"I have searched for you a long time little one, today I correct a decade's plus mistake." For some reason these words kept replaying in my head as we continued the drive home. I take pride in not being a typical female and react the way most would especially in movies and novels. I make a lot of references to them, so incased you somehow missed that, I'm crazy into fictional storytelling, be in the words of a book or the lights and color of a movie, I live my life in them. Well back to basics what I was getting at was how in a chase like these the character in most movies and novels would be hysterical at this time, asking a million questions and struggling to accept one major truth which from all indications I have just accepted. The supernatural world is real, though I don't know to what extent. I do know that those lycan like creatures, shadow furies as Aunt Susan called them were real. And though not everyone could see them, didn't change the fact that they were real. Oh and let's not forget the fact that they were after me for a reason, and that I plan to get to the bottom of as soon as possible. And yes, my sweet Aunt Susan can blow things up with her mind, we'll have to talk about that one.
The SUV drove past the turn to our block, but rather than correcting it, Susan kept on heading straight and took a right and a left and a right again. "Um, I think we missed a..." "No we didn't." Susan said in a casual yet serious voice. "I had to make the rest of them think that we were headed home." "The rest of them? How is that possible?" I felt my heart skip a beat and that wasn't particularly funny at all. "Shadow furies move in large numbers, I sensed two around the house as I was leaving to come get you." "So where are we headed to at the moment?" I struggled to keep my breathing leveled. "Out of town to see a friend and get help, I parked a few boxes, thing I figured we'd need." I looked in the back seat on impulse, "It's in the trunk silly." It was the first time she laughed since she picked me up at school. Laughing was second nature to her; she enjoyed laughing even when things weren't going according to plan. But I guess when you are being hunted by a bunch of underworld lycan looking creature that looked like they just fell out of the movie, laughing had to take a back seat.
There was a loud crash on the road behind us, I looked back quickly, a couple feet away, two black SUV's were racing after us like we were in a scene out of the death race movie. "They are back." Susan said flatly without a backwards glance. "Wait, those creatures can't possibly fit into those cars, can they?" My head was really struggling to imagine those creatures sitting comfortably in the SUVs. "They most definitely can, once they shift back to human form. I'm guessing they are done with the scaring you part and just want to get the job done, plus it takes more magic to conceal them in their shadow fury form from the mortal eyes for long." "Did you just say magic?" Susan spared me a glance, "Don't worry once we get out of this mess, I will tell you all you need to know about all this but to do that, I'm going to need you to remain absolutely silent till we get to safety, you got that?" Ensuring my
seat belt was fastened, "Yes my lord commander." Susan chuckled a laugh for a moment. "Smart ass!" We both smiled and faced the road.
I was quite impressive watching my ever cheerful aunt wear this whole new persona and handle a situation of this magnitude like a sleeper agent. I guess somehow how you could say she is a sleeper agent, not like the ones in the movie, but yeah in a way. She turned to the freeway now, looking back I could see that they had joined the freeway and they had now been joined by two black sleek BMWs. Whatever the story was, these guy were sure as hell not planning to let either of us live to see the next day or live past the night. This was real, not a dream and if I died in this now physical debut of drive to save yourself, that would be it, now more do overs, to waking up to sigh that this was just a bad dream. It wasn't, it's real and we were just a few moment from dying in a freak car accident like my parents did.
Susan began to mutter word I could hear clearly and despite my best efforts couldn't understand. The SUV just a foot away us lost two of its tires and tumbled due to its speed. The other vehicles barely missed running into the now burning car but still kept up with their speed. Susan began her muttering again, except this time she did something I wouldn't have expected or seen coming in a thousand years. She spun the car around going three sixty and when our SUV was at the point where we faced them in our circular motion, she stretched her right hand towards the vehicles and one of the BMWs collided with the last SUV. When our vehicle turned back to the right direction, she sped off like we were currently in a street race, which from the looks of it felt like we were in one.
She continued muttering and I looked back expecting something to happen to the last car but, to my shock, nothing happened. When I looked forward, my eyes went huge and almost let out a yelp. We were fast approaching what was unmistakably a portal, a freaky huge portal. Have you seen any of the Marvel's Doctor Strange Movies, if you have, you will be familiar with the kind of portal they made in the movie, this was similar except with the edges were light blue rather than bright gold sparkles like the ones in the movie. We drove through it and it closed right behind us, we were still on the road, just further away than the point where we just were. She repeated this exercise for a couple of times and I could see that it was clearly wearing her down. If there was one thing I knew about magic, it was there was always a cost to magic and it was always draining.
