and hardworking billionaire" Karen said.

"Well that is good, he is really a good guy"

"Yes Dad and he is the third billionaire in the whole of New York"

"Wow that is great, how did you know this?"

"Everyone in New York knows this and he is my role model so I should know everything about him" he said.

"Okay" Mr. Dawson said then switched on their small television to watch a program.

Karen also got busy with his phone.

He was on his phone when a message from Eliza pop in.

He opened it and saw the message then he smile to himself and he replied her.

They both keep on chatting and he was smiling and laughing.

Just then Damien also message him and chat with him also.

Then they all decided to create a group for just the three of them and the group was created with Eliza being the admin.

Then they began chatting in the group also.

Damien: Hi

Eliza & Karen: Helo

Damien: Eliza I will like to tell you one secret about Karen.

Eliza: Wow I will like to know that secret.

Karen seeing this message already know why Damien is going to say.

Karen: Damien if you dare tell her I will skin you alive

Damien: Eliza, Karen has feelings for you

Karen seeing this felt disappointed.

Eliza: Are you joking?

Karen: Just don't mind him, he is pulling your legs.

Damien: I am serious, he really do love you, do you remember the day you told everyone in the cafeteria that he is just your friend?

Eliza: Yes I remember.

Damien: That was the reason why he is down these days, it was love at first sight.

Eliza: Wow this is great.

Karen seeing this became a bit angry and he went offline and he went into his room just then Eliza call came into his phone but he ignored it and lay down on his bed.


Mia was quick to finish her work for the day and she went to check Alexander in his room and she saw him sleeping.

She move closer to him and sat beside him and she began admiring his face.

"He is so cute and humble, his girlfriend will be so lucky" she said and wanted to caress his face but restrain herself from doing so.

She got up and went out of his room.

As soon as she went out Alexander opened his eyes.

"You will be the lucky girlfriend soon" he said to himself then he stood up and went to shower and he went downstairs.

"Sexy maid" he called and Mia turned to see him.

"Oh you are awake sir" she said.

"Yes, are you done with work already?"

"Yes, I am about leaving" she said and Alexander put on a sad face.

"Please stay a little while" he said and Mia smile.

"Okay, if you say so" she said and sat down.

Alexander brought a video game and a game pad then they both play.

Even though Mia did not know how to play the game she play it anyway.

They play the first round and Alexander won.

"That was cheating" Mia said.

"No it is not, I won fairly"

"Okay let's play again" she said then they play three times again and Alexander still won.

"It is now so clear that you are cheating, how could you be winning every time"

"Well this clearly means you don't know how to play"

"That is a lie, you are cheating"

"Okay, let's play one more time" he said and they play then he purposely makes Mia win.

"Wow, I won" she said shouting and jumping like a baby and Alexander could not stop laughing.

"When I tell you you cheat you did not agree, now you see I can play" she said and Alexander just smile.

After a while Mia left there and went back home.


It is Monday and everyone stood up to prepare.

Mia prepared breakfast then went to prepare for work.

Karen also got up to prepare for school.

Mr. Dawson also got up to go to work because he has been called to continue work in his previous work place.

So all are going out.

After they are all done they ate breakfast and went to their various places.


Karen got to school and he as he got into the class he saw Damien and he frown his face.

He went to seat and sat down.

"Hi bro" Damien greeted him but he did not answer.

He did the second time and still the same thing.

After the third he decided to answer him.

"How could you say that to Eliza?" He asked.

"Well I am sorry for what I did, but I observe she also has feelings for you but she is hiding it"

"How sure are you about that, you advise me on what to do and you later tell her"

"I am sorry, I hope she accept you"

"Just pray she does or else I will kill you" he said demonstrating with his hand.

Just then Eliza also came in and Karen on seeing her felt uneasy.

Eliza got to them and greeted them then she sat down and just then the teacher came in and she began teaching.

During lunch break Karen rush out of the class.

Eliza decided to follow him to ask him some questions.

She saw him going in a rush and she ran to catch up with him.

Karen on seeing her feel like he should just die because he is really nervous.

"Karen, where are you going, aren't you going to the cafeteria?" she asked.

"I want to use the restroom first" he said nervously.

"Well I will like to ask you something, what Damien said in the group the other day is it true?"

"I can't remember"

"About you having feelings for me"

Seeing that she would not stop her decided to face it ad say the truth.

"Yes, what he said is true, I fell for you the first day I saw you in the school but I decided not to tell you yet,I love you" he said and Eliza became surprised and just stare at him.

Then Karen also stare at her waiting for an answer from her.

TBC ❤️

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