Upon entering the room where the money and various chemical products and machines were stored, Zac quickly grabbed what he needed and filled a 60-liter garbage bag with wads of cash!
He didn't even leave 1 Lunar Penny behind. He even picked up the coins that were lying around.
It didn't even take him a minute. With his current speed and the fact that he didn't have to worry about making any noise, given the loud sound the few people in the house could hear, he just took what he wanted while looking through the house's walls.
Nobody approached the room while he was there, which was lucky for him.
But Zac wasn't surprised. After the last situations he'd been through, especially his near-fall in Lower South Smis, he'd hoped that his karma would help him out a bit by giving him a moment of luck.
Luck wasn't something that made people successful. Luck was the opportunity to use one's abilities to succeed!