In the world of Alura lies the continent of Ishtrahl, a land of boundless diversity and unparalleled beauty. Stretched from the icy and unforgiving Nuarthlaen peninsula in the north to the warm and bright Elysian Sea in the south. Mountain ranges divided the land into different regions, while the mighty rivers Linuria and Lavinia flowed, nourishing civilizations that thrived and prospered. There is also the Great Forest from the southwestern region, a place clouded in mystery, home to ancient creatures that seeked refuge from the destruction of old worlds.
Amidst these amazing landscapes, a rich history unfolds, from the mythical age to this day, Ishtrahl bore witness to the rise and fall of countless nations and civilizations. They formed kingdoms and empires, basking in glory before succumbing to the ravages of time and conflict. Tensions over resources and cultural differences ignited endless wars, destroying the once-mighty nations to the ground.
Many countries with people of different origins and cultures inhabit the continent. Among them, eight major powers stood as the bastion of strength and power: The Nuarthlaen peninsula in the north, the Snezhlev Empire in the northeast, the dwarven Kingdom of Falstein in the mountainous northwest, the Kingdom of Hexen in the central region, the Realm of the Holy Church, the Kingdom of Rivoisé in the southwest near the Great Forest, the Kingdom of Akthal in the southeast, and the island nation, the Republic of Marequil. These realms have endured for centuries, yet the ashes of past great wars shall engulf this land once more.
As the abyss spread across the continent, ancient grudges resurface, casting shadows upon the land. Famine spread, and sacrifices have been made. The long era of peace is now ending, and in its wake, suffering, chaos, and famine threaten to engulf this continent.
Heed this prophecy, young one. You are the beacon of hope for your people. Your fate is entwined with this world, and the choices you make will resound through the annals of time. Arise, for the future of Ishtrahl rests in the hands of the brave.
Young one, do you have what it takes to stand for humanity?
Jolted awake, the young man's heart raced. His skin was slick with sweat, his breaths shallow. The haunting images of the fallen and the famished clung to his mind, refusing to fade. Rising from his bed, he pondered the reality of his nightmare. Could such a calamity truly befall them? Only time would tell.