We stopped once to get gas and grab a bite to eat, besides the actual knowledge that this wasn't like the other strips we've had in the past, this one clearly wasn't. From the moment I was old enough to know things, I could confidently state that we had move to a new place about four times. That was one of the reasons I could say I didn't bother keeping friends because we could move at any time, but that's if I wanted to use it as an excuse. I think my lack of interest in making friends is more a "me" thing than our moving thing. We always went for vacations and road trips which were always fun and had a life to it. We'd have music playing in the car and we'd sing our hearts out as we drove, but this was different. Our lives were on the line, we could be attacked at any moment now and the fact that night was fast approaching wasn't making it any exciting.
She made a call to someone called Rebecca that we were close she had lost the trail of shadow furies. We got on the road again and she still drove like the hounds of hell were chasing us. Though I saw no shadow fury or car of any kind chasing us, I knew she better than I understood more clearly what we were up against. So in my book, not that it mattered as much, she had every justification to drive well above the speeding limit. We past the welcome sign to a town too fast for me to read it but it felt like our meeting point was in this town because in a fluid motion, Susan drove off the freeway, taking her right into the town's road. A few minutes into the lane, we heard the screeching of tires behind us and two pairs of headlights came up behind us. Without saying a word, we but understood that the furies were the ones in those cars. It didn't matter how they found us or if they were somehow waiting for us, what mattered was the undisputable truth that our lives were seconds from being taken away from us.
A third vehicle came from a street joining the road and rammed into the left side of our trunk. The SUV was sent into an involuntary 360, but to my pride, joy and amazement, Susan was hard on the wheel and she kept moving. In anger, she flicked her wrist and the car that rammed us caught fire and ran into a tree. Two other cars joined the first two and that made a total of four car right behind us with creature hell bent on killing us. I heard a growl followed by panting at my window and a shadow fury was impressively keeping up with the car speed. Susan swerved right in a rush, sent the shadow fury into a tree, and then my eyes caught something I wish I didn't see.
A horde of them were running along the woods keeping off the road, I turned to Susan and she also had seen them. With her foot hard on the gas, she moved to stay at the middle of the road. Not one to take chances, they began to run on the road, incoming cars, cleared off for them and I could hear the screams of horror from the people who saw them. Susan was bleeding from one of her nostril, she sent me a glance with a weak smile. I stretched my left had to her and she held it with her right. It had always been like this with us, there were times when we both understood each other without ever having to say a word to each other. This was one of those times and this time we both knew and accepted this might just be the end for either or both of us. I just wished there was time for her to tell me what exactly was going on and why there were after me.
She held my hands firmly now, "Listen closely, when I tell you to get out of the car and run, you get out and run." She passed me a small bag pack. There's a phone, map, an address, a few clothes and more than enough cash to keep you for a couple months. In a small corner of the bag, there is a small pause with credit and debits card to my name and a booklet with bank details to my account and yours, and details of your trust fund accounts for when you reach of age, do you understand all I've said Sapphire?" With tears in my eyes and a clear understanding of what she said and what she didn't say, I nod, "Yes I do understand." "Good, call the number on the address I gave you, my friend Rebecca will help keep you safe in her pack." She smiled now, "I will miss you baby Sapphie." With that she started muttering again, the clouds changed and began to boil. Behind us was chaos, bright blinding
lights and thunder storms. I could barely see past it and I was guessing neither could the shadow furies. Thunder struck the ground and trees with vengeance, leaving the trees in flames. "Spending these years with you has been an honor baby Sapphie." The SUV came to a halt and the passenger door was unlocked. "Now go, go and survive." I unhooked my seat belt, and drew her into a hug. "I love you Aunt Susan." I stepped out of the car. "I love you too kiddo, with all my heart and you know just how big it is, now run." She spun the car around as I head for the woods, looking back one more time; we both looked and smiled at each other. With a salute, she drove towards the storm she created and my only mission this time was to survive.