Armed with a new hairstyle and Richard's limitless credit card, the girls stormed every high end luxury store that Rene could find.
They started with getting a makeup match test done and proceeded to buying make-up products even though Lisa hadn't failed to mention that she wasn't exactly a make-up artist and she could hardly make use of any of the products.
Rene had assured her that she would teach her every make-up tip and technique that she might need and Lisa had readily agreed, after all, Rene always looked like she had just stepped out of the front page of a magazine.
They proceeded to get clothes and if Lisa had been feeling overwhelmed earlier, she soon realized that maybe she had underestimated exactly what being overwhelmed felt like.
Rene had started off with picking out casual, everyday clothes for Lisa, listing out why they would be necessary and Lisa had readily agreed that they would indeed be very useful.