Here's to you
The one who left my heart
I shouldn't be thinking
But you catch me if I flirt
I try to see you walk
You wont just leave me be
If I think of you,
I wish what will never be
But that doesn't really matter
You have died in my soul
Anger is what brews in your place
So my dreams take a toll
I have anger against myself
I take all the blame
I take the fault for my actions
Like an dyinging flame
I cry
Me,me, all of me…
That's all what i can say for myself
All out of glee…
I find no purpose anymore
My life has stopped
I am an inconvenience
I have decided
I have ruined my mind
You left with my mind with glee
As I screamed for nights to forget you
But I decided to set myself free
So dont follow me
Or look for me
You wouldn't of cared
I garuntee
If you find me I'll be in peices
But if I stop thinking of myself
Other may benifit
Yet you didn't help yourself
So this is my goodbye
That I should have said earlier
As if I think of you
I urge to drink from a cleaner
Enough about me
Nobody would notice
If I even talk to anyone
Would anyone focus?
But that's all in the past
Don't try to call the police
So I can finally leave my problems
And rest tonight in peace
Goodbye goodbye
I should have been better
Im sorry, Im sorry
This is my last letter.