The next day, was Adrianna's day off. She lay on her bed as she wondered if she should actually go back to her job or not.

Her boss had seen her listening in on his conversation and he already did not like her before. So would he fire her for what she did?

Besides, she had gotten two warnings yesterday and early this morning. They all told her the same thing. She had to stay away from Tristian.

What was going on?

Adrianna really wanted to quit her job. Her boss was rude and arrogant. He was a selfish person who did not care about the health of his workers. She did not see why she should keep working for someone like him.

Adrianna looked around the one room apartment thar she now had to call her home because she had lost everything.

She thought of the bills that were piling up everyday and how she had to pay off those bills by herself. Then there were her sister's medical bills and the loan shark....she had too many things to do and she knew that quitting her job when she did not have a good plan of what to do.

Even though she would like to quit her job so that she would no longer have anything to do with that dangerous man, it wasn't a good plan as there was a chance that it would leave her with nothing.

Adrianna lay on her bed as she thought about her dreams to become a journalist. She would have already been in a newspaper or publishing company chasing her dreams now if her life had not turned upside down when her sister died.

She did not resent any of the things that she did for her sister and she did not resent the fact that she was working so hard right now just to get her life back on track for her family properties.

She was just thinking about how different her entire life would have been if this had not happened. She would have been working as a journalist. She wanted to be a journalist who always reported the truth and truth only.

She had grown up seeing reporters and paparazzis who flip the news and tell lies on newspapers and television so that they could get more people to read their papers.

She really hated that practice and she wanted to be a journalist who upheld Justice and who wouldn't let money and fame cloud her judgement. Now she had no idea if she would ever be able to achieve all of those dreams.

She was still stuck trying to pay off her parents and sister's debt. And now she had a boss who might just be a very dangerous man.

Adrianna still felt very scared whenever she remembered the atmosphere that she witnessed yesterday. Everything was just so scary and she still felt the chills when she remembered it. Just what kind of man was her boss?

She was still thinking about all of these things when her phone rang.

She picked it up and saw that it was her best friend, Lisa.

She and Lisa had been friends since they were both young.

They had been through so much together and even when her entire life was destroyed, she still had Lisa who was willing to help her. Unfortunately, she had no way of helping her monetarily because she had no extra money.

The both of them were still good friends though and she was happy that she had her in her life.

"Adrianna!" She called Adrianna's name as soon as she picked the call.

"Where are you Lisa?" Adrianna asked.

"I have a day off today. Do you want to come meet with me? We can have dinner together!" She said.

Adrianna was all too happy to get out of the house and hang out with her best friend.

"Of course! I am going to come out now!" She said.


Adrianna and Lisa met at a small cafe. None of them could afford the really expensive things so they had to settle.

"So tell me Adrianna. What have been going on in your life? Your parents...."

"It is what it is. I thought that I still had my parents with me but the effect of what happened to my sister was just too much for them to bear. The both of them died and I am the only one who's left now. I have to keep going. My parents and sister may have died but I can't give up now. I have to keep living for both of them" she said to Lisa.

"I am really sorry about what happened Adrianna. I thought that your sister was starting to recover. We all thought that she was starting to recover. I never imagined that something like this would ever happen" she said.

"Well, I have to move on with my life. I miss my sister so much you know ...the both of us were so close. She was just pulled away from me and I didn't even have the time to say sorry to her. I am so sad that this happened!" She said to her.

"What are you going to do about your parents' debts? You told me that they used Their properties as collateral last time?" Lisa asked.

"Yes. I have no other choice than to pay off the debt now. If I don't pay up in the next few months they are going to take all of the properties away and even if I come up with the money later I will never be getting it back for them. I don't think that I can lose my parents properties. They asked me before they died that I should do everything I can to get properties from them. It means a lot to my parents and I don't want to give up on it" Adrianna said.

"But you don't have the money to pay off the debts. You haven't even got a job yet. Haven't you always wanted to be a journalist ? since you are a newbie, you won't earn enough to pay off the debt that your parents occurred in the next few years. How are you going to come up with the money in 3 months" Lisa asked.

"I have already gotten a job. I need to abandon my plans of being a journalist for now. I am now working as a waitress in an expensive restaurant!" She said.

Lisa sighed. She knew that her friend had always wanted to be a journalist. Now, she had to let go of her dreams.

"How is it working there?" She asked.

"Well, I guess it's okay. I can't complain. My boss is a jerk but I think that as long as I stay away from him I will be fine" Adrianna said.

"It is just that .... something weird happened you see, during my last shift yesterday I saw my boss talking to someone. It seemed as if he was threatening that person. The person was begging for his life but my boss said that he won't be giving him any chances. I got two messages last night and this morning from two different numbers. One of them was telling me to stay away from my boss as he is a dangerous man and another one was telling me that I had no idea what I have just gotten myself into. I don't know what I should do. Do you think that I should tell my boss about this? He actually did Simi listening in on this conversation but he made me say that I heard nothing what do you think that I should do?" Adrianna asked.

Lisa looked at Adrianna in shock and fear.