Chereads / The Strongest Mutant And Primordial Monster / Chapter 65 - CHAPTER 65 - Mutant Tisane VI

Chapter 65 - CHAPTER 65 - Mutant Tisane VI

Tisane was beginning to have the feeling of claustrophobia as he struggled within the trapped space of Sabrina's weapon. She was already catching up to his speed, which made her weapon to easily follow his movements.

At this point in time, Tisane's body had begun to incur deep cuts and injuries. He knew that Sabrina was bent on killing him, which was the major reason behind her savage and fierce attacks.

While he was evading and dodging Sabrina's attack, more cuts and slices began to appear all over his body. While Tisane was incurring these injuries, he felt the power within him about to erupt as his heart beat accelerated tremendously, which made Tisane feel as if his heart was about to burst out of his chest.

But Tisane was quite reluctant to unleash his newfound power, because of the previous terrible damage that he had caused. He still saw Matthew on the floor, whom looked as if he would die at anytime. But he also knew that if he kept holding back, he would soon be killed by Sabrina.

_[ Master, why are you holding back? ]_

A strange but equally familiar voice spoke in his mind, which made Tisane to widen his eyes considerably. Tisane had come in contact with this voice before.

So to speak, it was the very same voice that stayed with him all through his trip from the seventh floor up to this last floor. Also he could also remember encountering the owner of this voice somewhere of recent.

Previously, when he first got acquainted with the voice, he only saw it as what it was; a voice. But not too long ago, he could remember meeting the owner of the voice, whom he had slightly forgotten.

_"It's you!"_ Tisane began racking his brain to remember the face that belonged to this voice, which didn't take too long, as he suddenly remembered.

In that strange dimension, where he battled the evil dragon monster, he met another peculiar creature that introduced itself as.....

_"G.I...right?"_ Tisane asked as he tried to recollect.

_[ It's G.D.I ]_ the voice corrected.

_"Oh yes G.D.I"_ Tisane acquiesced; "I need your help"

_[ You think you do master, but in reality you don't ]_ the voice replied in it's peculiar tone.

_"What do you mean?"_ Tisane asked.

_[ You know what I mean, master ]_ the voice said.

_"I don't want to hurt them like I did earlier_" Tisane finally said.

_[ Master, you don't have a choice in that regard ]_ the voice said. _[ They chose to hurt you, which is a great offense, punishable by death ]_

Tisane was quite surprised by the cold tone that he felt from G.D.I.

A great offense punishable by death?

He knew that it was justifiable to enact self defense when you found yourself facing a life threatening confrontation. But ever since he came back from his soul travel to that horrifying illusion of death and destruction, he felt a change in his mental process and emotions.

He felt as if a great and terrifying demon had wormed itself into him. Like it was waiting for the set time to possess him completely.

It made him shiver in fear, while thinking of such a scary prospect. But even if Sabrina was about to kill him, would it be okay and acceptable if he just outrightly killed her?

When he earlier transformed by channeling his mutant power, he felt a rush of mad rage and desire to kill and destroy everything in his path. It was quite overwhelming and uncontrollable that it made him terrified!

But the most important part was that a part of him actually loved that feeling of death and destruction!

If he is to succumb to such desire, what would that make him?

A devil?

A monster?

He shook his head as he was trying to clear his thoughts and come to a decision. But alas!

He clearly forgot that he was in the midst of an intense battle as Sabrina's weapon curled and tightened around his left arm, it's blades piercing his flesh. Before Tisane could react, the weapon spun and retracted immediately, slicing through his flesh to the bone as blood sprayed.

"Ahhh!!" Tisane screamed in pain as he saw his shredded arm, with the bone visible. While he tried to deal with the immense pain from the surprise attack, his right leg was also wrapped around by the weapon, as the process repeated itself.

Tisane was beginning to feel dizzy from the signals of pain that was sent to every part of his body. While he tried to steady himself, in order not to pass out.

The merciless weapon wrapped around his waist and forcefully spun him into the air as blood sprayed all over the place. He was still in the air when Sabrina appeared before him, as her fist swung forward.



As her fist connected with his chest, Tisane felt a crack in his rib cage as he was sent flying.

Crashing against the wall, Tisane slid down as his blood painted a section of the wall red. While on the floor, Tisane stared blankly at the ceiling as various thoughts and images flashed through his mind.

His blood pooled around him as his body was a mess of torn flesh and exposed bones. In his mind, Tisane saw various images of violent acts, which were performed by not just humans, but also animals of all kind.

Tisane was still watching the 'violent movie display' in his mind, when a peculiar voice spoke in his thoughts;

_[ WAKE UP TO REALITY. Violence has always been a trait in every sentient creature. The law of survival has paved the way for the various species of the cosmos to use their strengths and even their weaknesses to kill and destroy in the name of survival and devour in the name of satisfaction._

_There are preys and there are predators. To be a prey, simply connotes that you will always be on the receiving end of pain, torture and even death. But to be a predator, means that you stand above intolerant creatures and every act of insolence ]_

After hearing those words in his mind, Tisane closed his eyes in reminiscence as he affirmed; _"You are right"_

_"I have always had one major fear, and that is the fear of becoming a victim"_

Tisane watched the flashback of the memories of the illusionary world that he accidentally visited. He remembered how he felt when he watched the death of his family and friends.

The despair.

The sorrow.

_"I would hate to be vanquished and defeated, especially by death"_

_"I would hate to have the life that I haven't lived to it's fullest yet, taken from me!!"_

While he was still sprawled on the floor, his eyes shifted and saw Sabrina, whom was walking menacingly towards him. He felt her murderous aura which had not yet receded even after seeing him in his tragic and helpless state.

_"She still wants to kill me, even after I held back my strength just to avoid hurting her?"_

_"G.D.I"_ he called out in his thoughts.

_[Yes master?_]

_"Would it be bad if I kill without remorse or pity?"_

_[No one is more qualified to end the miserable lives of these mortals than you master]_

_"Oh really?"_ Tisane was surprised by the reply; _"I guess that settles it then"_

With that as his conclusion, Tisane finally let go of his inhibitions as a powerful energy spread to every part of his body. The blood that had coagulated around him, mysteriously rose up and began to float around him.

The spooky glow of red and grey energy began to emit from Tisane's left and right eye respectively, as he stood up slowly with a bone chilling look on his face.

The floating drops of blood around him.

The appearance of his torn flesh and exposed bones.

His skin which was tinted with a scarlet glow.

All these features together gave him a terrifying and demonic appearance. Sabrina whom was initially advancing towards him, stopped in her tracks as her eyes widened in shock and terror when she took in Tisane's creepy appearance.

At this point, the energy emitting from Tisane's aura spread throughout the hallway, that everything and everyone around were drowned in it. The aura was so cold that it sank deep into the bones of everyone who felt it.

Sabrina shivered uncontrollably, as she subconsciously took a step back. Meanwhile, Tisane began to take some steps forward as he gave her his cold stare.

The closer he came to her, the more Sabrina shivered in fear. Like the grim reaper was approaching her.

She knew that at this point, it was either she runs away or she stands and fights with everything she has. She couldn't understand how he could still be standing, with all those gruesome injuries that were visible all over his body.

_"He is a demon"_ she thought as her heart pounded in her chest massively; _"We were wrong about him all along!!"_