"Not yet." She repeated loudly donning a face of resolve and rage. She clenched her fists tightly and gritted her teeth, her familiars like they could feel her rage took on a more aggressive outlook, with Pouka growling even louder and Na'se buzzing about loudly.
From the side, suddenly came the sound of a loud thud hitting the ground. The area emanated a little dust cloud and Elessar was drawn to it, wanting to see who it was.
[Battle Healer- lvl 21]
Once she saw the class overhead, her face loosened its look of ferocity a little, there was only a person with such a peculiar class.
Rani was strong and she was going to increase their fighting chance by a lot.
The dust cleared, and it revealed Rani holding up her fists with a vibrant blue aura coating them and then running thinly across her body. She stood in nothing but the skimpy outfit of a short skirt and binders just like the women of the village.