The new semester begins, and the excitement fills the air as the children eagerly prepare to go to school. However, Wilhelm finds himself waking up unusually late on this important day. Lena, his friend, arrives early and notices Wilhelm's absence. Concerned, she approaches Wilhelm's mother, Inger, who is busy getting Nathaniel ready for kindergarten.
Lena asks, "Mrs. Erland, why did Wilhelm wake up so late today? Is everything alright?"
Inger realizes that she had forgotten to wake Wilhelm up and feels a pang of guilt. She quickly rushes to Wilhelm's room to rectify the situation. Knocking on the door, she calls out, "Wilhelm, it's time to wake up! The first day of the new semester is here!"
Wilhelm, startled by his mother's voice, jumps out of bed in a panic. He quickly washes his face, trying to shake off the grogginess that lingers from his late awakening. As he hurriedly gets dressed, he mutters to himself, "I can't believe I overslept on such an important day!"
Inger enters the room, her face filled with concern. She says, "I'm so sorry, Wilhelm. I completely forgot to wake you up. Are you feeling okay?"
Wilhelm, still a bit flustered, replies, "It's alright, Mom. I'm just a little disoriented from waking up late. I'll be fine."
Inger gives Wilhelm a reassuring smile and says, "Well, hurry up and get ready. Lena is waiting for you. I'm sure she'll understand."
Wilhelm nods and quickly finishes getting ready. As he grabs his backpack and rushes towards the door, Inger calls after him, "Remember, Wilhelm, it's a fresh start. Make the most of this new semester!"
With those words of encouragement ringing in his ears, Wilhelm dashes out of the house and heads towards school, determined to make the best of the day despite his late start.