Chereads / The Strongest Mutant And Primordial Monster / Chapter 56 - CHAPTER 56 - Clash Of Might 2

Chapter 56 - CHAPTER 56 - Clash Of Might 2

As Tisane was engulfed by the Titanic fists, the monsters sighed in elation as they knew that Tisane was surely dead, for their attack was enough to completely obliterate an entire mountain. Halfway into their celebration, they began to frown as they discovered that something was wrong.

Tisane whom was in the center of the monsters attack, wiped off a drop of blood that trickled down from the corner of his lips. He actually received the full brunt of the monsters terrifying attack and it was quite surprising that he was still standing and intact.

His body was emitting the same brilliant glow, but in a greater intensity than before as he was enraged that he almost died due to the monsters attack. He didn't actually mind dying, but not before he had erased the mountainous monsters from existence.

The monsters noticed that an intense force was repelling their fists greatly. After sometime, a powerful white glow erupted in the midst of their attack.


Tisane gathered the energy around him as the light became more intense. Watching him closely, it could be seen that pools of silver glow were swirling around him while picking up speed.

After a few seconds, the energy he had gathered had reached it's climax.


With a huge roar, Tisane pushed out the energy that he had gathered.



The mountainous monsters were greatly shocked as a terrifying force slammed into them, which sent them stumbling backwards a few paces away. They couldn't understand how their combined attacks which landed directly on the little human could be so ineffective, even to the point of being repelled.

_{He's still alive?!!_

_{How did he survive our attacks?!!!}_

Before the mountainous monsters could steady themselves, Tisane suddenly vanished from the spot where he was, as he appeared in the air, close to the monster on the left. The monster gaped at Tisane who had suddenly appeared before it as it saw Tisane throw his right fist which was followed by a sonic boom.


The mountainous monster was hit by a Titanic force as it's flesh was torn and peeled off in most places of it's body. The monster couldn't brace itself this time around, as it fell greatly to the ground, raising up a humongous cloud of dust.

The monsters on the center and right, were greatly shocked as they saw their fellow monster being blown to the ground. Before they could retaliate, Tisane vanished again and appeared in the air above the mountainous monster on the right.

Clutching his two hands together, Tisane raised them high above his head as horrifying energy gathered around him. The monster which Tisane appeared above tried to grab him with it's large hands, but it was not fast enough as Tisane swung his clutched hands down which was followed by another sonic boom.


A terrifying force fell on the abominable creature's head as it was immediately sent to it's knees with flesh and rotten meat falling off it's face. The monster on the center was greatly flustered as Tisane appeared before it next.

In it's panicked state, it released a mighty blast of energy from it's eyes towards Tisane who quickly crossed his arms in front of his face as the mighty wave of energy crashed unto him. The mountainous monster was elated as it's attack landed on Tisane but then it immediately realized that it's terrifying attack was being blocked.


The energy around Tisane began to swell as the monster's attack was being pushed back gradually but steadily. The abominable creature's panic increased, as it knew that it was about to lose this battle.

_{Quick, kill him!!_

_{Kill him!!!}_

The monster called out to it's comrades for help as it clearly saw Tisane's energy pressing closer to it. The mountainous monsters on the left and right respectively responded to their fellow monster's call as they dashed at Tisane in murderous rage.

The monster on the left was already suffering from a torn and broken body as it's movements were quite sluggish and the monster on the right was also suffering, as part of it's face was destroyed but due to their monstrous natures, they were still agile enough to quickly appear before Tisane as they swung their terrifying claws at him. The space trembled and the air was split apart as the abominable creatures unleashed all their power in one final attack.

Tisane saw the horrifying attacks that were coming at him as he knew that those attacks were accompanied with the touch of death. But he was greatly unwilling to die yet as he had not yet completed his revenge on the mountainous monster for having taken his family away from him.

"I told you..."

Tisane gave the abominable creatures a death glare as the energy emanating from him became terrifying and chaotic.

"Even if I die..."

