I woke up the next morning to be greeted by some employee of the inn, turns out Molly left to get a material to make her sword ascend which is one of the hardest things to do. I was told to go back to the underground lab/office and blow it up they gave me a box of explosives and I carried them all the way to the entrance of the underground area and placed all the explosives and lit a match and set one of the explosives and ran. The whole place blew up and I was out of the blast radius so I was good and somehow the dirt above the old roof of the underground area still stands with that out of the way I tried to find Molly only to be meet with Reds cat named Blazer, I was thinking so much about Blazer that I had not thought about how he got to middle town and so I picked him up and we went to the inn and after about a hour Molly returned and told me that she got the item and when she actually started to look at me she saw Blazer and asked me Why is Blazer here? Is Red here? I told her I had no idea how Blazer got here and told her Red probably isn't here as he has a mission in Roseville and probably hasn't finished his mission. We asked some employee's if they had cat food and they did we fed Blazer ate dinner and went to bed shortly after.