Long ago, the world was ruled by seven mighty beings of light known as the Sovereign of Seven. Each of them ruled a distinct part of the world that was divided by race. They were powerful rulers, and their reign was supposed to last forever. The Sovereigns were loved and respected by all, and their rule brought peace and prosperity to the world.
However, one of the Sovereigns was seduced by darkness, and over time consumed by it, it corrupted him. He began to crave more power, seeking to cause misery and destruction to all. The other Sovereigns were unable to kill him, so they sealed him away in a death-like seal that was meant to last until the end of time.
As the Dark Sovereign disappeared into his seal, he cursed the others, saying, "I shall return to ascend. My reign may end now, but my legacy will live on. I may have died in body, but my spirit lives on." The Sovereigns also sealed themselves, freeing only fragments of their spirits into the world, waiting for the return of the Dark Sovereign.
The Dark Sovereign's corruption forever changed the world, and the peace and prosperity that once existed were shattered. The world became a darker and more dangerous place, and people of different races turned on each other.
Despite the chaos that the Dark Sovereign caused, the fragments of the Sovereigns' spirits remained in the world, waiting for the time when they could be reunited and bring peace back to the world.
Soon this event turned into a story, the story turned into a legend, and after a thousand years, it turned into a forgotten myth.