His energy began reaching a horrifying climax as cracking noises began emanating from the sky, ground and the surrounding landscape. The monsters widened their eyes in terror as they immediately grasped what was about to happen.

_{No we must stop him!!!}_

Their attacks intensified as Tisane was being engulfed in shockwaves of tumultuous energy.

"I will take you down with me!!!"

Tisane roared as the energy around him reached it's apex point, which was then followed by a cataclysmic explosion, a huge shattering noise and an overwhelming blinding light.


Few moments later....





Tisane heard it all as he began to yearn greatly to be with his family and friends.



_Have we finally been reunited in heaven?_

Tisane was about to rejoice as he gradually opened his eyes only to see himself floating in the vastness of space, but this very space was not like the space he sees in television or textbooks.

Though this space looked strangely familiar, like he had been here before. He heard a loud rumble, like a thunderstorm.

His eyes moved to the direction of the rumble as he beheld a terrifying sight. Though strangely enough, he discovered that even after he was witnessing such overwhelming phenomenon, he was not afraid.

He saw an extremely huge vacuum, with a rim like that of a well or tunnel, which was so large, that he felt like a million of himself could get lost in this vacuum and still not be able to fill a fraction of it. Staring at this vacuum, a familiar impression came to his mind, due to the science books he had read and what he had learnt in school.

A black hole.

It was the perfect example of a black hole, with an ethereal body like that of an extremely gigantic well. Also he noticed that this 'well black hole' was spinning gradually while emitting thunder sounds like a terrifying rain storm was approaching.

Tisane who was at the edge of this gigantic black hole stared at it with unusual calmness. He suddenly became aware of something moving just across from the opposite side of the black hole, as he raised his eyes to behold another terrifying sight.

It was a gigantic creature, so large that it could easily be the largest creature on earth. This creature was large enough to cover up a quarter of the humongous black hole!

As he stared at the terrifying creature, he also began to have a familiar impression of it. This very creature, looked much like the legendary dragons that he saw quite often in films and stories.

Though this very creature could easily surpass those fictional creatures, as it's features were just too overwhelming. It's body and skin shone with a scarlet glow, while it's eyes shone like ambers.

It's limbs were so well defined and constructed that they were the definition of great strength. It's tail was so vast and long that it circled the creature, all the way from its lower limbs to it's neck.

Tisane had the impression that the earth might not even be able to contain such a colossal creature. As he kept gaping at the creature, he then began to have the feeling of 'deja vu'.

He began to have the strong feeling that he had been here before. Then his eyes suddenly shifted back to the churning black hole in front of him as the memories came flooding back.

He began to recollect. He remembered being here at an earlier time, where by he was suddenly pulled into the black hole and then he remembered the things he saw in the vacuum.

The floating clouds, the sudden huge red wall; at that point of recollection, his eyes quaked as they moved back to the colossal creature before him. That red magnificent body, like a mountainous wall, those huge glowing eyes.

Then it hit him.

The creature in the tunnel vacuum!

He remembered how terrifying and overwhelming it was to come face to face with the creature for the first time!

He was so scared and frozen that he was almost dead without even being touched by the creature. He also recalled being devoured by the creature as it's jaws closed down on him.

It was a horrifying and hopeless experience as he subconsciously shivered from the thought. He thought he was actually dead when he was swallowed whole.

Until he woke up....

Wait a minute....

Tisane frowned in deep confusion.

Before he came to this black hole tunnel, he remembered fighting that mutant guy Matthew.

But then why did he suddenly come here?

And how did he suddenly go home to meet his family?

When he remembered his family, his eyes flashed with sorrow.

Are his family and friends truly dead?

Is everyone he knows truly gone?

These thoughts became jumbled in his mind as he kept getting confused and lost when he was brought out of his perplexity by the terrifying and blood curdling roar of the dragon creature. He stared at the creature in alarm with wide open eyes as the dragon also stared back at him with those ominous eyes.

Then suddenly out of expectation, the dragon creature spoke in a guttural but rumbling voice. When it spoke, Tisane was suddenly struck with unsuspecting shock and terror.

_{We meet again mortal}_